You're really going to leave symm like this?

No auto aim any more, I’m happy with sym. She sure is fun to shoot.

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it isnt a soft lock on because old sym had a huge window for the lock on to wear off, to the point you could even lose los for 0.5 and the beam would stay attached

im a sym main too and symmetras 3.0 beam isnt even like moiras, symmetra needs very precise tracking while moira doesnt.

like, people wouldnt be asking for a moira soft lock on in the first place if these were exactly the same as you said

Actually the two beams are exactly the same mechanically when it comes to ability of hitting enemies. What is different for the beams is how large the hit region is for the beam (and of course how the beam’s damage grows bigger).

As for people not asking about Moira soft lock… it is MYTH. Say it with me. Watch the video link I gave you. The guy in the video proved exactly that the Moira beam mechanically works exactly the same as the beam of Zarya (and later Sym 3.0).

He did this by putting a visual circle overlay on the video screen showing the exact size of the hit boxes and showing what happens when an enemy outline enters and leaves the hit boxes.

How the hell can you continue to be posting this nonsense even after I gave you a way of showing for yourself that it was false?

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He’s a projectile like phara. And I wouldn’t argue about him because a) this is about symm, b) he no longer dammages himself, c) can spam a choke from across the map, and d) his ult allows him to remove himself from the fight if desired and the rip tire can get across the map.

2 out of three of those are what sym can do too…

I agree with almost everything you said. Theres no excuse for Symms low health when she literally has to fight melee range in a shooter. This wouldnt have been nearly as big of a problem if her beam still locked on allowing her to effectively hop around dodging bullets and skillshots, but it doesnt.

If theyre going to keep her Photon Barrier ultimate it should be instant. I think a nice change would be to either lower the hp by a bit, but make it last forever, or give it infinite hp and make it last around 20seconds.

The only thing I really liked about her rework was the new turret placement mechanic and the projectile speed increase on her secondary fire, but like you said, its probably not even worth it since it doesn’t go through barriers anymore.


Just remove the shield draining mechanic recharging ammo, and have it generate personal shields (or possibly even team shields) when attacking a player with her primary attack.

Now the weapon becomes favorable to use, is a boon to the team, and adds survivability to Symmetra (and team if implemented that way).

Tweak her teleporter so that it has half the setup time it does currently, and that issue is resolved as well.

Tweak the damage ranges on the beam so that instead of starting out so low, it starts with a decent damage number, like 100, 140, then 180.

Then, in a nutshell, Symmetra is fixed. She’s not OP, she’s just right where she needs to be. She would be a boon to any team at that point.


Give us the extra 50 health Blizzard, then I can get close to people and fry them without dying a second before they do. I’m getting sick of it, just as my beam gets going I DIE. Where is the fun in this? Extra 50 health & I will survive!

It happened to Hog, to D.Va, to Mercy, to Hanzo…

They couldn’t care less about player feedback. :/ Mercy alone is proof of that. Symmetra didn’t deserve to have two failed reworks.


Meanwhile symmetra has the highest winrate in gm and 2nd overall.
Maybe she needs some QoL fixes, but not direct buffs you are asking for.

Symmetra has always had the highest winrate in the game. The reasons for that have already been explained. This isn’t an argument.


  1. Sym does less damage than most DPS heroes - Most DPS do close or more than 180 damage without even taking into consideration headshot damage.
  2. Sym requires to be close to the enemy with 200 hp, no sustain, no mobility, no escape ability of any kind.
  3. She requires to have 60% overall accuracy and near-perfect tracking to actually do that damage since it’s damage done over time.
  4. Her secondary is one of the most easily avoided projectiles in the game.

Majority of DPS can reliably do 180 damage at range without any need for charging it up. This is without even counting headshots into consideration. That they kept the charging element of her primary yet made it require aim is a poor design choice. She needs to be making 180 damage flat from the very beginning. Or if they want to keep the charge mechanic increase the overall damage to account for aim. Not only is the charging mechanic not needed all together, it’s actually super slow and requires the enemy team to be absolute potatos to let you charge for 10 seconds like that.

Not to mention the core of her issues is still present - she is a 200hp hero with no mobility, sustain or escape ability of any kind. Teleporter is too slow, clunky and situational. The overall turret damage is less than before but her turrets hp doesn’t warrant that change, they still die incredibly quick. Her orbs do not pierce anymore so a huge chunk of her damage is gone.

She is literally unable to win a 1vs1 against anyone unless we are talking a very bad player. She doesn’t have a tool to close the distance anymore, her ultimate is incredibly situational. An endless wall is useless because the engagements happen on choke or point, not across the whole map. This argument that it’s endless is absolutely useless, this isn’t a strategy, fights happen only in specific places on the map. It doesn’t stop the majority of ults in the game to the point Mei’s and Doomfist’s ultimates can actually still spread across both sides of the barrier. Junkrat’s, Diva’s they pass through the barrier, majority of other heroes can just reposition or go pass the barrier and ult (Pharah, Genji). The level design in OW is such that the enemy team can very easily reposition, 15 seconds is nothing so they can also just wait it out.

They need to fix her primary - either give her back the tracking, or increase the overall damage and charging speed, or remove the charge altogether. She is a DPS now. The orbs need to pierce again with a reduced damage if at current speed. Or keep the damage, keep the pierce but slightly reduce the speed. I would take pierce orbs any time over what we currently got. Give her shield generator back and TP the way that it was, this was actually a very useful ultimate. Or fix her new TP to be faster, less clunky, with wider area of effect and less easily killed and just give her shield gen as ultimate. Give her more HP and/or give her sustain from shooting at shields. Let her hold more turrets and make her turrets indestructible when flying because currently as it is majority of her turrets never reach their destination during a fight.


They leave, or better, continued nerf to Mercy for over 1 year…
They have time to leave Symm like this :rofl:

No, it is.
Her old winrate was inflated by frequent midgame swaps. Her current winrate isnt.

And as a result, her pickrate and her winrate have both dropped.

She is still played as a niche character by an incredibly small amount of people.

Yet her current non-inflated winrate is very high.

  1. Not true at all. Most heroes have less than 180dps. Only sentry bastion, reaper, point blank tracer and junkrat have more. And most of them have NO other damage sources. Sym has her turrets she can almost always deploy when she sees incoming threats.
  2. Only if you use her primary and nothing else. Her primary can use some tweaks but devs need to be carefull to not make sym op.
  3. Thats also true for most heroes. Mccree has 140dps, and guess what, at 50% accuracy it becomes 70.

because i have watched btcs video before and its wrong? the cone is smaller but it doesnt work “exactly” like zaryas beam, tracking wise, tickrate wise, and hitbox wise.
i should post my video proving why these arent exactly the same i guess

about sym, the only thing they need is to make m1 less poopy on the start up, and this can be done by making the first seconds less horribly slow and without trash damage

tele could have a slight cast buff too

Sym requires to have 67% overall accuracy versus unarmored and 90% versus armored just to match the damage as old Sym. But that is ‘only’ true if all she had was tier 3. Since tier 1 and 2 take longer to ramp up, in order to make up for the lost higher tier damage the accuracy levels necessary come closer to 84% for unarmored and 136% for armored just to match the same damage as Sym 2.0’s beam. Of course it is impossible to get over 100%, meaning that no matter what you are doing worse than pre-rework if you use her beam against anyone armored. Sad isn’t it?

This is before you even consider lost damage from her beam dropping tiers when you reload and the fact that Sym’s usage capacity was shrunk in the reload.

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Debatable. Zen and orisa are balanced

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I’m a Junkrat main so the devs are only good at balancing when Junkrat is ok /s

What exactly in your opinion is ‘wrong’ about the video? The video gave a target box overlay shading to show it connecting off and on with enemy targets. Moira’s beam instantly “magnetized” when the overlay touched her and instantly “demagnetized” when the overlay was removed. Meanwhile the health damage simultaneously went on and off. Zarya and Sym 3.0’s beam damage is exactly the same. When hitbox makes contact damage ensues, when hitbox has no contact no damage occurs.

Any difference between Moira beams and Zarya beams are purely cosmetic and the same is true with Sym 3.0.