Zarya IS the issue | STOP WITH THE BIAS

That is how power levels work. If they shift downwards, whatever was not shifted will be powerful in comparison.

Except Sigma.

Now you’re just mentioning all downsides of one, and all upsides of the other. But Graviton cannot be stunned out of. It’s an instant cast. Flux however can be, with a very long window. Flux also gives enemies a bit of time to escape the AoE. Dva and Sigma eating a Graviton is rather hit or miss as the ult happens instantly. And while shields block the trajectory of Graviton, they do not stop the ult.

Currently dead, but they try stuff with Orisa on ExPC.
Devs want to keep DB barrier dead or weak

I mean it’s just two tanks, Orisa and Sig who are totally out of meta, can’t remember the last time when 6 tanks where meta

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Knew they would be in a bin

Its good for more tanks to be meta. Maybe the ExC changes on them will help more. I think the Orisa one is a weapon revert but i could be wrong. Sigma is still a safe pick in gold and im glad Hammond is a more viable pick too.

I hope so.
The big problem is keeping double barrier dead or ensure it is weak against rush down/dive

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looks at OP name

Ah that explains…
laughs as Zarya and proceeds to hunt Dva food


Tired of people demanding to trash other tanks/supports only because they are working as intended. How about we balance the other tanks around Zarya to make them great again. Do you really want to ruin the last good off tank? (The same goes for Ana btw.)

If you want to scale down all tanks, then you have to do the same with all viable supports and dps as well or else you’ll have a very bad game experience.

Leave Zarya alone.

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Zarya has been played for a while, people aren’t going to full switch to DVA (who is clearly better) in a week or two, gotta give it some time

It has more to do with map dependent meta.
On maps with a lot of high ground DVa is preffered and maps with little high ground Zarya is more preferred.

DVa is not in a bad spot, the contrary is true, she is in a good spot

Honestly zarya is worse everywhere, she does less tanking and is actually a detriment as she becomes an easy dive target when she uses personal, you have to play extremely fast with her and fights last too long rn

Are you only saying Zarya is ‘too strong’ because you main Dva?

Tank balance is alright right now, probably the most balanced out of the three roles.

Orisa needs a overhaul to make her not garbage to play even when she’s meta.

Sigma gets small buffs only after we terminate the possibility of double shield meta via Orisa rework.

Hog gets some tweeks (already being done.)

Dare I say revert the shatter nerf on rein.

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Funnily enough this is probably the most biased post I’ve seen lol


Dont forget about how sucky the ult is

Ive been so far away from it (more than 10m) and then it sucks me in.

Not really.
Something powerful is powerful regarding of the context.
The comparisons dont tell if something is “broken” or not, it only says what does work well or doesnt in a certain place. A hero that can one shot more than half the cast IS powerful, regarding of the meta or context. Zarya isnt that hero for example.

Just because you nerf all tanks and zarya was always “decent” or a good pick, doesnt make her broken or OP. She just doesnt walk out of the spawn and all Widows, Ashes, Soldiers, Reapers etc cower in fear.

There is NO issue with Zarya. Thats the fact here.

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I like how they nerfed most of the other tanks, whilst she was the one enabling them. Oh the irony. Not to mention, seeing both good and bad Zarya players running around with 80 charge throughout the entire game.

Better yet, just tell your team when her personal bubble is on cool down, then eliminate her… which resets her charge to zero. Problem solved.

Bonus: Tell your team mates to stop shooting her bubbles.


Eliminate her when she’s being protected by the other tank and healed by both supports, who happen to be Ana and Mercy most of the time?

I’m sure in OWL when they fought a Zarya, they just stopped shooting the bubbles and the Zarya couldn’t get anything done…

(Washington Justice I’m looking at you)

top 3 tank in a game that has 8 in total :rofl: one of which was introduced quite “recently” in ow history

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I only want her to get a range drop.