Zarya broken? Highly doubt it, shes good but shes not THAT good. Snipers give her a bad time and come on she only has 400 hp, get yourself a zenyatta or a pocket mercy and shoot her head and she melts instantly. Zarya has no mobility, shes easy to bait and easy to punish
You can make that argument, but it’s wrong.
During the Hog balance changes, they editted his spread pattern to “Make him more consistent”, but this actually made it so his one-shot on hook was LESS consistent by a big, big margin. Several pro players demonstrated that you could no longer 1-shot people with it like you used to be able to, so the spread changes hurt him, not helped.
Before his changes, if you had the timing down on the Hook/Step/shoot/Melee, you could consistently 1 shot most non-tanks (including Reaper, btw). The spread changes removed that, which is why they had to make his hook pull closer to him. This makes it so the 1-step is no longer necessary for more people. So he’s easier but his actual power wasn’t buffed by that.
In addition, because he pulls closer, Hog can no longer hook of the edge nearly as well.
So the breakdown:
Something that he could ALWAYS do is now easier.
1 less ammo
Worse fire rate
Worse at hooking people off ledges.
Yeah, that’s not “better”.
Tbh this is one of the best baits I’ve ever seen
You deserve a medal
We’ve been complaining about Zarya for like months now.
Pickrate, Winrate? She’s just a tanky DPS that works super well against unorganized teams and also well against organized ones.
Counters? She has some but they have way more counters than her so good luck locking her down.
Conversely: Zarya enables new plays. Things you would/could never do with a Genji/Doom/Winston/Rein/etc. suddenly become viable strategies.
You’re acting as though every bubble is some emergency measure to save a bad teammate, when in reality the play wouldn’t have happened in the first place if the teammate wasn’t relying on a bubble for their play to work. That’s called teamwork.
Force bubble → communicate to team “Zarya no personal” → focus the Zarya.
#MooshPawApproved =)
But won’t you give me a heart?
She only appears broken cause a bunch of scrubs feed her bubble without actually killing her, then you have pissed zarya running around full charge melting everyone.
Baiting about Overpowered heroes in the blizzard forums?
I mean, there’s low-hanging and then there’s underground.
Lol sounds like I hit a nerve on a certain Zarya main.
It is mainly used as such.
Tanks get too much hate
Zarya is not broken you have to work for energy and you still need to play cover to cover even after you have it she is one of the most skill oriented heroes in the game
Same with Ball right now he is fine he is played because he is the only tank who can survive the damage dealt out by dps
you people are looking at this all wrong your suggesting nerfs for balanced heroes making an entire role less and less fun to play
Maybe suggest nerfs for why those heroes are played Because both Zarya ball and Hog are balanced Sigma’s nerf was too much and makes him feel terrible so I wont comment on that
It can be used as such, but Zarya can be picked to combo with a number of heroes, and those heroes can also be picked to combo with Zarya.
Just like using your personal bubble to save yourself or farm energy means that you are then vulnerable until the cooldown expires, using your projected bubble to impromptu “save” a teammate means that you won’t have it available for your combo strat, which can be a problem if your combo partner is expecting a bubble (i.e. your entire strategy can fall apart).
Or how about we remove tanks as a role instead?
Sure, replace them with “Heavies” as a role.
I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?
So people can stop whining about how “Tanks” need to follow RPG/MOBA design guidelines.
The logic is because Zarya cannot possibly ‘crit’ she has to do absurd sustained damage.

She empowers her teammates. She nullifies her teammates’ mistakes. She’s a worse mercy with her resurrect.
Both of those heroes are insanely unhealthy for the game.
Notice how you think the characters that don’t allow players to kill for free are the problem? If I were being uncharitable, I’d say its because you hate to see a hero deny your kills and just assume your enemy should roll over and die.
But nah. Clearly you care about what’s “healthy” for the game.
Zarya is like a nail that seems taller, but only because you hammered all the nails around it down.
Don’t worry, she’ll get nerfed. And then the next tank will “suddenly always have been OP the entire time you guys trust me.” Then that tank will get nerfed. Then the next tank will “always have actually been op!”

I’d say its because you hate to see a hero deny your kills and just assume your enemy should roll over and die.
When low effort(or low skill) ability trumps high effort(or high skill) ability. There is no way to balance this game.
This game will stay a crapshow as it is now, and it will always be.
This is the problem with brig design (2 stuns and zero aim), mercy’s resurrect, zarya’s bubbles, ball’s displacement abilities, etc etc. very low skill abilities provide much higher impact that skillful abilities.