You went full Activision, you NEVER go full Activision

30 dollar paywall for a non-OWL themed Lucio emote??? What even is this???

How are any Lucio mains/fans not supposed to view this a greedy?

Edit: apparently some of you have never hear the phrase “give an inch, they take a mile”. We look the other way about this then whats the next shady stunt to be pulled?


They’re actually rewarding people that support one of their biggest business ventures. Not exactly greedy to say thank you


Not everyone cares about OWL, if it WAS OWL themed then sure charge what you want. But this is dirty and you know it.


You have been playing their game online for free- or at least free for Blizzard; pretty sure they don’t make a penny off Xbox Live subs- and Blizzard needs to get their money somehow.


So if they slapped the OWL logo on the front you’d be okay with it?


If you don’t care about owl that’s your choice. Its greedy of you to not spend your money on the all access pass


Then just add OWL onto the emote, done, now it’s OWL themed! :blush:

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Um… Activision went full Activison? Really, like, you are aware, yes? Or…

It is Activision Blizzard mate. Beyond that, this is hardly the first anti-consumer push and I can guarantee you this is not “full” Activision. This is but a light breeze, Activision is far more greedy than you believe, their power level is easily over 9,000.


yea, i think we should have a 20€ DLC every 3 months…with skins sold seperastly for 30€ each, and every 6 months we should get a 60€/90€ (super deluxe edition) expansion with maps and heroes locked behind it…
it’s just an emote


I wish I could get something for free for buying lootboxes :stuck_out_tongue:

If you bought during anniversary then you did? Free golden loot box for every 50 bought

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…that I would have liked to pick up because I happen to like Lucio. $30 is way too much to ask for something NOT OWL themed. The Tracer emote that was promo for WoW was CLEARLY WoW themed so not a problem, you are supporting a different venture. But an emote that should have arguably been part of what lucio got in game being locked away behind a paywall for something it doesn’t even promote is really shady.

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Yeah, that was that one time. Anyway, that was way less for way more and RNG :smiley:

I hate to break it to you but Blizzard is Activision.


You people are legit the most greedy little people I’ve ever experienced.

It’s not “Pay 30 dollars and get this one skin only”. It’s Pay 30 dollars, and you get a bunch of stuff, and the skin just happens to be the icing on the cake.


They are partnered, not the same company. But this move is a very Activision thing to do…

You only buy lootboxes for exactly what you get out of them.

People buy all access pass to get exclusive content, twitch emotes, AND in game items such as skins AND emotes.

You people are only mad because they’re getting something you arent and what they’re getting isn’t absolute trash


It’s a cosmetic item

Why do people act as if it’s a necessity.


The emote IS NOT OWL themed, it has no business being exclusive to that bundle.

They are literally the same company: