Running into this a lot, moreso on alt accounts and i’m just tired of it to be honest with yall. (TL;DR at the end if you don’t want to read the context)
I had a match where were playing Gibraltar, we steamrolled the enemy team, then we were doing fine until they swapped to counter one of my teammates that made it apparent he wasn’t going to swap…after we lost first i said “we’re gonna need some damage if we’re gonna get em’ off kart”…nothing…then second point gets rolled “some damage would be a big help right now please”.
we were playing widow and genji into double main tank (rein, winston) and i was trying to give hints that we needed to make some hero swaps at that point, i was ignored so as a last ditch effort i went bastion and we won the game, we also got lucky because one of the enemy players was DC’d.
Genji i am sorry if you read this but i was really frustrated with you specifically at that point, and in my head i was thinking “dawg can you please get the fxck off genji you are making this so hard running him into winston, moira while we’re getting rolled”.
what do i do ? i say nothing. this was a diamond game where we’re the top 10-3% of the playerbase…he knows what he’s doing and willingly isn’t swapping, he was a good teammate and he was being communicative and even if he wasn’t , if i call him out specifically it’s just gonna make him play worse and or piss him off, there is literally no point to it cause wether he swaps or not is out of my control, and tilting him and or my own team isn’t going to make things any better IN ANY WAY.
I also had a game not too long ago where it turned into a shouting match between 3 players, at that point all i can say is “relax guys, play”, the whole argument started over some dude’s pick and i’m not gonna lie it was a REALLY bad pick, but flaming him did nothing but tilt the team and when you have half of the people against eachother and on tilt your chances of winning at that point are even more slim then they already were, i could put an OWL player on my seat and we probably still wouldn’t win.
The better team usually wins, but it doesn’t matter how good yall are if you’re just gonna fight instead of actually playing the game.
TL;DR / moral of the story :i get that sometimes people do frustrating things in competitive, but if you want something to change speak up, be polite about it, if you wanna be a jerk you’re not helping in any way, at that point you’re worse than the person who made the bad pick and contributing more to the loss than they were.
torb didn’t lose us the game, you lost us the game by having a nuclear meltdown in voice comms…i’ve won with attack symm, attack torb, i’ve won 5v6, i’ve won with people who said they were account sharing from a lower rank on my team.
just shutting up and playing to the best of your ability or working around something is the best thing you can do, that is the best advice i can/do give people trying to climb. If someone makes a bad pick just counterpick them to something that will set them up to do better, like if you have a torb or bastion that insists on attacking then play double shield or something idk. i don’t like building around people but i like winning.