Your Input Lag is affected by the Killfeed (THIS RELATES TO EVERYONE)!

I’m not sure about how they work there but probably it takes some levels of severity/many complains until it reaches someone that is above the technical support.
Pastel that’s the issue. Idk about others but for me even the spike is very inconsistent (usually raging from 9+ to almost 12 ms).
Which doesn’t make it any better, since input lag inconsistency is probably one of the reasons people feel stutters and mouse speed changes.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about input lag. It took them forever to add the essential feature known as “reduce buffering” when it should’ve been there since beta.


You are right. With that being said Blizzard has proven one thing, that under the community pressure any single thing we will ask for will get a response, and in the majority of cases fixed.

I hope we will get that luck, too.

Pls blizzard bug or tech support, notice us

Since I made a video on youtube, nearly every person who has tried it themselves has reported the same thing on reddit, facebook and other places, regardless of their hardware configuration.

Kill feed On = SIM spikes, floaty mouse, microstutter-ish feel. Kill feed Off = smooth gameplay.

I’ve tried a few things that sort of make the game feel better on my own PC, but I don’t know if it would work for everyone. One is to disable Shader Cache in Nvidia control panel (assuming you have a good processor) and the other is to remove the CPU deadlock that Overwatch has in one of its threads every time the game is launched.

I can’t post the link here on how to do it but if you google Overwatch CPU deadlock, you should be able to find the steps.


by doing that, will it remove the problems a bit?

You can try. It may or may not work for you.

I saw some of it. Maybe there’s a need to open a reddit thread on it solely ?
I’ve tried to disable Shader Cache but it doesn’t really effect input lag, mb it’s more effective for people that don’t have SSD ? (The Shader Cache use can slow it down with HDD).
I’ve tried those steps but for some reason if I stack or kill the deadlock in the thread the game crashes after a minute. Maybe it works differently with Ryzen processors.

Actually Blizzard listens to the community, but only in terms of gameplay: Hanzo Scatter is too strong —> Blizzard noticed this —> Hanzo Rework etc. But they dont care about the technical aspect of the game, that everything shall run as smooth as possible. Yeah sure dont mind those people who are in the Technical and Bug Forums, those things doesnt matter, only gameplay and new characters are important.


Ah possibly. I use an Intel i7 6700k and killing the deadlock makes it much smoother.

I have an SSD for the Shader Cache but it still feels better to me turned off. Could be a hardware specific thing.

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Open Petition is now available. Its not perfect, but should be ok. If anyone has suggestions to rewrite something feel free to answer here:D


remove a “t” at the start of the link

ok thanks…

Go onto that link and comment on this! This is really important, if we all want to be successfull:)

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yup i’ve done my best in there, hope i don’t get too much deep with my experiencing :kissing:

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Will respond in the petition when I get home.
Good luck to us and the whole OW community :slight_smile: .

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safe trip!..

Blizzard and especially Jeff, I know you are out there! You and your team have made a great game, but please listen to us and our wishes! Please improve Overwatch´s game performance!


I talked to the customer support, after lots of well, bs stuff, they gave up on their tips, and confirmed that, this is A BUG, Blizzard where are YOU!?
(But they didn’t say it will fixed, they said its not their capabilities of fixing bug)
We need u