Zenyatta nerfs when?

Discord needs to be a CD ability more importantly or at lrwadt resource based

what hanzo “nerfs” :skull: I agree with you but hanzo still needs more work to him

I want a bit more than that.

15% on Tanks, 30% on everyone else, infinite range, and 15 second cd when cleansed or the target dies. It stays on for 10 seconds when los is broken.

I really like the design of focus firing someone to death with Support utility, but it just can’t be the Tank in 5v5.

This is completely false. The normal arrow hit boxes are tied with the smallest projectile hit boxes in the game.

What is off for most people is the size of their own character’s hit boxes, a combination of favor the shooter, and latency compensation on the server.

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…They literally buffed DPS what do you mean lol


So if anyone still cares I found the dev quote regarding Hanzo’s arrows:

Sorry I misremembered it a tad. >.<

The absolute arrogance of this guy thinking that all the other people that tested this and actually looked at the actual data must be wrong, and he alone is correct.

Because they aren’t problems.

it is true the devs themselves confirmed it. dont be dense now

His projectiles dont have any falloff and his damage was not cut only his range for landing discord

Either that was said when Ana literally didn’t exist, or they’re just wrong. Either way, I know no one here besides me did any testing so I don’t know why you keep talking about it like you did. Science has peer review for a reason.

did you read the whole statement? because if you did youd know exactly what imean

the developers said it after ana was released, your confirmation bias doesnt change that the people who made the game say youre wrong.

Science doesnt apply here, there are numerical values put to these things, its a fact that hanzo has the smallest projectile in the game.

Ok. You are wrong.

Proof: I just did testing


I can promise you I did, but it still does not make sense.

You’re comparing Zenyatta to literal one-shot heroes who can still one-shot frequently, while ignoring that they buffed other DPS…

Like, I read it. I’m reading the thread, all the responses. This still does not make sense to me. These comparisons do not feel optiomal at all.

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No, you didn’t.

Now you can be quiet. :upside_down_face:

Yeah ofc I didn’t, I was playing gmod and was not gonna waste my time dying on this dumb hill of who has the smallest projectile size when it isn’t even the point of the thread lmao

A+ effort though, that’s more than most people on here do when trying to argue a point

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it makes sense. Zenyatta should not be able to volley one shot at the ranges he can if dps cant

also you said they buffed dps in response to a topic comparing zenyattas damage to sniper damage, neither of which were buffed.

It’s not a one shot, it’s a charge attack that doesn’t occur often and can be avoided quite easily. And if he’s in range to do it, he’s also in danger of being attacked.

It’s quite literally not as simple as you are wording it.

I said this in your topic. They buffed Soldier and Sojourn, and mildly nerfed Widow. Hanzo and Widow are still one-shotting away. lol

the volley kills and if you dont dodge in time it will kill you.

widows sniper and hanzos bow both have charge time as well so thats just a moot point.

its as simple as im putting it. Youre trying to split hairs. zenyatta being within range makes sense he is after all a support that can one shot

Widowmaker is a literal sniper, how does it make sense that she has to play closer to be able to kill.

30 meters of range is not a mild nerf to even insinuate that is disingenuous at best.

bro widowmaker literally cant even one shot on in literal sniper lanes anymore.

she is outranged by pharah on her best maps, the idea that she is fine is coming from someone not paying attention to the facts. shes dropped to bottom 2 in winrate across the board. Tell yourself whatever you want, you cant ignore the facts.

This won’t address the fundamental problem discord has it is still 15% extra damage for every single ally on a single target, to properly fix zen they need to disincentive using it only on the tank
(All that reducing its effectiveness on tanks does is make the game more inconsistent and complex)

That’s why I think discords damage buff should only apply to zen and whoever has the harmony orb anyone else gets a flat burst heal after the discorded target dies if they get the final blow or contribute the most damage

I would also give it a 4-6 second cooldown so zen has to be a little bit more selective with discord.

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i actually like that idea its a good one