Zen discord back to 50% only for him

zen discord back to 50% only for him
his team will still benefit only 30%

more damage for zen = more ult charge for him = faster transcende

would that be OP?

im a genji mains who played alot of zen on season 3 until 10,
i even had 70% winrate on him on season 7, with 5 hours playtime of zen


Thats is not what he needs , zen need more healing , zen need more utility that is not just damage , zen damage and help with focuse damage is already insane , zen need to be buffed to be a better supp

zen is not good as a supp because as of now he is just a dps character with a healing ability pretending to be a supp , buffing is damage might make him meta maybe but not as a supp but as an overpowered dps in the supp category that will for sure get nerfed to a worst state than he is now

why is it so hard for zen players to understand that buffing zen disc and damage isnt the way to go , does most of you even know the own character you wanna buff ? because if you did i would not need to repeat myself to tell people what he truly needs and lack in his kit


Most people here ask for stuff like a review of Zen’s hitbox. I don’t usually see requests for Zen to punish things more than he already does. In fact, maybe a review of hitboxes in general is in order, and we know it’s not impossible to alter because they were able to adjust Echo’s airstrip-size forehead post-release.

Imo zen needs any of these:

A slight reduction in hitbox (mainly so new Genji can’t triple M2 him from miles away)
+2 damage (small but would have massive impact such as being able to still 2 tap people while keeping discord on another enemy)
Be able to harmony/discord without disrupting reload


I see way more “comments” on zen thread about zen disc/damage buff than zen hitbox buff

tbh zen hitbox buff will be extremely minimal at best at making zen better and any survival ability buff won’t make him good or viable either , it won’t change the fact that he isnt a supp so you never want him and he will still be extremely squishy and easy to kill

Zen needs nothing beyond a hitbox side reduction. He is rather enormous considering his low HP and lack of mobility. But damage-wise, he does just fine. Healing-wise he does just fine, too. Not every healer is meant to be the primary healer for every component of the team.

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It won’t make a massive difference for sure, but maybe it’d be enough of a buff to help without upsetting the apple cart.

His damage is fine, maybe right click nerf could be reverted(?). But biggest problem is his survivability, hitbox needs to be looked at. They already did adjustements for Reinhardt and Echo hitboxes so I think, they could do it. Also he needs to be able to attach orbs without cancelling reload, that interaction is just outdated.

Also maybe a new passive, there is this workshop gamemode called Sparta Mode, where everybody is Zenyatta and you have to kick others out of the map. So… “This is Sparta” Zenyatta quick melee kick will knockback enemies 400% further away than normal melee

op is hardly a full representation of the player bases.

We have also been asking for ability to have 2 heal orb, more healing, or even just simply put orb on ourselves. However the problem with zen is that healing is not his niche, and he got most of his healing through his ult anyway. “which is become a tiny less powerful with power creep.”

Pumping his heaing by 5 or 10 won’t make a different. Make it close to 50 and he become a better mercy.

Man do you know what could do zen with discord 50%???
I think that is insane, but if they do it I am main zenyatta for sure.

why not just make trans cleanse all allies affliction upon activation and only on activation within the trans radius, this way you can still get anti-naded, but you can also use it against anti-nade and other things.

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If the goal is mainly to get transcendence sooner then wouldn’t the more logical solution be to simply lower Zenyatta’s ult-charge requirement?

Possibly. Zen could kill most 200HP in only 2 shots if only the first or second hit was a headshot. 0.4sec typical time to kill just spamming from long distance.

Yet at the same time it WON’T be OP for all the times that Zen is spamming down barriers and shooting at snipers who expose themselves so briefly that Zen doesn’t have time to discord them. Zen is more likely to have to shoot through barriers due to lack of mobility requiring he hang back with allies.

It would lead to a character who is internally extremely imbalanced, it would put even greater emphasis on barriers and make the game more of a BarrierWatch.

Zen was a Top 2 support and always meta for years with his current healing output. That’s not the issue with him currently at all.

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his only survive depends on killing his target or get peel
so zen doing big damage kinda make more sense

not every support need more heals

moira kinda replace zen role with more heals and more consistent and easier to apply damage
moira can get 2 ult by the time zen get 1 ult
thats alrleady increase her damage potential by alot

It would be a H U G E _ D E A L reaching the threshold of 50 damage for Zen’s primary/secondary as almost every enemy and entity in the game has health in multiples of 50, for almost everything without armour Zen’s time to kill significantly decreases. It would make him a fantastic damage dealing support hero.

This wouldn’t be such a big deal with his disco’d primary fire, the damage goes from 62.5 to 65 damage, no major damage thresholds are now met, 3 hits is still less than 200 damage.

The main difference is against

  • targets he can’t discord like deployable objects
  • flankers who are on him way too fast
  • Zen making surprise attacks where he doesn’t want to warn with a disco

With 48 damage, Zen would need to land 5/5 non-disc projectiles to frag a 200HP hero (for every shot that misses, one is a headshot). With 50 damage he only needs to land 4/5 of his projectiles. Even if he lands only 3/5 he can follow up only 0.65 sec later with primary fire spam.

Right click would HAVE to take a nerf to compensate. A 250 damage volley (500 damage headshot) as a (1) pinpoint accurate attack with (2) no range limit and (3) no warning is not something that should be spammed 4 times per reload.

I’d change it so that:

when charging Zen’s Secondary Fire, each shot charged now consumes 4 ammo.

The net result is Zen can perform this volley every 5 seconds, at the cost of not having a mostly full “clip” ready to quickly shoot primary fire.

A 250 damage volley every 5 seconds with no instant follow up primary fire is reasonable for a support hero.

This is a very reasonable QOL improvement, even with 50 damage projectiles.

The big deal with Zen’s primary/secondary fire being buffed to 50 damage is the critical damage thresholds it reaches WITHOUT discord orb.

Zen can now frag almost every 200HP hero in the game with a 0.4sec TTK, against 200HP heroes with double headshot, against tracer with only the first or second hit being a headshot. This is serious compensation for lack of mobility against flankers.

Not much of a change against doomfist though, or against reaper who effectively has more than 250 health with lifesteal.

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Let Zen move orbs at any time no matter what he’s doing.

Otherwise, Zen is a victim of damage creep. Too many heroes rip him to shreds now, and buffing his kit (without making him busted) won’t help that.

They could make Orb increase the volume of the targets sound effects. Making them easier to spot. Zen should also auto call out when a discord target is below 50%. You know, like Sombra should…

“power creep is bad but it’s fine for supports” is the common trend on this forum

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To be perfectly honest, what Zen mostly needs is for the power creep to be dialed back… but I understand if Zen mains don’t want to wait for that to ever happen. I guess until then increasing his health a bit would be the first place I start.

To be honest, I think Zenyatta is fine- it’s just not his meta…

Zenyatta is a stationary hero that works really the best with heroes like widow or torb that focus one target.

He can work well with dive as well but if enemies have a shield he’s not really gonna be that effective…

Either way- now we’re in a brawl meta, a meta that is all about stepping forward and attacking whatever you can see.
A hero that helps with specific targets is just not that good…
especially concidering the fact brawl deals heavy aoe damage.
so specific target healing is not recommended.