You will not receive experience for this match if you remain inactive

happened to me and though I got a few kills after and ended in the top 4 I still didn’t get any XP.

Yes I was Hanzo. I’m still trying to get used to the arrow speed…

they should really change how this entire thing works, the message itself is disheartening and I swear I begin to play worse once it pops up.

there have been instances where I’m in first by a longshot and I get this message. I’m clearly active in some capacity if I have 8 more kills than 2nd place, but go off I guess.

give it a longer time frame b4 it pops up maybe? or just… give experience based on how you do in a match and leave it at that??? if one does literally nothing they get literally nothing.

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just had it happened to me as widow maker, it was FFA on Petra and I finished in second place yet somehow it thought I was inactive

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This happened to me a couple times too, I’ll be moving around the whole time but it doesn’t give me xp at the end of the game

Adding my name to list of people getting this message without being inactive. I’m in low bronze, not getting lots of kills but I still get assists at the very least.

Please fix your AFK detection.

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Hey folks, we appreciate the feedback on AFK timings for Petra. We’ve been looking into this and are planning an adjustment to the timing in an upcoming patch or hotfix. I don’t have an ETA, but I wanted to let you know that we’re on it.



Please tell me this is for deathmatch as a whole and not just the Petra map, Petra is not the only map with this problem and its annoying

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On Petra or all deathmatch maps? Because I get it just as bad on Chateau.

For this adjustment we’re looking at FFA DM in general, not specifically Petra.


Awesome! Please also look into all our legendary/event skins and other stuff that suddenly became locked again even though we already unlocked them, as we wrote a couple of times in this forum already since february at least, without even one reply of you devs yet, thanks!

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So this was something that was implemented on purpose. Which i thought. What is the reason for implementing this in the first place?

This was designed to prevent a similar problem, where someone who was simply missing shots and not doing damage would suddenly get a HUGE red banner across their screen with an ominous countdown, which made it even harder to damage anyone before the game kicked you.

This, ostensibly, is less harsh, but it’s also less transparent and I think the numbers they’re using to determine inactivity are far too strict, except now you only realize your XP is gone after you finish the whole match. Even a message informing us that the XP penalty has been applied would be super helpful.

Thank you for the update, Bill!

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I play a lot of FFA with friends in our own custom matches. Most of the time we play 1v1 and naturally with only two players there are times you are looking/searching for each other. With this msg poping up all the time and not getting exp as a consequence its really disheartened.
If Blizzard would keep that in mind while working on a “fix” that would be great. Just uping the timer would probably not change a lot for me personaly.

Btw. I wonder if this change was made to battle all the exp farms constantly flooding the custom games

It happens because you haven’t dealt any damage for x amount of time. Sometimes I punch people in the face just to get rid of it.

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If there is always someone to punch in the face, this problem would not exist in the first place. Reinhardt players for example in FFA, can go a long time in between hitting someone, blocking shots with shield does not reset the counter for example, they must actually hit someone. Not always easy if you have a hammer and enemy team is junkrats, moiras, widows, tracers and so on.

Of course i get that the timer was implemented to keep everyone chasing and fighting non stop, but the timer is not fair regarding how the heroes are designed. For example a moira will “never” even get the warning, she can just send bubbles in all directions and hit something no matter what.

It was a really poor decision to implement this into FFA, and you got to wonder if they thought it through.

While on the topic, I have a request.
Instead of having reporting nearly remove us for being AFK. Because we are attempting to report them while we see who did the deed.
Make it so reports have a save for later option. That way we get their name and don’t get punished for trying to clean the place up a bit.
It doesn’t take much time to be kicked and some of us don’t have a great memory for names.
It would also be helpful if this quoted the comment you reported them on. Just in case it is relevant.

It’s cute that you think the timer is the problem when this happens as you are actively engaged in the match.

What about instances for tanks… you know… tanking?

Reinhardts are getting kicked from 4v4, QP, and even Competitive matches for protecting their teams.

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Thank you, devs :heart:
I liked how the afk sensors were before. Was there a reason for changing it?

They are not the same. The old AFK sensor is still exactly the same. This is something they added in addition to that. This is a no XP system. If you don’t hit anything within a certain period of time, you will not receive any XP at the end of the round.

What i find so insanely impressive is that they even implemented this into competitive FFA, it’s like the devs of this game had a brainfart and started pressing random buttons before the issued the patch. But since it’s not been fixed, we now know it was implemented on purpose.

Which is laughable. It’s really something else. They have literally no clue what they are doing.

Oh. So if you don’t shoot anyone long enough in ffa you still get kicked? That’s weird. Then to alter my question, why did they see the need to add this penalty on top of the normal afk sensor?