Zarya is disgustingly balanced and it isn’t even a discussion

She’s been unchanged for what, half a year? Any changes she has had have been flat nerfs. She has never been buffed.

Her gameplay mechanics are one of the most honest in the entire game. Absolutely nobody who dies to a Zarya thinks “wtf that was cheap there was nothing I could do”. Every single time a Zarya kills someone both sides know she outplayed them.

She has to earn being charged. She loses it when killed. Doesn’t regain it when rezzed. Good players are very good about not feeding her kit.

Anyone that thinks Zarya needs a nerf is just a mad bad kid that was outplayed.


Let’s pretend that she:

  • Didn’t get her charge decay per second decreased to 1.6%
  • Didn’t get her secondary fire explosion radius increased
  • Didn’t get a buff that made most heroes immobile in Grav

Is holding primary fire and pressing secondary fire occasionally really outplaying someone?

And it’s pretty easy to gain said charge. And she doesn’t lose it fast, either.

All she needs is the charge decay buff reverted. She could have her secondary fire ammo consumption turned back to 20, but she really just needs that buff reverted. There is 0 reason to keep it in the game.


Funny joke post. Good material.


Why do I keep on seeing dva mains who act like they don’t have outplay options against zarya. You literally have mobility, stop playing dva like zarya, start playing her like a high mobility tank. She literally only has charge and bubbles and a grav. DVA has much more and is one of the best off tanks, if not the best off tank in the game. She is versatile and can be pretty much run in any tank line.


They dont have any mobility to even get the kill like dva. If the zarya off angles and gets a kill she is using position to outplay you. The beam isn’t insta death and you can react to it. Zarya spamming right clicks is for building gravs. Dva played correctly can outplay her counters. Zarya will die to well coordinate dive when her only 2 survivable cooldowns are gone


Bingo. People tend to forget that little detail about Zarya. Shes WORSE than she was when she was first released. The other tanks have gotten more nerfs than Zarya, making her the more optimal pick out of the off tank roster.


She isn’t even the most optimal pick in high ranks. She is only run in low ranks because she needs much less teamwork and rein zarya is probably the simplest comp to play for low ranked players.


Just let the forums be the forums. Zarya’s just the witch hunt of the month. As a dps main, she’s honestly one of the easiest tanks to kill.

Serious question. She had that buff for a literal 2 years. Why is it just now a problem?


When did I say that’s the reason I wanted her buff reverted? I know how to deal with Zarya. It isn’t just something that annoys me, I know what Zarya does to the game and the Tank role.

And this is where you’re totally wrong. D.Va, currently, can ONLY be run effectively in Winston/D.Va, unless your D.Va is one of the best. Otherwise, she gets destroyed in a fair match. She’s perceived as “good” because of Winston.

No, but they have a very damaging beam and very damaging right clicks.

Sure, but remember it’s also 15m long. Pretty hard to get away from if you don’t have mobility.

Then why is Winston/Zarya the 2nd most played comp?

It was always a problem for most of the playerbase, but now the higher ranks are starting to see it. Do you know how much charge she loses in the time it takes her personal bubble to be available? 16%. She gains 40% from her bubble.


Rein dva, hog dva, orisa dva, the list goes on. These are all comps played by professional teams. She is the poster girl off tank. How would she be destroyed in a fair match, with equal supports she enables her own rein much better then the other. If she was percieved good, then why isn’t zarya replacing her, dva is litteraly being played into sombra in pro leagues, and double bubble isn’t even that bad. They aren’t even playing full on dive, they are playing a rush comp that works like goats. Even then, it would make sense to swap out zarya, but dva is being played anyways. You are completely undermining her potential to change the game so much. No other off tank can ever amount to her level of skill.

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And they are all inferior to other compositions. Why do you think the best teams don’t play them? Whenever they tried Hog/D.Va, they got destroyed, so they swapped off of it.

Zarya enables Rein much more than D.Va. Bubble is much better for brawling with Rein than DM, and that’s just a fact. DM doesn’t prevent most stuns, bubble prevents all of them.

If we look at most of ranked, Zarya is! If we look at GM, Winston/Zarya is pretty close to Winston/D.Va. In OWL, D.Va is played to her absolute fullest potential, so that’s why she’s played there.

Is it fair that D.Va is only good when played at the top of her skill ceiling? No other hero is like that. Not even Widow.

Spy check

Where? Not in OWL, that’s for sure.

This is true


OP: “Zarya is disguntingly balanced and it isn’t even a discussion”.
Also OP: Post a topic in a section called General Discussion.


I do, when she holds W+M1 with her laser beam charged at 80%+ and I insta-die.


She has the best stats of every off-tank in GM


Her primary hitbox has been been nerf to stay a constant size rather than a beam that starts off small and grows large, plus her ultimate radius has been reduce to nerf GravDragon. When she got those nerf, the power was shifted to her charge decay as compensation. Lets not forget her maximum charge damage was also nerf too.



Zarya is so overpowered, I won 90% of my last 30 matches with her and I rarely played her before. She’s disgusting for the game right now.


No matter the power, Zarya after personal bubble CD is over is the easiest most predictable tank to kill, she’s just 400 HP, with no armor and no mobility and requiers her team around her.
OP is correct, you just got outplayed and you allowed it to snowball.
Orisa is just as slow and has even better survivability options, a longer range weapon with headshots, but nobody complains about her.


Damage from 95-170 to 80-160

Makes her need charge to do good damage without overkill. Still strong but less over the top.


This is just dva lol.

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This isn’t really true. If a high charge zarya with full HP and her bubble off CD appears out of nowhere, you’re dead with no counterplay.
Also she’s had some pretty nice buffs over the years…not a lot, but she has…every time she’s had a nerf, it’s come with a compensation buff that actually made her better than before.


It was reduced and increased half the way back

They nerfed grav AoE at the same time to balance out

Well, by your logic, a lot of characters can be seen as not outplaying someone pretty much every character in fact.
Ie sym even gains more dmg then zarya by aiming at someone.
I don’t really get your point That aiming skills shouldn’t reward you. Sure some skill shots are harder than others like pharah directs but still u should get rewarded

Tho I would take that trade tbh

I might prefer her primary fire dmg be nerfed slightly (like from 170 to 160 max) instead of the decay thing tho
For the alt fire compensation buff

Tbh you’re being kinda biased and/or ignorant overall but atleast u didn’t wanna butcher the whole character

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