Your MMR will set you free from peasants

Fear not o QP warriors, in time, your mighty MMR will raise you above all these awful console players (for PC gods) and Switch players (for PS4/Xbox deities).

After all, they are so bad that their win rate must be terrible and therefore, their MMR will plummet until all console and switch players settle in the bronze equivalent of QP like sediment on the ocean floor.

Just keep rolling us with your elite skills and you’ll never see us again in no time.


Well, QP pretty much has no matchmaking so…

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don’t think that’s true because I’ve been in QP games with people who are bronze

like I’ve seen every single rank in QP tbh, but if it was really MMR for quickplay they would not be putting bronze players with people 2000-3000 SR higher lol

So then if you sometimes get bronze players in your games with diamond players…

May I ask what the difference is now with cross play?

I thought QP was the equivalent of the Colosseum - where the best of the PC lands gather to celebrate their excellence.


My W/R over the past two days has been 60%+ in the PC pool. These warriors are all bark, no bite.

you are wrong
it has match making
match you with same MMR players

the bronze player you see them in your qp games they are in group with someone with same MMR as you

MMR doesn’t change with QP games, so yeah, your passive aggressive sarcasm has no legs to stand on.

I suck at the game. Stop putting gm’s in my qp games. I’m literally silver

ah I see I didn’t know that type of queue system existed outside of competitive, ty for the info

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Gyro controls> joystick controls, switch players I would argue would be comparable to PC with its precision. Only negative factor is the refresh rate, unclear how bad that limits them.

QP might play fast and loose with the “match making”, and console players hide well in the bronze and silver player pool, who dont keep up with movement and aim anyways. The higher you go though, the more the inadequacies of controllers become apparent and know that you are indeed the worst players in the match.

Quick play has its own hidden MMR.

If that is true, then there is no hope for us - we will continue to pollute the sanctity of the PC quick play

I apologize on behalf of all our inferior players (which is all of us)

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last i remember it does have mmr, but its really hard too ‘rank up’ in qp. my practice account that ive had since launch is…like gold mmr at best, yet alot of my alt accounts are in diamond/masters mmr.

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Then explain why I have bronze player and masters player in the same team or gold player versus gm player, if mmr actually mattered in terms of matchmaking? Not saying console players are bad, but current matchmaker is set so loose that your skillset makes little difference whether you’re tossed into the pool of literal newbie players you can faceroll because they’re still learning how to wasd move their character or a lobby of top 500 sweating it out.

You don’t have to take everything literally, you know.