Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

That’s not averages.

No one can have a personal definition of average.

Stop this kakfakesque nonsense where the meaning of words is destroyed by constantly conflating meaning.


Find a better word for it.

It’s actually really frustrating to see so many people not knowing what “average” means.

If you were to construct a statistically AVERAGE overwatch player they would be in gold.

Most of the game’s playerbase is in gold. Being above that means you’re above average. Even just getting to platinum is something that statistically most people don’t do and the number of people who have been to any given rank rank get fewer and fewer with each step up.


No one can have a singular definition of anything.

Stop this cocksure nonsense where the meaning of words are so important to you that you have to go out of your way to tell people how to talk. Get a day job, pal.

Also, if you’d take a moment and think, it’s not exactly the meaning of words we’re talking about. We’re talking about WHAT average. Average skill, or average in comparison to others in this specific game. Be an English elitist keyboard warrior elsewhere.

Why are you using imaginary scales that fit your bias when we already have a scale. It’s called SR lol. And according to blizzard the average player is somewhere around high gold/low plat.

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They make the dumbest takes, on par with BTC, just appeasing to an even lower sr audience.

Team rank doesn’t reflect individual skill once you get out of mass segment. It’s hard to tell just how much better is 4250 player than 3250 player, compared to 3250 and 2250. We don’t know true rank of outliers.

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Idk what you mean. They’re each 1000 sr apart

I would say generally[keyword there] gold to low plat is average once you pass that you’re starting to be above average.

There are exceptions to that rule tho, there can be golds who can play better then most average players and masters who can be below that rank skill wise.

Just use the word honestly.

“For players in Diamond and Masters who are far above average…”

Something along the lines of “people don’t know how to play the game, even pro players are making mistakes but we at YO know better and we will be sure to make guides on how to properly play the game”, sounds a lot like desperate advertising to try to get views.

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… player. Not far above average skill. :face_with_monocle:
Average player is bad, in every popular game. It always goes like this. Average skilled players dominate bad players and establish upper class, but then there are extremely good players that obliterate average skilled players with no remorse. They are really above average.

No one should care what you think counts as “bad” you have transparently poor judgement of good and bad.


Don’t waste replies in this thread then.

I understand why he is calling diamond or master average. The reason being: If one plays the game enough or mostly focus on Overwatch… Diamond to Master can be seen as “average”.

Although gold/plat is in reality the average rank.

What is good or bad completely depends on whos viewing it.

A top 500 player will find masters or even low grandmaster players bad. Meanwhile a silver or gold player will look up to a platinum player.

We must all remember that we’re all in different ways. Improvement is needed at any rank. Goes for top 500 too.

Don’t waste time listening to “Your overwatch”. They’ve stated that sombra and soldier can be used as healers in the past. They’re also not as good at the game as they make themselves out to be.


I would say mid gold low plat is average.


He gets it.


Usually high level anything are so disconnected from the rest of what the state of things are that their main mentality is basically anything below me is bad. That they would even list diamond/masters as being middling, even if goofy in the broader context, is slightly (and I use this term very loosely) generous.

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remember when you all were on the forums demanding samito be banned for doing exactly what this guy is doing?

when i come into a conversation and call you a hypocrite dont ask why.

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