Your thoughts on an Anti-CC hero

I would love to know what the community thinks about a (most likely support) hero that has the ability to negate crowd control abilities. In my opinion, CC is what makes the game unique, but there have been many heroes that have been added with CC abilities. Including heroes with multiple CC abilities. My personal stance is that there is too much CC now, and the game has turned into a chaotic mess over the years. I still very much enjoy the game, but every time I play, I reminisce about the good ol’ days of Overwatch, when the game felt like a somewhat balanced, coordination based team shooter. For reference, I have been playing the game since open beta, I am a Platinum/Diamond ranked player, and I have played competitively almost every season.

While i’m sure it is not completely original, I have had this idea about an anti-CC hero for quite some time. When Baptiste was released, I thought that was exactly what he was going to be. Instead, he just ended up being yet another support that people play like a DPS hero, and his invulnerability field just seems to add to the chaotic mess of the current game.

So yeah, I would like to know what you all think about this idea of an anti-CC hero. I would love to see this implemented into the game in any way possible. Orisa already has an ability that keeps her from being CC’d, why not add a support hero with an ultimate that does this for the entire team in a lucio-like radius? Or a passive ability that reduces the length of CC. Something like that.

Being frozen/hacked/fisted/slowed/booped/stunned in 3 seconds is just not a good time.

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Oddly I wouldn’t want any sort of CC resistant hero; I’d rather just nerf CC as a whole concept. IE halving some stuns, and allowing some stuns to not stop all abilities, IE hog’s hook allows people to still shoot and that’s it.

Like, would you rather have a force pick hero that can stop CC mechanics, and be in every game… or would you rather be able to pick any hero without some cancer niche taking you out?


I think that a CC-cleanse ability while would be healthful, could cause the same as Brig did to mobility and create a new meta.


Just take a look at all of the threads complaining about Orisa.

Now sub Orisa with the new support character.

That’s how the community would react.


I would like if it were selective, cc like shatter, grav or sleep are fine and I wouldnt want ithem to be denied
stuff like doomfist or halt on the other hand…

Anti CC is tricky because of how it enables flanker / mobility characters. I could see it as an ultimate abilty.

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Ooh, what a cool idea!

A support ultimate that negates all cc could be a lot of fun.

Another possibility would be a means of reflecting CC.

I actually made a hero concept who was based around being anti cc. I’ll need to find out though.

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We don’t need an anti-cc hero, what we need is a nerfhammer to cc. It’s bad enough that they added that crap to a first person game, but to the level they brought it to is actually insane. Idk wtf they were thinking but it’s honestly killing the game. At least it did so for me.

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ive came up with a anti-cc hero concept, if you are all intrested

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The only thing with an anti cc hero. They can not have mobility too. Because then dive meta will probably come back in full force.

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Hero can gain some Anti-CC effects, enhanced speed and attack power by filling up a secondary bar through aggressive actions. But they lose all direct distance ability and become a brawler.

Gotta agree with Hermaeus. I could see this person becoming absolutely mandatory, especially if they could counter cc’s for their alllies and I don’t think that would be healthy.

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The game needs less CC and more skill shots.

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I fear some sort of utility hero that was mostly or even all easy fast anti-CC would just become the #1 must pick hero. Crippling teams not running the hero.

Also throwing all sorts of balance issues into the game as CC is a direct counter to certain very high mobility heroes or tactics. Yet right now, all you have to track is two bubbles.

I’d rather see CC toned down a bit over, but even that is tricky being balance wise

so how do you counter a hero that requires CC to counter if they make a hero that counters CC that can enable this hero who requires CC to counter?

As much as I would love to see a cleanse hero (honestly Mercy should have had it to replace revive)

I fear such a powerful utility would become OP and a must pick. No doubt such a hero would possibly follow in the shoes of Brig and become a must pick OP monster who creates an unexpected Meta.

On several occasions, Blizzard has made the colossal mistake of giving players the power to counter a problem rather than doing their job as developers to actually solve the problem. These decisions have destroyed the game.

If CC is a problem, then they need to solve it at the root with proper balancing. A hero that counters it would be horribly oppressive to heroes that rely on CC like Hammond and Doom, effectively deleting them from the roster the way Brig 1.0 did to certain enemies.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I agree with most of what you all are saying. An overall nerf to CC would be a great fix to the overall game, but it would have to be done carefully because CC is very important in Overwatch.

However I would like to add that I do not think a a hero with an anti-CC ultimate would be comparable to Brig when she first launched. When Brig first launched, she had nearly all of the best traits of all 3 roles, and her ultimate allowed the team to gain ridiculous amounts of armor for an insane amount of time. She was so strong that she was definitely a mandatory pick, not to mention game-breaking.

What I have in mind is a hero more on the support side, with good heals, low-moderate damage, and an ultimate that stops CC. Maybe a 4-5 second window within a radius so it requires good timing and placement. I do not think that this would keep doom/hamm/mei from doing their jobs in the core gameplay.

Does Zenyatta being able to use transcendence to stop dragonblade break the game and ruin Genji as a dps hero? of course not. Another example: if an enemy Mei drops blizzard, the support hero then uses their anti-CC ult to counter, and then the enemy Zarya comes in with her graviton surge afterwards, the enemy team can still get some good ults in if they time it right and bait the anti-CC ultimate.

Just some thoughts. Thanks again for the feedback! It is good to hear that even if we don’t all agree on this hero concept, most of us agree that there is a bit too much CC in the game.