1 Year of block bots!

I think it’s finally time for a developer to acknowledge the issue in the 2v2 ladder on NA/EU/KR.

All of the people who who want to make a post or speak up about it, are all getting muted, resulting in no one even being able to talk about the issue.

Please for the love of all that is holy, fix the bots that are blocking the games from starting on your servers.


You are the only one with the problem. You probably clicked a link and something was stored in your registry or something like that. You can’t get rid of persistent malware like that unless you do a clean install and don’t copy files or registry settings across.


Wrong, everyone who streams high level 2v2 are running into the bots.

You seem to think you are always right. Therein lies your problem. People have given you subtle hints to help you, but you ignore them. :wink:


Yes, everyone who plays 2v2 at a high level clicked malware. SMH.

It’s funny seeing your replies. Still can’t get the hint.


Assuming you’re correct ( which you’re not ) why would games be fluid before 4K mmr?

If what you’re suggesting is true, the not a single game would start.

Games start perfectly fine up until your hit the bots MMR, and because the queues are so empty at high level 2v2 you don’t queue into other players ( if those players are 4k+ MMR. )

It’s quite a genius tactic that’s being employed on the servers to block the games from starting.

At the end of the day though all of this is happening for one simple reason: we don’t have a game company to look for the bots that are in queue, and because we don’t have a game company mass reporting accounts gets them muted with no investigation done by the game company resulting in not being able to even make a post about it.

How does someone know what they know about what you do? When you type in a forum? Have fun. You seem to think you’ve figured it out.


Exactly as I thought, full of it.

What’s that old saying? You can lead a horse to water…


No you overexaggerater. Only you have been talking about it. And only you have been having posts deleted… for spam. Only you.

Are you obtuse? How many times have you been told there are no developers and havent been for almost 4 years? THERE ARE NO DEVELOPERS.

What bots? Have any information on them besides “they exist”? Anything? Or are you just making up a problem you know nothing about?

No over exaggerator. That’s just you trying to sound convincing by blowing up a situation to include “everybody who” so that it sounds like its some huuuuge deal.

What? People are.hacking the servers to run bot code? Smh.

And with that, your dismissed, everything. And thats what happens when you consistently make things up to conveniently fit your narrative. No, it’s not mass reporting. No, it it investigated. YOUR problem is SPAM. Very easy to bring to the mod’s attention, and very easy to investigate. Hence, it all and only YOU.


Please, fix it Please, Fixi it, so I can play 2v2 again , fix it! fix it! Please fixit! PLeaes pleas please… dont let sorrow over come! thank ye.

2v2 masters/gm has been a cheating haven for years now. Does no one watch any of the videos people upload?