Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

Do you not know how averages work?
Because it really sounds like you don’t.
If someone is better than a large majority, they are not average.
Average would be like gold.


the peak irony is that at the timestamp he goes on about how supports outplay flankers in high ranked specifically using an example of “zen should run to allies get healthpacks to save themselves etc.” yet at the same time in the gameplay he’s actually showing, his zen literally ran to him as brig + got health pack and still died to the echo :rofl:


Yep. The funny part about me watching this all go down is that people don’t see the irony in that them getting offended over being called out for the reason they are struggling…will never improve and NOT struggle, because they are too busy getting offended instead of taking the criticism/advice seriously.


By literal definition being better than 90% of players does not make you average. It literally means you’re above average.


Being better than a large majority of people… is average??

You can’t just make up definitions to words to make you right.

Well, yeah.
Hopefully each next rank is better than the one before it…\

And it makes no sense.
Average is not “better than the rank before it.”
That’s not how it works.


I guess you’re right. I was sorta going off topic with that post

I mean ranked isn’t the only measurement of skill tho

Bronze - Silver - Gold - Plat - Diamond - Masters - Low GM - High GM - Contenders - OWL

I’d consider Diamond to be pretty average skill level in the grand scheme of things considering how big of a gap in skill there is between low GM and high GM alone. Masters would be above average. Plat-Diamond would be average. That’s just my view.

I mean numerically they aren’t the “average” # of players, but I guess it depends on how you are using the word


people arent really listening to content creators…theyre just looking for soundbites it seems like

its the same whenever one of the devs speaks…they cherry pick a few words and focus on that and the larger message gets lost…

used this on here MANY times cause frankly it applies

“people only hear what they want to hear”



At the end of the day though I stopped caring as much what people on here say because the Devs really don’t listen to them the past few months so I have no reason to argue as much

I think the Devs will just keep balancing around top players the way they have the past few months leading into OW2 and the whining will be drowned out by the new game launch lol

Gold/Platinum is average - going by Blizzard’s own stats, showing where most players are placed. Anything above that is by definition above-average.

Is there a huge skill difference between Diamond and Master, between Master and GM, between GM and Top500, and between Top500 and OWL? Sure. But all of those ranks are ‘above average’.


I just presented his exact quotes. He said diamond and even masters players are average. Idk If the distribution still holds up but according to blizzard diamond is top 10% and masters is top 3% of SR. I’m not butt hurt about these people being called average, I’m just annoyed because it’s factually incorrect. In general I pretty much agreed with everything else he said in the video but it goes over everyones head when he just strokes his own ego by pretending that everyone below the literal top 1% of players is average lol


I wouldn’t call them average. I’d call them “good” personally. GM is “really good”.

this is nothing new here

I’m not the sensitive type, but this type of thing should be considered as toxic, worthy of punishment


On the other hand, it’s on the content creator to make sure that their delivery isn’t so negative/condescending/elitist that a huge number of people stop listening. If they really wanted to help people improve, they’d address that instead of reinforcing the perceived condescending attitude in that tweet.

What they say is often right however their delivery leaves a lot to be desired. The videos are clearly scripted and there’s not really much excuse for it.


I mean it’s literally like an NFL coach going to a D1 school and calling all the kids average. It makes no sense :rofl:


its really irrelevant to what hes saying though…we’re focusing on the fact that he chose a poor label…like if he had said directly “diamond” players and not used the average term…his statement would be no less right/wrong

its like if i made a statement about sombra voice actress…how shes awesome and shes working on such and such…and then when discussing it the only part anyone wants to talk about is the fact that i labeled her brazilian instead of colombian…its like the least important, most irrelevant part of what i was saying


The biggest issue with his video is he wants majority to git gud, its as stupid as wanting a utopia, or no toxic internet.

I’m not saying you have to balance for low ranks, top down is always good when it’s balanced at all levels, 200 hp brig being viable at t500 but trash in every other rank is something that needs to be looked at.

But telling leave brig like this cause she is viable at t500 and people will git gud is just dumb.
They keep talking about lamp, being broken but never talk of balancing that but instead bap shouldn’t be meta cause he has lamp.

The message of the video and the delivery both are stupid.


Then GM isn’t really good when Top 500 is significantly better. Then being in Top 10 is better then someone who’s in the top 500.

There is no end to such horizon that people don’t understand where they are and what they have. Be it anything in life.


There is no indication given here that Brazilian or Columbian is bad. This analogy doesn’t work

He choose an incorrect label. And what makes it worse is that he says it in a way that will probably get people to not listen. I hate it because his balance suggestions are correct but his delivery will turn off like 90% of the community.

People are missing the entire point if the video.
He is just trying to say that supports need to get out of the mind set that you are only in game to hang back, heal a team and wait for something to happen.

being the balance of the game has shifted back to more team focus and less about just waiting for some busted DPS hero of the patch to instantly burn stuff down for the team.

Your Overwatch in general has always always pushed that people at every ranks should be playing Overwatch as a team game, but most don’t seem to know how.

Support right now really struggle with this being for years it’s been well just heal on your fav support and good enough. Now you are legit being tasked with playing more heroes, playing with more focus on making a play and DMG but many are still just playing to heal only.