Health: other short range characters like Reaper, Mei, Doomfist, and Brigitte all have 250 hp because they require it for survivability and viability yet you leave Symmetra with 200 and the shields make no real impact for her because you’re always going to be healed back to full HP or die before it even recharges. This is a problem she’s had sense launch.
Primary: tick rate “fix” ruined her primary. It was necessary, but you left it underwhelming. Easily the worst part of her rework. If you’re going to leave the tickrate like that then give her a soft lock like Moira. The two second charge rate is a flat out nerf, and “having the high charge for longer” makes no impact. Also, if you’re too close to other objects like a wall, even if you have line of sight with an enemy, the invisible walls will often block the attack. This can happen with turrets and even her ult.
Secondary: seems to have little to no impact radious so the dammage is as unreliable as before especially because it’s all she has to attack long range other than that secondary is the only reliable means of attacking and the second charge rate is unfair compared to the instant shooting of say phara and junk, they don’t have to charge and have a higher shooting rate.
Teleporter: is really up to how creative you can be with it, but it feels like everyone has already learned how to counter it.
Turrets: are better but feel like they die just as fast as her old ones. I don’t really feel like they’re better, but it’s not worse by any means.
Ultimate: the second worse part of her rework. Casting time makes it seem like it’s not meant to be used mid fight, but with only 15 seconds setting it up before a fight means it’s going to end before the fight. It should have at least 20 seconds, and the cast time should be drastically shortened.
Overall she relies on the coordination of her team like a support, or strives with uncoordinated enemies. I don’t understand how you ballance other heores so well and consistently fail to make symmetra the same. You made her more viable, and honestly more fun to play but she still needs attention.
I agree with everything you’ve posted. I definitely think Sym needs more survivability and a stronger primary. I think almost every Sym player could agree on that.
Okay but, Moira does not have a soft lock on beam.
When will this ever stop lol
Anyways, I’d like to see the tick rate on her primary fire improved as right now it’s wonky and weak.
I’d also like to see its range increased to 15 m and the charge up / power down time reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second so charging up is faster but maintaining charge is more challenging.
The range increase gives her more room for spacing.
Oh, and fixing the tick rate would make just make the weapon more consistent which it needs to be anyways there’s no reason for a primary fire to be inconsistent.
Her Photon Barrier should have infinite HP for its duration because currently I’ve never seen it be broken otherwise. A Roadhog would need to use his entire ult on it close range to break it or a damage boosted Bastion in sentry form.
Both of which I’ve never seen dedicate all their resources to shutting down Photon Barrier manually lol
It’s always a Sombra using EMP to break it + any and all Shield health around the area which is a viable counter but uh, yeah. The way Photon Barrier is designed to be infinite and large i just think it would make sense to give it unlimited health for its short duration.
Fifteen seconds really isn’t THAT bad and you can still walk past it to deal damage on the other side of it. I don’t see what the big deal is considering it never gets whittled down anyways.
If that’s too problematic then make its deployment time faster so it’s easier to save teammates with it from certain ults.
Photon barrier CERTAINLY does not need nerfs. All these people complaining that Photon Barrier’s utility is “too guaranteed” are delusional.
Oh and on the topic of HP, she either needs 250 HP (150 Shields 100 HP) or a passive:
Improved Shields
Shield HP begins regenerating after 1.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds.
Honestly, primary and secondary should be reverted. Give primary a slightly higher level 1 damage. Maybe speed up her orbs a bit. The 3.0 changes were huge nerfs.
Tele can be fun, but was it worth getting rid of her 2.0 shield?
Turrets are definitely nerfed. We lost map coverage, turret quantity, and things like seeing where you would deploy them, or setting them up in small areas. Now they clip on things, get destroyed in mid air, and still have a 10 second CD.
I agree with what you’ve said about the ult, although I was never impressed with it in the first place, and would still prefer her old one with some adjustments.
With these in mind I believe she’s less fun in more ways than she is fun now. On top of that, she’s less survivable, has to play much more defensivley, get her team to coordinate more, and is still considered a niche pick.
There’s some good discussion on this Reddit thread:
that’s false. it’s faster to orb once then use primary to finish them. even if you animation cancle her turret you’ll still kill faster with the combo then you would charging a 2nd orb.
My problem is that secondary fire always feels more reliable than primary fire since primary takes so long to charge. I guess their intention with the rework was to make it more skillful by having Symmetra players have to aim to charge it, but the time it takes leaves Sym vulnerable. Yes, you can charge it on barriers, but the range is quite short and ain’t no one got time for that.
Teleporter also feels wonky. It feels similar to how Reaper’s Shadow Step interacts with railings and higher ground. I’ve seen people say to use it to save teammates from Grav, but the casting animation makes that impossible.
Turrets also seem to get stuck on random objects in your line of sight if you’re not careful with your placements.
I am in no way a Symmetra pro, just some random thoughts from someone who draws her way too much (along with Orisa) in Mystery Heroes.
why do moira fans get so salty over this the beam is soft lock on, end of the story
and it doesnt work like zaryas either, its more similar to winston but with a much more smaller cone (yet it has more range)
that being said sym needs a buff to the primary fire, thats for sure
although i think its more about how fast it can ramp up and how low the first 2 tiers of damage are.
its so slow that by the time you already charged it people already took their distance and you are half dead
Wish they would just stop messing with her already. I’d rather see other heroes that need changes get a turn at this point. Wonder how Torb is gonna turn out.
I am not trying to derail the thread. I am a Sym main, or at least I was during the 2.0 time frame and plan on maining her again once I get used to the changes.
But the OP requested the beam to “change” to being a soft lock “like Moira’s” without understanding that Sym 3.0’s beam has the exact same hit mechanics as Moira’s beam does. There is 0 difference in actual hit mechanics. The “bend” of Moira’s beam is visual, not actual gameplay difference.
What the OP wants back is Sym 2.0’s soft lock not Moira’s no-lock. And, I would be absolutely fine with a revert but call it what it is.