Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

imagine not knowing the literal definition of average


Y’know, I understand the literal definition of it by stats but that does not make diamond or masters players excellent/good at the game. I still believe this makes them average players and if you want me to say it I’ll say it:

Plat, gold, silver and bronze suck. Doesn’t make diamonds and masters good at the game, just better than them.

When I and others say average in this context that’s what some of us mean and that’s why the conversation of diamonds generally still being bad at the game is so common.

I realize there’s some semantics involved here, but to clearly get my point across…

partial source: I peaked 3.2k. I suck. As an example.


exactly, the people who play this game casually are a majority, but you can’t say they play at an average level the way the game was designed, this game sucks at teaching people how to play


Tbh the only OW content I watch on YT is Rapida sometimes, to binge, and dopatwo (spelled right?). I don’t understand watching stuff like Your OW.

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no one is offended by your ranking, people don’t like to have their opinions diminished because they are not GM, as if expressing opinions required a rank in the forum

you can answer with a solid argument or just use “plat chat” “you not gm shut up” “git gud”


The progression of skill isn’t linear. The difference between the highest skill points in the game is far larger than those between other ranks/sub-ranks below it.

A diamond player may be in the top ~20% of the playerbase, but if you were to try and place them on a skill progression ladder, they wouldn’t be close to the top 20%. I’d go out on a limb and say that many GM players aren’t in this bracket either.


This is why I unsubscribed a long time ago.

What they say is often correct but the way some of them clearly hold everyone under GM in complete contempt makes listening too irritating. It’s not about being bad or anything like that. They just have toxic attitudes that frankly are the opposite of entertaining/engaging.


Reminds me of thread someone made here about a seperate topic for Masters and GM players to only comment.

It’d just be another echo chamber with comments like “Lol only 3520 you shouldn’t even be here.” Over “silver border plat”

Other ranks need to be taken into consideration too otherwise you could make the game unbearable to the majority which are your paying customers.


This just in, he went on Twitter and he doesn’t care:


out of touch person is, in fact, out of touch


several people are typing

Lol shows how out of touch these guys are
On how people climb

You need a rough 25hr of play time a week investment to get there.
If you are a dps with q times it will be even more.

Just git gud folks.


Being an insufferable manbaby who thinks that being good at a video gameis an impressive achievement seems to be a requirement to become a popular OW streamer/youtuber.


As someone who myself was in low ranks, friends with all low rank players, and then climbed out of gold to 4400 SR and helped my friends climb to GM/masters too, I’d argue he is not out of touch at all. What he’s saying is true.

If you improve, you will climb.

But people don’t want to improve, they want to blame balance or their heroes being “bad” when everyone else is telling them the hero is good.


like i said people are so caught up on the silly label that the actual point hes making gets lost…nobody is even talking about what he said (which im going to guess most people would probably agree on and/or prob would find helpful)

pointing fingers is more important i guess


Average isn’t the correct word. The word he means is bad, but he says average because it softens the blow. Note he says bronze-platinum, diamond and even some masters. Obviously he’s not talking about average. He’s saying that players in those tiers play the support into flanker match up badly, and make the wrong decision there. You’re getting too tied up in the semantics. If anything he’s trying to be nice.

Unfortunately no one considers top 10% of anything that is open to most people to be genuinely good. There are many reasons - being top 10% doesn’t get you anywhere in life involving that hobby or allow you to make money off of it, doesn’t get you any recognition, and most importantly probably puts you at 20% as good as the very best people.

No one calls a person in the top 10% of all the players that do basketball particularly good at the game. The game has super low barriers so it has a lot of players. Top 3% isn’t even gonna get you on a team in college, not even as the worst player on that team. And then consider the difference between average nba and average college. The gulf is enormous.

So the problem is that most people in OW are so far from even playing the game decently (as in consistently making good decisions, having good understanding of the game, and workable mechanics) that being even low masters will have you surrounded by mistakes and making tons of your own.

The one game I was good in it came to the point I was baffled at the constant mistakes low gm were making and how to best compensate for them or take advantage of enemy low gm mistakes. One bad gm could turn into a free win if you took advantage and the enemy high gm didn’t compensate well. Your mindset on what is good changes when you’ve been good or close to in something. It’s that thing about realizing how little you know as you learn more. Despite hundreds of hours I haven’t even scratched the surface of Overwatch and my mid diamond peak proves that. It’s not something to be ashamed of imo, but it definitely is something to keep in mind


Mate, i went from gold to GM to plat to masters, so no need to try to flex with some pointless SR, yet i still hate this idiot and his way of talking and labeling other players.


If you mean supports being op its laughable, imf is already on 30 sec cd.
If anything maybe reduce the hp of lamp a bit, but most high level players would hide it well anyway.

It disappoints me how no one is actually getting this reference :confused:


the part about how “average” support player chooses to engage flankers…its VERY true…just listen for like 5 seconds after the EVIL WORD choice