Zarya doesnt need nerfs

Tanks like Orisa and Sigma just need to be buffed.

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So what’s a good way to buff them, without triggering another high sustain meta?

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Make them tanky without the need to rely on shields in my opinion.

buffs i would like to see for sigma is stuff like revert the 1 second delay when he calls out his shield, and another small buff i would like to see for sigma is let him manually stop his kinetic grasp.

I think that’s exactly what you’d want to avoid. Since DoubleBarrier isn’t getting countered at medium/long ranges. It’s getting countered at close range, by walking past the barrier.

Although they could buff Orisa long range self peel, by making her immune to headshot multipliers while using Fortify.
Maybe make her able to block Earthshatter with fortify. And not feed Ult charge with fortify.

Could also try adding +1 damage on her chaingun.

I mean, it’s not like 1 makes the other wrong.

It’s true buffing both will nerf Zarya. But I do think Zarya is a problematic tank…

She works too much like an enabler 3rd dps rather than a real tank.

She can’t really protect your team while fighting for space or take a free space using or bubble.
What she can do is giving a bit of protection to 1 team member, in a way- enabling it to do whatever it does for longer, but because of that she got one of the highest damage outputs in the game. being the 6th strongest hero after Bastion,Reaper,Symmetra, & Mccree.

I love the fact that her damage is a punishment but right now she works too much like a dps…

It may just be me but I like the split between tanks,dps and support

  • Tanks are responsible for space and/or protection
  • Dps are responsible for securing kills on targets and/or putting heavy damage
  • Support are responsible for providing consistent healing for their team and/or provide utility for the team to use.

So tanks really should only use their damage for punishing enemies that don’t respect them and while Zarya does follow the principle she just punish too hard in my opinion for a tank. She doesn’t give the enemy any change to escape if it got into the way, she kills the enemy too quickly.

Unlike most players I do think Zarya shouldn’t get a nerf because as a hero she’s balanced but as a tank not that much… I really think she would be a better tank if she could punish a bit less with about 140 damage per second but in exchange get more protection with multi-bubbles (each provide less energy ofcourse).

But Overall, while buffing Orisa’s shield would nerf Zarya in a fair way, I still think Zarya can use some changes in order to be more fair as a tank and less work as enabler for your tank providing noting for the team really…

Almost like this game is primarily an FPS, and not an RPG/MOBA.

And your concept of “Real Tank” is nearly nonexistent in the FPS genre.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Imagine if Orisa was the barrier shredder.

We’ve already discussed it in another post about Roadhog if you remember.

On one hand you can find the devs definition on the website which is more close to my way of looking at it.

On the other hand you can find the devs newer comment of trying to move the tanks more to an fps position that will encourage your opinion.

There are no perfect rules to this and every game can go closer or further to each side.

I respect your opinion on how tanks should work but my definition can be as good as yours depending on how we expect the game to look.

And our goal as a community is hoping for what we find to be the best to the game and ask for it.

Well, at the end of the day, fixing queue times is primarily all about convincing DPS players to play the Tank role.

And making Tanks less like DPS, is a surefire way to make that worse.

Doesn’t matter how stylistically ideal “doing their jobs” are if it means the game gets strangled to death with bad queue times.

That would take her “Exterminate!” voiceline to a whole new level lol

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100% agree. I think Zarya is very balanced now and blizzard should let her be.

Yeah but I also don’t think making the tank category into literally just dps with a lot of health is a good direction for the game either.

Why? It’s what literally every other game similar to Overwatch has done.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Exactly. So let’s just turn Overwatch into every other game. Let’s just keep getting rid of what makes Overwatch different and special.

shorter queues are not worth losing its identity.

Like I said in the previous time we discussed it: fun isn’t always high damage or kills.
Fun is feeling impactful and doing a lot. The reason most of the times dps feel more fun is because they rely less on their team while having the potential to do a lot.

But it doesn’t mean tanks can’t be fun as well. Hammond is one of the most fun tanks if not the most fun and fulfil the role of a tank greatly. He’s so fun because you can always do something with him while also relying much less on healers.

Another example in the support category is Ana. You can get tons of value using her utilities alone not to mention she got crazy range on her gun so she always has something to do.

So tanks can be really fun if you just make them more self reliant and more active.

It’s not a surprise Orisa count as the most boring tank and she can’t do anything really without the proper damage behind her shield.

The thing is shields are a very boring protection considering they require noting to do with them and they just absorb damage… but for some reason out of 8 tanks they gave 4 for them shields as their main protection.

So no wander the role is considered to be that boring…

I want to believe that more active tanks that feel like they do something (and do it well) and not just stand there will make the role much more fun.

Self reliant heroes will usually feel more fun but it’s not a must if the hero feels effective even without it.

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Realistically, the people who care about that are a tiny fraction of the playerbase.

Like 1-2%.

And the overall health of the game shouldn’t be held hostage for 1-2% of the players to not get upset.

I’m pretty sure more than a few people will get upset if they make Reinhardt a melee Roadhog and get rid of his “I’m your shield” playstyle.

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Then don’t get rid of it, add to it.

Devs are perfectly capable of balancing Tanks to be stronger overall, because 2-2-2 prevents stacking 3-4 Tanks on a team.

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How is this different from Rein? He can’t protect anybody while fighting to make space. In fact Zarya is more able to protect a team and make space than Rein is since she can multi task unlike him.

Factually incorrect. 170 dps is nothing. 160 is what Sombras gun does and her gun is by and large considered one of the weakest in game. 170 is pretty standard for most dps heroes with just body shots and most of them can crit on top of it.

Just so we’re clear. How do you think Tanks make space? Like let’s take Rein again for example. How exactly do you think he makes space. He just holds shield up and done? Or is the threat of him pinning and getting huge cleave damage with hammer the thing that prevents the enemy from just passing through the barrier to slaughter his team. All tanks make space with damage. They have different methods of protecting teammates but space is made by doing damage, not shields.

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source? Cuz if that were true OW would not be as popular because of these mechanics. There are dozens if not hundreds of games without these but there is only one Overwatch and maybe a bug riddled f2p game like paladins as a distant second.