lets talk about the actual april fools joke happening with reinhardt first.
how he’s constantly saying everything in caps and exclamations along with one of his voice lines if you say anything in match chat
Widowmaker is just a reskined Winston.
Hanzo shoots healing arrows.
Genji takes fall damage.
Pharah still fires barrage even when dead (ragdoll and all)
Mercy gets twin pistols.
Tracers shoots bubbles.
Reinhardht can wall ride.
Roadhogs hook can be used as a grapple hook.
Bastion: No longer has sentry mode, and now has two miniguns while in recon mode. Ammo capacity increased to 100,000, and damage increases by 10% every second you shoot continually. Also, movement speed and reload speed increased by 75%
New option: Playable Payload. You take the role of the payload, but can only move when your teammates are nearby and are stunned when enemies are nearby. Feel the thrill of slowly creeping toward the goal!
Now actually makes your character unplayable, you can no longer move, you can no longer shoot, and you will be instantly deleted. Her hack also no longer has LoS restrictions and is instantly channeled and unable to be interrupted.