Zax climbing journey with MY worst heroes

Oh no doubt. I play SA otherwise I’d pick a widow and force his other tank and or other people on his team to counter - full knowing his Winston would reck me.

Quick question, why not play chars on his main? His teammates being grandmasters would probably give the best feed back and support.

Except hes not gm, hes plat/diamond, while I am against smurfing, learning new heroes in a lower rank is the best way.


I suppose it’s exploiting lower ranks for entertainment value and learning cause mistakes won’t be as punished vs diamond play?

More or less not throwing higher ranked games, I know we see this differently.


Now you confused me, if he was playing his main it would be considered throwing but because it’s the accepted stance that lower rank people simply don’t know anything it’s not throwing?

Sorry to derail the Mai thread and can’t wait for the next installment!

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So, publicly admitting to throwing.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

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It is not, because you have a team to consider.

He is if he’s “trying new heroes” in Competitive.

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It’s not the best way for their teammates who have to put up with someone on their team “learning new heroes”.

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I am playing in rank where i think I belong based on my skill with heroes I play. I am not breaking any rules. I know you dont like when players play on alts, but that is your issue. Go watch my games and honestly tell me if i am smurfing or throwing. I dont think i am doing neither.

I am definitely not throwing, i am trying to win and if anyone was throwing in my games, two lucio players could be blamed for that.

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Your throwing if you play on your main account, it should be considered throwing on all accounts.

Your making it a little worse because you “proven” have skills on characters that can turn the tides…

My main account has tank role 1000 SR higher. If I play Wrecking ball as average 1500 players, how do you think it would look like 1000 SR higher?

Do you like ro play in flex que judging from the amount of games in each role?

And my other question is if you will make a same statistic with open que

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No I dont like flex queue. I dont like to be forced to play role I cant decide. So i use flex queue, because i dont want 11+ minutes queue times on dps, but I dont like it. I would like to be rewarded with tickets for playing certain role. Tank for example when there are no tanks currently in games.

I might, maybe its actualy good idea to practice some heroes more before normal comp. If you are curious about similar stats, you can check my topic from my main account :

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Small update, I finished my dps placement and landed at 2067. I have to say thast I played pretty bad and a lot of my gameplay was kind of cringe as I felt embarassed how many mistakes I made lol.

Oh and I will not be playing on this account for a while , because we will have new event in two days so I will be focusing on my main account and will be doing updates to my others topics related to my main account.

Here is some info about the games:

Placement +0 WIN 3:2 Temple of Anubis Doomfist X EU
Placement +0 LOSS 1:2 Oasis Doomfist X EU
Placement +0 LOSS 0:3 Numbani Doomfist E.S. EU
2067 +0 LOSS 1:2 Busan Doomfist X EU

Match 2 - Normal match.
Match 3 - Close loss, normal match. I did way too many mistakes.
Match 4 - Some arguing and toxicitiy in team, Enemy Lucio was probably smurfing. Enemy ball was most likely smurfing too.
Match 5 - I played really bad, only second round was kind of ok.

Hey Zax, we spoke a while back about seasons penalising when reset comes around. Last season, (first season ever on PC), qualified at 2416. Just finished my placements this season… 1877…

BARELY played compet last season, wanted to practise how to actually play with a K&M in QP. I played 16 games of DPS last season, won 8 and lost 7. Told you :stuck_out_tongue:

Since you barely played last season, its probably because of that. If you place on new account, every next match had after placement bonus up to like 15 games, it goes like ±150, ±120, ±100, … so if your perfomance isnt great and if you are losing, you can actualy lose huge amount of SR.

Lets say you placed 2416 and didnt play more and lost current placement season games all 5, that would be like 150+120+100+80+70, so -520 SR.