Zaria , Ball , and Hog

Ok buddy can you not read cause the OP is asking for tank improvements not further detriments to play the sad role that is tank

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So brig is not ok check your head. And if you think sigma and rein don’t need buffs you need to go to the doctor and and ask if you have a concussion


Winston is currently very meta, and Sigma is seeing an uptick as well (which shows you just how broken he’s been since release).

“playable” is a gross exaggeration – the only tank who is really suffering, and not even that much since the latest buffs is Orisa.

okay you are my new favorite forum user
I find it so funny how you casually insult people :rofl: actually laughing irl
especially with that cute winston icon, making it 100x better


Hahahah thanks man I try to do what I can to make sure illogical people know what’s up. And don’t you worry if you see someone on the forums make an egregious comment something like “Mei’s freeze ability needs to be buffed” you’ll really see me go off cause oh lord I can’t live through another ice devil meta

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aka all the FAT DPS are currently meta.

This is such a straw man argument.

1.: I said if you can play a Hero on the highesr lvl of the Game he is viable, your question should be: “So you think Sombra is viable?” becauce I never said Dva is OP

2.: Dva has a very high pickrate in Top500 too, not just in OWL/Contenders

And yes, I think Sombra is viable, viable doesnt mean good

Thank god no more right click to victory at least.

Where is dva. Dva is played a lot right now and she is good. Dva counters every dps and is great for peeling.

Buffing other tanks will simply make the problem go back to previous meta of plain death ball/ double shield.

Just nerf more of the hitscan and other tanks will do fine.

You can pick whatever tank you want because it’s fun just don’t complain to me for going off heals because I sure as hell don’t find it fun to keep up a ball/hog combo.