Zarya IS the issue | STOP WITH THE BIAS

Keeping it is exactly whats the easiest part

All you have to do is not die, lterally

The decay is non existant

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Ana is the issue
I think Zarya’s potency with Reinhardt should be addressed one day, but her damage is borderline ridiculous when enabled

Can we stop nerfing tanks at this point? Yeah Zarya is strong but it is because the other tanks are so whack to play (to tank at all) its why people pick her.

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half her max damage, up her ammo cost for right clicks, down her charge retention rate.


  • Base health reduced from 200 to 175
  • Base shield health reduced from 200 to 175
  • Zarya’s life is now 350

Graviton Surge

  • Duration decreased from 4 seconds to 3.5 seconds
  • Ultimate cost decreased 10%

Particle Barrier

  • Health increased from 200 to 300
  • Duration decreased from 2 seconds to 1.75 second

Projected Barrier

  • Health increased from 200 to 300
  • Duration decreased from 2 seconds to 1.75 second


With this, she’s easier to kill, but her bubbles are a tad stronger, but shorter.

She’s the easiest tank to kill and has been a throw pick for almost one year. But sure, let’s nerf her. Forums logic back at it again. I’m glad the dev team doesn’t listen to otps on the forums.


Dont shoot the bubble :grimacing:

A slightly faster decay would be the only change Id like to see on her. Her dmg output is just too much right now and she can sustain it for a very long time.

Now bubbles are perfect and they are one of the best abilities in the game because they enable and disable sooo many things in OW. Quite frankly we need her bubbles to keep CC and nade in somesort of a check.

Her dmg was already lowered but her decay is too low.

You need to actually get out. Leave. If you think Zarya was EVER ONCE IN HER CAREER a “throw pick” you have lost the ability to talk about this game balance.

Ever since they gave her ult a cripple that hero’s skill level has been “No Symmetra mains left behind” and her damage is LUDICROUS. I cant remember a game Ive played in any recent memory where the difference in each teams Zarya didnt decide the entire game.

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Hey hey or or OR, and hear me out, maybe just maybe she is part of the reason every other tank is borderline throwing!! Insane thought right? That a hero as strong and potent as Zarya makes the others obsolete, and if you dont have her then youre forced to take the L?

If your reason for balance is EVER “Well the other ones got nerfed, lets just leave this one” you need to stop and take a step back to realize how mentally comatose that is.

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i dont think she needs nerfs but also i wanna clarify that zarya has been meta more times than dva has.

Nano blade with grav
Grav dragons

There probably is more but yeah. And yes i know dva has been meta, but not as much as zarya has.

When talking about the amount of different metas, Zarya has been in more different metas than dva has.

I think both are fine, and none need nerfs, but i do think dva should get a buff, numerous times i been saying i think they should try giving dva 300hp/300armor.

But since this thread is about Zarya and my thoughts about her, no i dont think Zarya needs nerfs…i just think a lot of metas that occur benefit her.

And there is also far too much insulting and negativity in this thread, for once can we have a balance discussion without the toxicity?

Keep it friendly :slight_smile:

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if sym is in every game she will instantly get nerfed but zarya is fine

Can you actually stun cancel grav? I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen

I wonder how they’ll react when Rein gets semi-reworked and will do more damage

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Sym is designed to kill. Zarya is a Tank. A tank has to stay with their team and can’t flank/getting unnoticed for a long period of time because of how big they are.

Zarya might averaging 20k damage per game but rarely that damage result in kills because she has to stay in the frontline and fight other tanks

If sym was buffed and unstoppable would be a lot more evident than a tank outputting a lot of "trash damage "

Yes she needs a tone down.

Here’s a few ideas.

Reduce max bubble charge to 30, reduce bubble duration by 20%, increase energy decay rate by 25%.

Using bubbles could also deplete charge by a fixed amount if charge is above 0. Like -10 energy.

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Just put your crosshair over her player model, and press your left mouse button on her. Super simple.

Yeah that’s because in OWL, and the higher leagues in general… they’re really good at coordinating and bursting zarya down. At those echelons of play, her bubble is broken damn near the instant she hits the shift key, and she’s swiftly eliminated after that.

Point being, in lower leagues where coordination and communication are harder to come by… shooting zarya’s bubble only charges her up. Therefore, she’s around longer to bubble a team mate and get even more charge, which leads to so many of the snowball team fights… and hence… all the calls for


…when in fact she is fine.

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Wouldn’t consider her op, tanks right now feel balanced.

Those Orisa buffs though…might break the game.

Not a sufficient argument.

This is a repeat of the first argument, and it’s still not sufficient.

A six-month examination of her stats suggests she’s a popular pick, but one that isn’t falling outside of the margins plus or minus. Regardless, it’s still not a sufficient argument.


Zarya plays extremely well with other Tanks due to her projected barrier and the general output and ease at which Tanks can apply lots of damage, this is well-known, and it may or may not have been intentional. Regardless, this is still not substantive enough for a good argument.

So is Ana and Reinhardt, still a flawed argument.

This is certainly a possible fix, alternatively one could also increase the cooldown on her barriers.

Nope. This is also hyperbole.

Generally, she’s strong against a large amount of damage-role and support role heroes - this is not really new information nor is it all that relevant (most heroes tend to have trouble with Tanks and Tanks tend to win against a particularly set of heroes). More specifically, she’s greater at dealing with more close-ranged heroes like Reaper, Doomfist, Mei (somewhat even here); McCree and a few others. Against Tanks, she’s particularly strong against and Sigma fairly neutral against Roadhog, Reinhardt, Winston, and weak against Orisa and Wrecking Ball.

Most of these are not true. Gravity Surge - like all other Tank ultimates - is a crowd control ability that pairs well with a number of damage ultimates. She does not have the lowest HP of Tanks, that’s Sigma (though he has higher effective health). While true, she has almost zero mobility, this is not a weakness, especially when Zarya is largely immune to most CC effects thanks to her Barrier.

4 seconds, shorter than Whole Hog, longer than Earthshatter, Self-Destruct, and much shorter than Primal Rage. As whole, it competes with Transcendence in terms of duration.

Aside from those that can clear it themselves, and healthpacks, this is correct.

Dynamite is getting a reduction in top-end damage from the initial blast, 75 to 50, it still burns for 100 damage still and still lasts longer than Biotic Grenades buff and debuff.

They’ve made it easier to keep charge due to lowered cooldowns and lowered decay rates. Even if the top end charge per barrier was reduced. It is supposed to be a challenge to maintain that charge, but since the bug fixes to beam damage registration, it’s not as hard as it once was.

No, the duration is quite short, but the animation is lengthy once it starts.

Considering that she’s actually weak against those specific heroes, this is a weird response. One-shots aren’t going away.

Stop falling for bait.

In addition to Defense Matrix, Gravity Surge can be countered by the following: Deflect, Transcendence, Wraith Form, Fade, Fortify, Barriers, Immortality Field, Ice Wall, Kinectic Grasp, Sound Barrier, Coalescence, and EMP.

Gravity Surge itself doesn’t do much damage, but it pairs with other ultimates or basic fire. Blocking those attempts, or staying away from the Surge’s source and applying counterplay options will cover and protect against most attempts.

Ehh, Graviton Surge is just as easily countered now ever since the more recent changes to it.

She’s been a solid pick for several particular metagames including GOATS, even when not following specific metas, she’s been a pretty popular pick for alternatives and in general compositions. Whether or not that’s cause for concern, being popular is not a good basis for arguing for reductions.

Correct. Zarya, originally, didn’t have any particularly noteworthy character weaknesses or disadvantages towards specific characters, but she was in the position of being easily overwhelmed against the enemy team. Adjustments made towards her abilities (specifically, her main cooldown) made her a lot more resilient, but I think that the mandatory moves toward force compositions of 2/2/2 in the end also benefitted her far more than other heroes.

It’s well known that Zarya’s barrier favors Tanks more than other heroes, and now that she has a solidly reliable ally in all compositions where she can apply her barrier to (if all others fail), it strengthens her resilience and reduces her chances of being overwhelmed.

Healing creep, while inevitable, has more or less positioned itself today as being a lot weaker than it was then, and Zarya still remains a solid pick. So while I can agree partially with the fact that healing has had an effect on her, it also had a huge effect on Tanks in general. Zarya wasn’t a special snowflake that benefitted more from healing than others.

It’s been long established that healing was grossly overpowering yet little was done about it, because Blizzard didn’t bother to look at areas where Moira was dominating. Their chief goal at the time was trying to reduce the effectiveness of GOATS, which didn’t use a top-end healer like Moira.

More recently, Blizzard has been adjusting Moira’s offensive potential, as it was also long established that the damaging portion of Biotic Orb was incredibly weak and barely worth using when compared to her healing orb.

The last ten games I played as a Tank I had a 100% win rating as Reinhardt. Clearly there’s a problem with Reinhardt.

Come back in 4 to 6 months when there’s more accurate data.

Not really true.

Just you don’t see it, or because a number of people don’t see it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. There can be an issue, but it takes time to examine where something might be wrong and convincing argument that there is a problem. Statistics won’t tell you everything.

Not the best way to communicate the fallible logic, but this is correct.

Correct in terms of strategy on how the game is played at the high and low ends.

There may be something there to all the arguments, fallible and poorly thought as they may be. I wouldn’t be too dismissive of it.