I mean, have you seen her pickrate in GM, mixed with her super high win rate? Obviously she’s broken! She’s been secretly broken this whole time, and no one noticed because Sigma was more broken, and before Sigma, Hog was more broken, and before Hog, D.va was more broken. So now that they’re all nerfed, clearly Zarya, despite having 0 changes in ages, must just be SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER broken!
I’d comment on how broken Ball is, but that’s old news, he’s been broken for at least a whole month and a half now.
But don’t worry, after we nerf Zarya and Ball into the ground, it’ll be a new tank’s turn to be broken, and then we’ll nerf them into the ground. I mean, Winston’s shield has a whole 700 hp, so he must be sleeper-broken, just waiting on Zarya to be less powerful before it’s his turn to be broken…
Or maybe, MAYBE, we should start working on the tanks that have been dumpstered instead of witchhunting the ones that were totally fine before we started killing off all other options.
yes yes this is correct!! it’s clear that she’s the problem!!
i mean, why else would she have a high pickrate in gm? tank role is easily the most op role in the game!! she’s good because all the tanks have been nerfed cough excuse me, i mean she’s good because she’s overpowered, obviously.
I know you’re being sarcastic but it’s interesting how the last time tanks were this bad, hog/zarya became meta. It’s almost as if she becomes a good choice when barrier tanks aren’t being used. Unfortunately that still got her nerfed, along with hog getting nerfed to worse than his pre-gigahog state.
The reality is that ball is the only good tank now and zarya is a good bubblebot.
Problem is, whether people want to argue this or not, tanks control the meta, so the only way to get rid of a meta is to nerf tanks
You can try buffing other tanks but then they might end up synergising with the tanks that are already strong and you just have made the problematic tank stronger
Honestly this all comes back to the damage creep complaints, Blizzard are too afraid to buff anymore it seems (except Hanzo)
No other tank empowers their DPS. Ever fought a bubbled genji? or a bubbled doomfist? No other tank fixes dps mistakes. Hooked? Bubble! Charged? Bubble. Naded? Bubble.
A good zarya can nullify good plays by empowering bad plays. Think about how unhealthy is this for a game.
Hog Zarya was meta because she paired well with hog, who was mercy 2.0 levels of broken.
Also I’d argue hog is better now than before he was broken. Sure he shoots slower; and has 1 less shot. But he pulls people closer with hook. Getting the 1 shot after hook is much easier and way more consistent.
Of course, he was absolutely busted. I’m saying current hog is better than Hog Before they broke him. It’s easy to kill reapers after a hook right now from full health.