Zarya does not be be nerfed

can’t tell if just trolling or biased enough to be blind.

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What? “average dps”
Sigma: 73dps (5m more range than zarya)
Rein: 75dps (less range than zarya)
Orisa: 132 dps (way more range than zarya, but has to aim every bullet)
Roadhog 176dps (less range than zarya)
Winston 60dps (less range than zarya) definitely less than zarya (less range than zarya

So as youll see. Zarya has the highest most consistent damage with one of the largest ranges in the tank bracket. So miss me with that lowest dps.
She does all this damage, can recover some on her own and can grant herself 200 extra hp (cleanse) on a 10 seconds cooldown. WITH A PEEL BUBBLE TOO.

She is by no means weak. I think if you think she needs a buff you’re delusional and should get good with her.

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So is that why she is most picked tank in top 500? Because top 500 players don’t know how to play against her?

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A good zarya inserts herself into the fight, thus it is quite easy to gain charge, even in high ranks. If you walk in front of shots, you get charge. It doesn’t matter if people do or do not shoot at you. If you bubble a teammate getting pressured at high ranks, they don’t stop shooting; bubble isn’t that hard to break. They need to give bubble less health and a higher uptime, so it acts more as a peel and less of a DPS charging tool. A good zarya would be able to utilize it as both. They need to move away from the idea of DPS oppressive Zarya and move towards the peel/support tank Zarya. It would massively up the skill ceiling of Zarya and make her 1v1 ability weaker, while her overall team strength is higher.

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Just curious, what elo are you in where Zarya is the best DPS? Lol
As a Masters+ Tank, I’ve never experienced this.


I’ll take objective stats over your personal experience thanks.

Great! I’m so glad you said that.

The Devs disagree.

Nobody said they balanced solely off stats or that they should, and you’re only one person. :woman_shrugging: I never came in here in bad faith like you did, trying to tout ranks and your “superior” personal experience. Blocked.

I didn’t. I came in here to see what the community thought, unlike the people who pop in just saying: “wrong” with nothin’ else.

Never did I say my experience was “superior” either. But the simple fact of the matter is that in high elo, Zarya is nowhere near DPS levels of power. She’s reliant on two eight-second cooldowns, one of which can only be used on someone other than herself.

Compare her to the likes of a Widowmaker, Hanzo, McCree, new Soldier, or pocketed Ashe? She is nothing.

Feel free to block anyone who disagrees with you though.


Someone comes up with a good argument based on facts and experience and you just block them.

Point of a discussion is to ackowledge what others are saying.

As OP, I have seen many others disagreeing and agreeing and I enjoyed reading all the opinions whether it was based on facts, statistics or experience.

No need to be so toxic and aggressive.

This is the only post I’m making about this, then we’re moving on. When the first thing they say is “what rank are you” they’ve already removed themselves from the actual conversation. That’s it. Moving on now.

Zarya has the lowest maximum potential damage out of all the tanks. Her beam can’t crit, can’t cleave, can’t pierce and is reduced by armour.

Winston is thought of as a low damage tank, What people forget is like rein his electrickery can pierce and cleave (so to help put the value of that in perspective) meaning in close quarters it ramps up from 60 DPS to as much as 6X60 DPS.

Soldier is a solid DPS, to put ‘fat DPS’ into perspective and specifically highlight the value of crit Soldiers Base damage of 171 DPS (looks like Zaryas), ramps up to a maximum of 342 DPS… Plus he has helix.

170 flatlined doesn’t look so impressive anymore.

Zarya has the lowest essential health out of all the tanks. To put that in perspective, if you gave her 25% more EH… she would still be the lowest by ~120 HP (weaker than DVA).

To put her EH in further perspective, Orisa has double Zaryas Essential Health.

Zarya needs buffs, specifically around her personal EH. A start would be to allow her personal bubble to initiate Her natural shield regen on activation.

Buff Zarya!

There is no tank in the game that’s as difficult to take out as Zarya. None. It’s amazing that this hero has dodged the nerf stick so often.

It is less amazing when you think about Blizzard’s priority. It is NOT balance. They want certain heroes to be over powered so you see them all the time. It is all the heroes the announcers hype. The ones that make the big plays and/or enable the big plays. Zarya gets the hype and she sets up big plays. Blizzard is not going to balance her.


k, what is relevant?

Makes total sense when you put it that way.

You really don’t need to post this in every thread about Zarya. You’re comparing her damage to the other tanks damage if they crit every shot, which doesn’t happen… ever. Zarya is one of the best tanks in terms of damage dealt consistently.

As for her having the lowest HP, she also has the smallest hitbox of all tanks which you conveniently never mention. Half of her HP is actually shields too which makes a big difference.

Lastly, her bubble blocks everything (as far as I know anyway). Shields and Defence Matrix can’t block everything.

She needs nerfs, not buffs :slight_smile:

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