Zarya is SUPER broken

Zarya isn’t broken lol, just don’t shoot her bubbles. If you’re getting beat by a Zarya, you and your team are literally doing it to yourself.

In return you forfeit a space-making tank. Zarya on her own is an easy feed for DPS. Stock up on damage and pressure her from behind a Rein shield.

High effort bait post
First 10/10 bait post

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It’s funny how often people don’t read the thread


I mean in the goats Era see was tuned down quite a bit.

She is the weakest she has ever been. but not under/over powered by any means.

but much like Rien I would recommend going after the supports first do to her reliance on them.

Oh yeah, the old “GMs pick it, so it’s broken” argument…

No, it’s cause Genji walked into her at 100% beam charge and couldn’t deflect.

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IKR?? I certainly didn’t read it, cuz ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You aren’t honestly trying to say Rez and Bubbles are low effort or low skill, are you? You’re not going to pretend Mercy can just rez for free, and Zarya’s bubbles just work without a hitch if you miscalculate it?

I’m going to guess you’re the kind of person who doesn’t kill rezzing mercys and shoot Zarya bubbles, then turning to shoot some other thing while leaving a charged Zarya to kill your team.

This post had me in the 1st half, not gonna lie.

I should’ve called this thread: “POLL: How many people just rage at the title of the thread without even bothering to read it?”

It’s pretty much served that purpose =)


Ikr. The amount of people who didn’t read it baffles me. Almost 30% of people didn’t read it

Tanks or supports control meta, dps rarely do. Its what happens in mobas, fps differ.

Tanks define the meta, supports empower the meta. Reason: How hard is it to stop the enemy tank from fully and wholly protecting the enemy squishies/priorities, and how quickly can supports reset their tanks (Edit: so that tanks can continue protecting those priority targets, especially the reseters)?

If a tank can stay up for 100 seconds, but needs 100 seconds then he’s bad. If he can stay up 100 seconds, and a support brings him up after 10 seconds he’s a lot less bad and therefore that support controls the meta (Edit: Because then the priority is that support, and how well the tank protects it- which then dictates how greedy your backline can be (Bastion being the epitome of a greedy pick)). Its a super rudimentary example, so we’ll use an in game one- Immortality Field and Zarya Bubble. Both are highly proficient nullifying tools, both define and empower the meta to disable big plays that shut out an entire team or important picks. Whichever is stronger is going to control the game more. Debates abound for that part, but the example matters more.

Just a reminder that the highest damage for a player in OWL was a DPS player playing Zarya for which he got multiple awards.

And we wonder why he quit :thinking:

I don’t see why we’re stopping at Zarya.
Hog is a flanker tank that only gets punished if you have an ana.

The whole idea of being able to sneak up and grab someone from 20 metres away and lock them in CC the entire time you kill them and slink away with 900 effective health + damage resistance was bunk from the start.

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Hot take: If the enemy team has a Mercy, it isn’t poor balance that she has and can use an ability like Rez. It’s your teams fault for not taking her out before anyone else.

What is Brig’s second stun?

Lol so what a tank and healers is suposed to do if its not help their teamates to survive?


20 characters

It’s almost like all of the other tanks have been nerfed recently.

People do realize that there’s always going to be heroes at the top right?

Being the least bad technically makes you the best, doesn’t mean that it’s OP.

I actually want a full Circle when Dva and Orisa became “broken and OP” and got nerfed again :joy: