Zarya MVP Alien Skin Refund Update

Hey all,
So I recently found out about the allegations against Sinatraa and after looking over all the evidence decided to file a ticket, and ask for the skin to be refunded (I can’t use it anymore knowing what he did). Unfortunately two separate GMs told me that since the April deadline has passed, there was nothing they could do to fulfill my request. Anyone else have the same problem? I feel like considering the triggering nature of this, and the fact that the investigation didn’t even conclude until after the April deadline, there shouldn’t even be a deadline to have this skin refunded. Especially considering blizzard wouldn’t even be refunding money, but in-game currency anyway. Thoughts? Blizzard please give me an option to get rid of this skin!


Didnt this happen months and months ago?
They even removed the Sinaatraa elements from the skin, it’s just like any other tbh, cool alien zarya.
If not, let it be in your collection, it’s probably one of the rarer items in the game, I wish I had it tbh


It’s the best Zarya skin and refunding based on allegations is crazy.
Unless he’s actually found guilty of anything from an actual authoritative source (Not people on reddit/twitter) I don’t see an issue with the skin still being in his name.


Wait, what is wrong/was wrong?
Did I miss something about this skin?

Sinatra, the former PrOverwatch player, “allegedly” sexually assaulted and abused his gf.

So Blizz offered a refund for his league skin that they made a couple years ago.


Jooo wth.
I just read into it and I am beyond disgusted.


Well yeah, there was a deadline. They announced it on twitter and stuff, so I guess they won’t refund you now no matter what.
They removed all the links to Sinatraa from the Skin tho… like the badges and the description (I’m not sure if the Skin even had a description tbh) … So IMO it’s fine having the skin now… you don’t have to use it, if you don’t want to.
(I use it actually, I like the skin, no matter what history it has)

Ikr? Pretty F’d up stuff… :confused:


It’s just a skin… just don’t use it. I swear people go out of the their way on these things now in some twisted sense of justice. You missed the deadline, end of story. Blizz has done nothing wrong here.


Yeah…. What’s funny is how defensive all his fanboys got. Somehow the guy still gets 10,000 viewers a day when he streams.

Fortunately Sentinels shafted his deal for an extended time. But I think he’s back to business as usual :roll_eyes::unamused:


I’m not a fan boy, but this is how it all started: people conveniently skip out the fact that it was a one way allegation, and no official statement has been made.

It’s like if i call out s.o. for being toxic with some random “out of context” chat, the whole forum will process to cancel that person.


I definitely get that, but reviewing Sinatra’s extremely toxic past, he was definitely guilty or the supporting evidence was VERY strong for the entire E-Sports community to quickly ice him out.

It is true that he didn’t get convicted but he is by all accounts very fortunate there wasn’t enough tangible evidence for conviction. But the allegations alone, combined with his colorful behavior as an Overwatch player warrant people thinking twice before supporting him as the face of Pro E-Sports.


I would really highly recommend looking into the conclusion of the matter, more than just the initial videos/content about the situation that dates back into that time. Not to take any sides

Besides from this, just don’t use the skin. When it comes to the tokens, too bad


Nah… I’ve never been a fan of Sinatra and I’ll happily spread as much information about his very bad behavior. He’s not a good person. And not a person who should be allowed to be the face of competitive gaming…

Someone telling someone to slit their wrists (and many worse things he said) is not the kind of person who should represent any professional organization.

Edit: His entire track record is just… Deplorable…


I mean it’s your choice to be willfully ignorant and not actually look into the thing that you’re spreading “information” about. I’d say that’s a specific kind of a move for specific kind of people :slight_smile: Not that I’ve ever rented a thought for him besides the juicy drama as he’s not an interesting or likable person to me


People buy OWL skins for the players? I just like the skins.


I’m very aware of Sinatra’s past behavior, that’s not willfully ignorant at all… There are legit articles by professional sports psychologists who’ve done studies on toxicity in E-Sports and Sinatra is always used as an example.

But go off champ…

I’ve looked into it plenty… And just because the allegations never lead to a conviction doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Only 2 people really know what took place.

So I will always make sure people are fully aware of how big a D-Bag he is. Its their job to follow up with additional research.

As someone who’s involved with a couple of E-Sports organizations, and mentorship groups for youths aspiring to be pro players, I’ll DEFINITELY spam the “DISLIKE BUTTON” on Sinatra…


The only one I like is Angel/Devil for Fleta… VERY well designed…

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It’s a skin and it’s not that deep lol.


And do we know anything about his GF? About her past? Do we know if she is a nice person? How many people here even remember her name?

The drama was never about the victim or how she fares after the fallout, it is about everyone trying their best to cancel the other person.

And it is about them tokens.


In a world dominated by men and how men have a tendency to get away with things that we definitely shouldn’t especially when it comes to women’s bodies? I’d say this is on a very fine line. But I do see your point. Alas, it won’t stop me from being very anti-Sinatra and that was WELL BEFORE his rape allegations.

Thats cool… Someone asked what happened and I elaborated… You and others are continuing the discussion… :thinking: