You want to shorten DPS queue times?

Make Mei a Tank, and I’ll Tank.
Make Sombra a support, and I’ll support.

Either one gets me out of the DPS queue.

I am sure I will not be the only one.


Mei as a tank could definitely work. Sombra as support may need a bit of work.


Oh, I TOTALLY expect some work will be needed there. I also get there will be some Sombra mains who don’t trust Blizzard to not screw her up even more doing this…


We’re so similar in terms of mains, but I somehow highly disagree with Mei as tank and sombra support
I just don’t want that


I could probably come up with a Sombra support idea pretty easily.

The main problem is how you have her not bail on her team 90% of the game.


I get that as well. I like Mei and Sombra, but I’d still play them as Tank and Support.

I DO realize, there will be people who want to keep her as is, and I totally understand why.

By making it so she can still run supporting while she isn’t there?

Being able to place a health spawner would do a lot of good.


They would have significant work/rework done to their kit.

You may still play them but you may very hate how they play, like Sym mains.

Yeah, but how do you make it so she doesn’t just horde that to herself in the enemy backline?

I don’t think they’d sabotage their team like that. Plus, Sombra teleports

You can’t fix stupid. Placing them in the SR they will end up will solve that problem.

Moira CAN dps, and sometimes that is the right thing, but you do it too much you end up with them stuck in plat.

Myself, I’d make the spawn the “second” tele location on the tele stack, so, you would WANT that in your team.

Yes, so you can fight to instalock.

I say, just make all characters all roles. Problem solved.

doom would be a good tank too and sym would be a good support too


We have seen how many problems that causes. So, lets not.

I want the change mainly so that Mei and Sombra CAN be good, because in their current place, they can’t.


Huh random YouTube video I just saw

Stopped watching at “victory”

fake news

Edit: oh that was the joke? lol I literally stopped watching at victory, because I’ve never seen that screen

They’d have to change their kits away from killing things so I think they’d still lose their appeal to people who enjoy them in their current states. Tanks need to be about making space and protecting people, not just be fat Damage heroes. And I liked Sym as a support hero but the community whined enough about her not having any healing abilities that they had to just move her. I don’t think this community is ready for anything that interesting.

They’re inevitably going to make mei a tank because people wont shut up about it

BUT that’s gonna be so weird. I just imagine them blowing up her character model by a lot to fit that slot.

just make her drop a health pack or two even minis would be good enough.
Already her hacks on megas in 2cps like anubis or game changing if team uses it.

It isn’t a requirement to make it happen. You don’t need her model to change.

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I reckon Sombra and Symmetra (with a whole damn rework again) could be supports
While Doomfist, Mei, and Bastion could be tanks, with similar reworks, tiny bit more health with less damage

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