You went full Activision, you NEVER go full Activision

It’s not a pay-wall. It’s an optinal item. A “Pay-Wall” is something that blocks access to your product: the game.

If Blizzard were to become Activision, they would be selling Seasonal Passes for the latest map and hero updates. Overwatch is a premium, one-time-buy that offers free updates for nothing in return.

Abandon the histrionics already.


Who said anything about a pay-wall?

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Thank god Lucio mean absolutelly nothing to me, I am just little sad about missing out on one thingie for the collection.

But whatever, after I do it for first time, it is going to hurt much less next time Blizzard decides to pull of some nonsense like this.

It is an emote come on, they are entierly pointless

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No its not. Your greed is.

You bring shame to the Orisa icon.


I’m greedy for not wanting to spend $30, more than half the price of the game, for 1 emote? I don’t care for anything else in that package as I don’t follow OWL. So for me and plenty others its a $30 emote.

Yes and that perspective is greedy.

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Wow, they must love taking your money…people like you make me sad for the future of gaming.

Find three neighbors willing to give you 10 bucks a pop to mow their lawn.

Your problem is solved.

I mean its a free emote released into the season pass which is already a really good value.

Man up. Its not a $30 emote and you’ll be ok for not having it. It’ll all be ok bud.


I do agree that this emote not even being remotely related to the access pass is quite absurd, however, I really would be fine if we could actually buy this skin in game for like 5-10 dollars, and just get the skin, and all the money from that, Blizzard gave to OWL. I honestly think that would allow Blizzard to make a whole lot more money. Because I know that I have seen a lot of people who are not going to buy the all access pass. So if they just made the skin available for purchase in game, than I think that a lot more people will buy it.

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No no. See I don’t think you understand how investors work.

They don’t just give you free money.

You have to pay them back, with interest, lots of interest. If you don’t, they make rules about how you need to conduct your business, and force you to treat customers a certain way, etc. Etc.

Stop being a scrooge and hand over the money if you want it so bad.

If you dont have that kind of disposable income then tough, many of us want things in life we will never be able to afford.

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Dont you mean EA Games? kappa

lmao @ your life if you sit around defending companies on the internet all day. Seriously what do you get out of it? MUH VIDYA COMPAMY MEED MOMEY :sob::sob:

Considering there’s so many forum users that have 5+ accounts, yes. I believe this.

The problem is, almost every alt account past 3 is created simply to avoid bans/suspensions, which is against the Blizzard CoC.

I know one guy who has made 10 accounts. Each one to avoid the banning from the last.

I don’t know what the name on his current one is now, but I know he’s still around.

IP Bans need to become a thing.

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40 bucks bought the game, free online play and all updates.

It does not buy you anything else.

I like how the op never replied lmao it shows their true feelings

Alt accounts are a massive problem in OW. Blizzard is avoiding the issue because it’s very profitable. I think they make more money from alt accounts than loot boxes and OWL skin sales. They need to rework their revenue model…


I think that Blizzard needs to stop putting money over their customers.

The thing is, this $30 lucio emote wouldn’t be such a big deal if we knew they didn’t have much other sources of revenue. But considering they have lootboxes, alt accounts, and the OWL, these little gimmicks don’t fly.

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