You went full Activision, you NEVER go full Activision


You’re paying $30 for League-specific skins, Twitch emotes and more.

If you don’t care about league, don’t buy the overwatch all access pass.

Don’t get mad at them for trying to make a profit. This is not the first round of later-added bonuses that they’ve added to the AAP. Get over it. Blizzard need to profit off of this game, not the other way around. You don’t get something without giving. Either pay the money for the emote if that’s the only thing you want, or don’t bother, but don’t complain because they have EVERY right to profit off of the game with millions of players, they have every right to profit off of the league with millions of viewers. If you don’t want support the OWL, that’s your prerogative. But they have done nothing wrong. All they’ve done is add an additional extra to the AAP owners.

This is like getting mad at them for putting in the Tracer emotes that are only able to own in game after buying a specific other game.


Oh. I am not mad, it was just a jab at your comment about them getting something special and exclusive for supporting their bussiness.

I really don’t think I am demanding anything special here, asking to get something unique and exlusive for spending my money and supporting them in a different way. :man_shrugging:

That still defines them as partnered, blizzard is responsible for its own business decisions. Except that this isn’t a thing they would do, but it is something you’d expect from Activision.

Who are you to say where they want to put their emotes and skins?

I wish they’d just lock every single skin behind a massive paywall, just to watch you arrogant little sobs wail on the forums.


If you don’t like what you’re getting from spending your money that way, then stop?

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ONCE AGAIN, the Lucio emote isn’t OWL themed. It has no place being locked behind something like that. But sure get complacent, and be OK with this. When they move the goal post with something worse I expect you won’t say anything.

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If it was a thank-you for buying in to OWL they’d keep it OWL themed.

This isn’t OWL themed on purpose in an attempt to get more players buying in to OWL when they otherwise wouldn’t.

It’s disgusting business practices from a large corporation as usual.


It doesn’t matter. This is their game. They created it. They can do whatever they want with it.


But I’ve never said that, have I? I really don’t understand where is this animosity coming from. Chill out :sweat_smile:

They make TONS of money on lootbox sales alone. There was no reason to pull a move like this.

And that last comment was wildly unnecessary. Flagged.

You live in a precious little bubble don’t you?

I have a nagging feeling that you’re a really obnoxious individual in real life – the type of person to complain to the manager over everything.


Why does it need to be OWL themed? The OWL skins look like trash, this is the only reward that people actually want. If people actually want something, only then is it a reward for those who receive it. How many people would actually want this if it had OWL all over it?

You literally said you wanted something unique and exclusive, implying that you aren’t content with what you already receive

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Well when you have bills to pay maybe you wont casually toss insults for no reason as in real life you will get trouble for acting like jerk. But sure say what you want to people behind your little screen. No consequence there.

It doesn’t matter if you like it or not if it’s a free gift saying thank-you for buying OWL season pass.

You’re not buying a skin. Stop trying to white knight for a large corporation.


How is it really a gift if you don’t like it?

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Stop trying to feel entitled

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Of course it is a thing they would do… They married Activision. They are more than partners. They had a merger. They like each other and what the other does. They even got King in the bed for good measure.

And Parent companies do have influence on the business decisions of their subsidiaries.

I am not quite sure why in your head Blizzard are the good people, while Activision are the evil people. They are the same people. But that is good marketing for you I guess.

Blizzard is a studio of the Activision Blizzard company. Just like Visceral Games was a studio of EA.

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People act as if it is 30 Dollars for one emote… It is nto, it’s for a lot of other skins, and exclusive OWL stuff…
Geez people are greedy.


LOL… I had to screenshot this. I can imagine you at Christmas.

“I don’t like these presents, go get me better ones!”

Would you like a dictionary? Your opinion doesn’t define a gift.

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