Zarya is disgustingly balanced and it isn’t even a discussion

I wouldn’t feel cheated if she didn’t melt my health pool with a Sym-like laser beam that’s 3x the width. And also maintaining her charge for the whole duration of the game, since I guess decay isn’t a serious issue for her anymore.


Zarya is balanced. But unfortunately the balance she has is way above the balance of the other tanks. So they need to bring the other tanks up. They brought Hog up briefly to be an equal but then it was decided he was OP at the same level as Zarya so down he went.

I agree that Zarya is a well rounded tank in isolation but she is OP compared to the other tanks at the moment. They’re not gonna strengthen the other tanks most likely so that means they need to pick a balance level based on one of those and then adjust Zarya around that. It shouldn’t take much tweaking to put her in the right place without big nerfs.

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Its much harder to stay charged at higher ranks too, players know how to NOT shoot the bubble.

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You get used to certain heroes being allowed to be stupidly better than the rest of their competition in this game.

Zarya is one of them.


“Everything that is different from my opinion is a joke”


She’s a character with no mobility & the lowest health pool out of all the tanks. I feel like the only reason people complain about her is because Rein/Zarya is a basic & relatively simple tank pairing for people to play. Other off-tanks like Sigma & Dva are just so much better for the team but people don’t really know how to play with them.


Thats basically it.
All arguments against her are overexaggerated. The only problem is that with the shield nerf, basically offtanks went “up” a bit and of course, after Hog was nerfed, the only one “up” is Zarya.

The problem is that theres a HUGE difference in terms of balance between being a decent/good option and providing consistent value when played correctly and being overpowered. Zarya is not the latter.

P E R I O D.

Zarya uses her Bubble
Proceed to melt your face off with her beam while you’re unable to attack back without giving her more charge
Fair and balance!
And you’re right! I should never be near her! Good thing her beam is so short and Objectives don’t exist in this game, it’s so easy staying away from her! :smiley:

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  • Grav Radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters.
  • Beam width is now 0.15 meters and no longer scales with energy
  • Alternative Fire’s explosion radius changed to 2 meters, regardless of energy level

Developer Comments: Zarya’s damage greatly increases when at high energy, while also gaining increased beam size and a larger explosion radius. This often allowed Zarya to deal too much damage and made the explosions from the Alternate Fire on her Particle Cannon nearly impossible to avoid. This change will still allow Zarya to deal a lot of damage, but makes it more difficult to actually apply the damage.

  • Particle Barrier No longer protects Zarya from knockback
  • Projected Barrier No longer protects allies from knockback.

zaryas been nerfed aswell, it’s easy to spin a narrative when no one calls you out.

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let’s also pretend that she

  • didn’t get a big damage nerf
  • didn’t get a massive grav radius reduction nerf
  • didn’t get a nerf to beam width

dont act like we dont do that on

and its easy to not let her get charge

avoid shooting bubbles, go heroes with small ticks like ball and monkey, maybe snipers

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Actually sym beam is 33% wider than zaryas.

Sym - 2m
Zarya 1.5m

Also sym can do more dmg at max charge tho I do admit zaryas beam is longer by 3m

Which probably should of been your argument other than stating this bull


I couldn’t agree more. Nice post. Little fun fact: she was not played in the owl finals AT ALL.

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Unless you are completely surprised by her appearance in front of you, you have to force out her personal bubble and then focus on the kill. You should never be in a position where you’re looking to duel a Zarya when you don’t know the status of her bubble.

You might think of her as a fat DPS, but she’s a tank and tanks make space. If she has bubble available and you don’t give her space then you’d better be prepared to burst 600+ damage or she’s gonna walk you down.

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only if you gain enough of an advantage to win the fight withing the timeframe of the bubble, if the fight lasts any longer dva/sigma are better than zarya because of the damage they can soak up can just deny followup on the few stuns they cant eat and can have basically no downtime from a good dva

Nah totally disagree.

With the amount of spam in the game, you can play really aggressive with no bubble, then just bubble yourself and get an almost immediate 40 charge. It’s not hard to get to high energy… and when you’re there, if you have good enough tracking, you can absolutely hard carry.

“Never been buffed”?

All of these changes made zarya incrementally stronger, and now, with shields being pretty weak, a high charge zarya can just munch her way through a barrier and laser people down.

Trust me, I literally only have 15 hours on this hero. On my alt account, I’m currently sitting at a 68% winrate. She’s busted.


Her last change was in December, an upgrade to projectile blast radius and a reduction in ammo cost. Both fairly significant upgrades, but the two biggest ones were the beam energy reduction decrease and the general beam insta sizzle.

First of all, I think you’re missing the point of this being a meme post to the “Zarya is overpowered” post.

“Immobile” doesn’t mean “stunned”. You still shield/outheal whatever DPS is coming just the same. All that’s different is that Reaper and Moira (or whoever it was) can’t escape grav, that is it. It’s hardly a buff and more like making the ult more consistent.

I dunno, ask Mei mains.

That’s simply not true - high rank Zarya’s know when to use bubbles to ensure they get shot. Watch any GM streamer and they spend most of their time in fights highly charged. Occasionally they hit a fight where they struggle to get charge, but in most of them they have no problems. At lower ranks people just randomly shoot them which is a different story.

OK fine, if she gets back the 50 charge per bubble and 1% damage increase per point of charge this sounds fair.

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Zarya’s problem is not being bad or good.

She’s balanced for a hero but the problem is she’s not balanced as a tank.
Here’s the definitions to help explaining the differences.

balanced hero= has heroes’ it’s strong/weak against, has heroes it’s better/worse with. No ability of the hero is too strong or too weak.

balanced tank= can protect its team and make space, unlike the dps who can put massive damage or secure kills or Support that provide consistent healing and povide utility.

Sure every tank should be able to punish enemies but Zarya doesn’t only “punish” them, she basically murders enemies when fully charged.
In exchange her protection is pretty bad. I mean, don’t get me wrong bubble is a great tool in the close range but it’s not gonna save your whole team really. only a single target.

Zarya right now works as an enabler. She’s good to help one hero do whatever it needs for 2 seconds and while she puts tons of damage.
I don’t think being a punisher is such a bad thing but 170 damage on a tank is really too much in my opinion…

I just think that if they want her to really be a tank and not just an enabler (3rd dps with a tanky ability) they need to focus more on her protection and less on her damage like what they did in the 3-1-2 changes. It was amazing that finally Zarya can protect anyone and do normal punishment damage and not just a 3rd big dps…

Btw you claim it’s possible to avoid her damage but you have to keep in mind her bubble only has 200hp, it takes alot of space and you’re not responsible for your team members. If someone else charges her up it’s the whole team’s problem and giving her energy is very hard not to when you’re in a middle of a team fight and have to fight for your life…

I agree she’s a balanced hero but as a tank she’s pretty terrible.