They pretty much already activate instantly.
She needs more armor.
They pretty much already activate instantly.
She needs more armor.
GM doesn’t care about high charge Zarya because her maximum DPS is the lowest out of all the tanks maximum DPS.
Zarya is supposed to be highly charged almost all the time. She needs a buff to her essential health so she can actually do something more aggressively with that pretty average DPS of Hers
Well, what vague directional aspect of would need to be better?
DM’s range, and maybe her armor if that isn’t enough
Ya’ll have to explain your reasoning instead of just saying no
Its zarya. So i don’t have too.
Look I’m all for reverting her decay rate but ya’ll have to give me a reason other than “she’s a dva counter”
Straight up not true.
Let’s think about this for a second. As you go up in rank people learn to take advantage of weaknesses and keep a better eye on CDs. This effects all heroes. So, if Zarya really had more weaknesses than other tanks that off set her power what you would see is that as you climbed in rank she would drop lower and lower. At the high levels she would be really low pick and at the low levels common.
If you want a good example of this kind of effect, look at Junkrat. He does have very exploitable weaknesses. At the low levels people do not exploit them. But, as you get up they do. As a result, in Bronze he is a top pick. Get to gold and he is a mid tier pick. By diamond he is a trash pick. This is because he has very significant weaknesses and can be dealt with pretty easily once you understand how.
Zarya does not have this effect. Bronze she is #2. Gold she is #1. Diamond she is #1. GM she is #2. This shows that she is consistently getting value at all tiers. This can only mean that her openings between CDs are not really more significant than any other tanks. Her weaknesses are not more impactful than other tanks. And so, at all tiers she is getting more value than other tanks are.
This is likely for several reasons. But they boil down to her not really being more vulnerable than other tanks. In the end, she gets more value for the same skill investment than other tanks. This makes her more powerful than they are. And, if she is more powerful relative to all the other tanks, she is over powered.
So, you are left with other tanks need buffed to her level (something that would create serious ripples requiring massive buffs to dps and support as well - you know power creep) or she needs nerfed down to the median level.
So basically you are calling Zarya an easy hero.
But unlike other easy heroes Zarya gains too much value across all tiers.
Okay. Got it. Good point.
However, have you ever observed the difference in playstyle between a high tier Zarya vs a low tier Zarya?
The reason why she works so well in higher tiers is because of her E and ofc her ult. And this is NOT easy.
In lower tiers, she’s really just a beefed up DPS and yes, she is a very good noobstomper.
So what she needs is a powershift from DPS to tankiness/utility. Not a direct nerf to the face like so many others are demanding.
Dude, you could say this about every hero in this game. Why is this the “hill you picked to die on,” figuratively speaking?
A little nerf is not going to make her bad. She doesn’t need a rework.
One significant contributing factor is her hitbox. It’s not actually that big. If you’re comparing it to other tanks, it’s actually pretty small, relatively. So her immobility and lower HP are not as exploitable as some people would like others to believe. Her beam range is not very exploitable, either, because this is an objective-based game. You can play around the environment. And her DPS reload speed… yeah, why is she the only tank that gets a fast reload like that as a tank with ammo? Roadhog gets 2 seconds, just because? It makes more sense for Orisa because she has a pretty huge clip size.
I dunno, I could go on and on about a lot of the weird little things I’ve seen that just seem like bad decisions.
Her lack of mobility and self sustain outside of a 200 hp shield make her easily exploitable. She’s just like road hog in the sense that she’s OP until you simply call out “Zarya no personal” or “focus zar”
A buff? When she needs like 5 nerfs to be brought in line with the others? Are you for real
Agree. More tanks should be added to punish focus firing them. I’m sick of getting focused and dieing then my team getting rolled over.
Zarya was perfectly balanced before everything else got calmed down. Damage got tuned down. Barriers got tuned down. Healing got tuned down.
Zarya is basically unchanged throughout this downtuning and is reaping massive benefits. This is why she has become a near must pick.
You could raise her essential health 25% and she would still have the lowest… so yes I am for real.
Not sure what you are trying to strawman this into. I am saying that Zarya is more powerful than other tanks across the board.
You completely miss the point. All heroes adjust playstyle as you go up in skill tiers. Zarya is still getting more value at every tier of play.
First off, stop pretending she is some super complicated hero. I don’t understand why people insist on pretending their hero is like doing calculus while navigating an obstacle course with one arm tied behind their back. The skill requirement delta between heroes is really not all that significant. Playing a Zarya to a really high level does take a lot of skill. But so does playing a Rein to a really high level. Or playing a Winston to a really high level. Or…etc.
She actually has a fair degree of ‘tankiness.’ She is actually one of the harder* tanks to actually kill.
*(Note: I said harder, as in when compared to other tanks. In before you start telling me how easy you think it is to kill her. Yes you can kill her, but when compared to the requirements to kill other tanks, she is harder.)
What she needs is a power reduction. Maybe reducing damage would be enough. Maybe she needs a longer CD on bubbles. Maybe both. But her total power needs to come down some to be in line with other tanks.
“But I can’t deflect her beam with Genji, so 2OP”.
But why don’t we see same complaints about hog? He’s just a fat reaper with a hook. All you said here can go for him.
i think main problem with zarya is that there’s always a shield up, making it nearly impossible to kill her (when there’s no bubble there’s that square up). On top of that she has a beam that can take down targets in air with no problem, can kill dva easily because again, beam and then there’s genji. I occasionally play mei and it’s such a struggle so freeze anything when there’s zarya around. She puts so much pressure on enemy team it’s insane. Playing dps makes you realize how insignificant you are in the grand scheme of things. Yes maybe you have a good ult but that’s about it.
And I am not just talking out of my bum on this one. I onetricked zarya into 3.2k+. It was stupid easy. Even reached 63% winrate at some point. It felt stupid. I no longer play tanks and just play dps because I despise the state of tanks right now. Sometimes I feel bad for my tanks because they just pick zarya and then there’s the weird looks if you don’t pick rein. Screw that.
I’d personally want to see tanks being actual tanks and not just fat dps. Cuz that’s what they are. They just shouldn’t be responsible for most damage done and yet here we are.
I also want to see orisa playable again. Everytime I see orisa on either my or enemy team they shortly change to something else.
low energy zarya with no bubble is a free kill but for some odd reason everyone plays double main healer
zarya is unkillable with a mercy pocket and a ana behind her
nice troll , she is op af now, remember when people thought zarya was one of the hardest heros in the game ? heh look at her now ( :