You want to shorten DPS queue times?

I’m not sure how you would make Bastion a tank. (jokes about his ult aside)

Is this a fat joke


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in master my q times are not that long, some reason its long bellow masters long q exist

dont forget doomfist.

In other words, you want tanks/supports that are more dps friendly to play. I have always hated this concept and it’s why we have so many dps Ana and dps Moira letting their teammates die.

Don’t switch anyone to another role
This is a bad

Adding new tank/support heroes is a better idea


ah ok, other people were being serious about this in other threads.

Make mei and doomfist tanks and than turn sombra and torb into supports. that will change up que times

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Lets also make Mercy a DPS too.

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Let’s kill half of the dps playerbase to shorten the queue times!!

no…? anyone?..


I’m not so much on board in remaking Torb into a support. He is pretty damn DPSy.

lets just make put every dps into a random category

like widow as a tank

Dps queues are only one concern at this point, they are all getting bad.

Change her teleport ability into a team teleport like syms old ult

Yeah but a Mei the size of Roadhog would be pretty awesome.

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100% compared to dps there is an extreme lack of diversity in supports and tanks. Which is weird because they are all different still.

With there being only about a half as many supports/tanks as there are dps both roles end up feeling super stale. Makes it worse when they get nerfed even if they need it. Literally if you add both tanks and supports together there is still 3 or 4 more dps than both roles combined.

Also with both roles i mean…lets be honest theres nothing we can do thats particularly special to get potg. That tends to be focused more on kill count than anything. So the roles tend to lack in ‘heroic’ plays that a lot of dps players love to show off.

Mei is somehow half tank right now and I want her to be just a dps. The more I think about it, if they would remove her wall… maybe that would work. And to give her something else.

Support sombra would be cool.

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Cause their re-works so far have gone so well…

i suggest we let them lobotomize Doomfist instead of our beloved Sombra.

It is a risk I am willing to take.

Honestly, I’d rather just see locked 2-2-2 go out of fashion, replaced with a “Dibs” system—since I seem to always get stuck with two Ana mains who throw as soon as the other one locks it first anyways—and some common friggen sense, and for hybrids to thereby finally be permitted.

But surely that just means I want to see the world burn, right?

Heck, as a Zarya in a team with strong pressure through its DPS and support line, I’ll take a Doomfist initiator over an incompetent Rein, any day. So long as we have the pressure to make use of it, lacking that shiny shield icon doesn’t stop him from being a sufficient tank at all.