Your personal balance list?

Can I just say, I never ever ONCE hid from the enemy team to let my team die to get a huge Rez. Not once. Many people did, but I wouldnt say majority of the Mercy players did. I for one, loved being involved in the team fights. Also, if hiding and rezzing was such an issue in the game, why didnt they just fix that by adding LoS & decreasing the limit of distance of which you could rez?

Yeah, a lot of which was motivated by the SR exploit and the invulnerability buff, which allowed Mercy to become a stellar counter option to ult spam because it lacked much counterplay. Big Rez on POTG didn’t help either

Hide-and-Rez really wasn’t much of an issue before those points, though, and I think a lot of Mercy players at the time would’ve really preferred that Mass Rez just be adjusted to provide for appropriate counterplay and to remove incentive to Hide n Rez, and for Mercy to receive some kind of E ability for her midfight. It’s my personal preference, too, but Blizzard’s extremely obstinate, so we just have to work with the hand we’re being dealt.

My suspicion is that they were already developing Valkyrie as a response to requests for an E ability, and after the invuln buff/SR exploit led to complaints about Mass Rez, Blizzard determined it’d just be easier to shift the two around and make a few number adjustments than it would be to try to code behavioral changes to the ability. It’d certainly explain why it came about so quickly after Hide N Rez grabbed mainstream attention, and why it was so poorly balanced (as a last minute change like that would definitely not receive appropriate playtesting), and why many people voiced the opinion that Valk felt and feels like an E ability slapped on the ultimate key.

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Total armor increased to 300 from 200. (Still 500 total hp)

Steadfast: 30% crowd control duration decrease added in addition to the knockback resistance.

(Alternative idea that could replace either of these… Reduce delay before Reinhardt’s shield begins to regenerate upon being dropped from 2 seconds to 1 second. This could help him to close the gap better/faster/more efficiently against bunker style compositions)

Here’s the gist (jist?) of my balance ideas:

Ana, nerf anti heal and nanoboost, compensation somewhere on sleep dart / gun

Widow, longer charge up for shots, less mobility

Hanzo, something to stop accidental headshots

Genji, tighten dash and blade hitbox, no bonus speed during ult, compensation shuriken buff

Symmetra, half tp cooldown if self destructed at full hp, faster alt fire

Mei, longer time to freeze

Sombra, nerf EMP more, compensate elsewhere

The ole’ duck and cover.

Because Mercy hid then GA’d in onto a corpse and rezzed the team. It was griped about a lot in the early comp seasons.

You should read the entire description. 40 base does not fully describe critical care

My balance list is not gonna include the fixes themselves just the names of heroes to buff or nerf

Soldier, Rein, D.Va, Pharah, Lucio

Doomfist, Ana (slightly)

Pharah’s barrage projectiles now have a hitbox and no longer damage her. (Meaning they can mitigate some of the shots through the cone at the cost of damage).

Junkrat: projectile size nerf reverted.

Reaper: when shadowstepping, is only vulnerable for first second, and which point he is invulnerable, same as wraith form. Can be cc’d during that period to break it.

Brig: shield health is 375

Winston: health pool is now 250/250 health and armor.

Moira: healing orb cleanses status effects on the first initial tick of that hero, after which it no longer cleanses. Damage orb slows 10% while active (counter is grouping up and depleting, or running out)

Baptiste: burst is now 12 second cooldown.

Mercy: 55 HPS (just to make dive more viable).

Soldier: helix rocket pierces barriers. OR can reload while sprinting. (This is not a nerf to barrier breaking as it would work the same as old sym orbs/fire strike)

Sombra… I don’t even know… but help her without making her incredibly infuriating to play against.

Bastion: recon mode: new passive, armor piercing rounds (his bullets in this form ignore armor). Self repair increases movement speed by 15%. (He’s now less reliant on sentry form, and less vulnerable while using his ultimate, may be able to make new jumps while ulting that he couldn’t before).

Posted this on my own similar thread and think it’s pretty fair

Sure, it may be a very powerful ability. But it’s also gone through like 5? iterations along with Mercy as a character. Instead of going through all that hastle, just get rid of the effing thing and move on with the character. Which would’ve and would be a lot easier to balance without it.

No issues with current Mercy though. This is just if they decide to mess with it… again.

Won’t seem that ridiculous next time you get Flashbanged by a McCree, Slept by Ana or Frozen by Mei. :smirk:

Remember when Widow’s Grappling Hook was lowered to 8 seconds? Lets not give the long range heroes more mobility please…

Congratulation! You butchered Doomfist worse than the nerfs during the Winter Holiday did. I didn’t think it was possible to do…

That’s actually something i can get behind. He should at least properly contribute to the kill.

That’d be far too strong. He already gets enough valuable out of that ability.

The point of his Ball form is to NOT have any sort of critbox thou.

Those are some Big-Brainy suggestions. Love em all.

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Im glad the devs dont listen to these forums. Based on these opinions, people want to turn flankers into F-tier easy kill feeders. :roll_eyes:


  • Ashe:
    Fix the buggy scope shots.
    Dynamite now deals more explosive damage IF Ashe successfully shoot it mid air.

  • Mccree:
    Fix flashbang bugs that makes the flashbang go through units instead of exploding on contacts

  • S76:
    Training wheels. Honestly, buffing him would be a mistake.

  • Pharah:
    175 Hp and 25 Armor.
    Faster Rocket speed.

  • Tracer:
    Pulsebomb revert to 400 :3 (Evil Crackling)
    Nah, maybe latency issues with Hook interactions where sometimes Tracer can escape Hog’s Hook with Blink.

  • Genji:
    Nothing… nothing much

  • Widowmaker:
    Fine, for those who still haven’t git gud.
    She now has a bright Red glow when in scope (seriously, she is already easy to spot since the whole red outline thing)
    And for those even more blinded, she has a laser dot on where she is aiming at.

  • Hanzo:
    Crit modifiers reduced while in SA.

  • Mei:
    Faster freeze time.
    Multi-freeze on M1 stops at 3 units.

  • Sombra:
    idk…, pure utilities aren’t my things

  • Doomfist:
    Nothing… let the salt flows :3
    This is not a joke

  • Reaper:
    Tighter shotgun spread.
    Lower lifesteals

  • Symmetra:
    Wall now serverely slows any unfortunate souls that walk through it.
    Wall’s HP reduced to 3500.

  • Torbjorn:
    Turret instantly goes up in level while in Overload.
    Tier 1 Turret becomes Tier 2.
    Tier 2 Turret becomes Tier 3.
    Tier 3 Turret’s HP is reduced from 800 to 500.

  • Bastion
    Turret mode now has more armor, and a quicker spreed reduction time.

2. Tanks

  • Reinhardt
    No changes
  • D.VA
    No changes. I actually prefer this one.
  • Zarya
    Revert the bubble nerf. BRING IT BACK TO 50/50 PLS :3
  • Roadhog
    Hook interactions fix.
    Maybe reduced ult gain for the enemy while in Whole Hog and Take a Breather.
  • Sigma
    No bloody idea, I haven’t played the hero yet XD
  • Orisa
    Shield HP reduced?
    Idk… she doesn’t seem that strong.
  • Winston
    More damage in Primal Rage (FOR THE MEMES!)
  • Wrecking Ball
    No changes

3. Supports

  • Mercy
    Valk now heals for 70 HP/S on the orginal target, while 60HP/S for the rest.
    Vallk now lasts longer 10 seconds longer.

  • Moira
    Damage orb now applies a minor slow and a damage debuff.
    Damage orb no longer deal damage.
    Faster regen rate.

As for FFA players who wants to see Moira dead:
You can’t only get kills in which you are the one dealing the final blow :3

  • Lucio
    Amp now do 2.5 amp instead of just double the effects.

  • Ana
    Sleepdart now on a lower cooldown.

  • Baptiste
    Faster traveling and deploying time for Immortality Field.
    Faster charge time for Exo Boots

  • Brigitte
    Shield HP is 400 HP instead of 200 HP.
    Otherwise, nothing.

150 HP

Remove Defense Matrix 2 sec Cooldown

Shield up to 500 again