"You're a Cult!" & The Toxicity | Let's Stop The Maliciousness

What was Blizzard to do? Cave in and revert? They clearly didn’t think that was the most healthy option for their game.

They reworked, her pickrate stabilized, her performance was optimized.

They actioned it as spam, because it was spam.

It HAS been addressed, back in January they said they felt like Mercy didn’t need changes.

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And then they proceeded to continue to nerf her.


Plenty of threads from mercys rework to now spiting mercy mains.

both sides are at fault for that.

and dps players are often times overextending and 1v6ing and then yelling at their supports for not pocketing them 24/7

Yes, because she was dominating the other healers. So they SLIGHTLY TWEAKED HER and buffed the rest of the supports.

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It took 14 nerfs and a nerf to something they buffed two years ago. That’s not okay.


You’re right…he doesn’t have a history AT ALL…:roll_eyes:


What? This isn’t at all related to what I said.

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See, you’re doing it too.

You have no problem with generalising DPS players as bad (everyone overextends hun, its not a dps main trait, but you’re using it as one to give a negative connotation to dps players)

But suddenly is not okay when others generalise forum Mercy mains as a cult? (As a meme lmao?)

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They didn’t need to revert, but they need to address her player engagement issues.

This could have been done in the form of a video acknowledging the support imbalance and promising to possibly readdress her if this still seemed like an issue after more pressing balance issues were addressed first.

They did not action it as spam. They created a megathread for a period of time for organization purposes which is different than actioning spam.

In January they gave a brief statement that addressed absolutely zero of the feedback. The complaint being made was not that she was weak, and addressing it by avoiding the topic is not addressing it.

You do realise that saying a group of people are “a cult” is worse than saying someone “is bad” right?


the vast majority of people claim to want the 3 things xavvypls signs off with.

the different is that xavvy has a very specific opinion that she/he is very righteous about, and claiming to stand for things that are universally approved of after supporting a very specific (and dare i say niche) stance implies that every opposing perspective doesnt stand for those things.


I agree. It does get tiring hearing all the Mercy complaints, but calling them a cult is too far. Treat everyone with respect. That is what we should be trying to do.


No. It is just a forum signature. It is not a part of any individual comment she would be making, and should not be read as such. It is a separate thing meant to make their posts more identifiable.

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There’s actually been forum posts of Mercy mains trying to start a cult, mostly on the old forums not sure if they’re still up there.

Not when Mercy mains have unironically treated DPS mains as babies, spawns of evil, dumb, lazy morons and pretty much everything bad in this videogame. (Inb4, i nevurr do that, i’ve never seen it, so no one does that)

This isnt oppresion olympics, both sides are bad. Toxicity is toxicity no matter the words you use.


Mercy mains are a cult :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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There’s some people here that hates mercy mains with a passion, I don’t understand that kind of people.

How come hating a group of people and making threads that focused on ridiculing them will do you any good?

Get a life, will ya?


No, words are words. That’s like saying calling someone a racist word has the same weight as saying someone is an idiot.


I could actually say the same thing about Mercy mains spamming the forums also lets not forget the death wishes towards the dev team when instant rez was removed.


I agree that we shouldn’t call Mercy mains cult members.

I’m a Mercy main, and I wish people would take a break from complaining about Mercy. I disagree with a lot of the Mercy mains here. I think she’s fun and pretty balanced right now.