You Want Proof That 2-2-2 Won't Change Anything?

You want proof that balance is meaningless and no matter what meta prevails people will always hate it?

Proof that a role lock won’t make your matches better?

You have to go back a ways to find it but it’s there. It’s called the match rating system.

See, back in the day you could rate every match you played. Good or bad or whatever.

You wanna know what the deciding factor was all day every day?

Not did my team cooperate. Not did my team play the meta. Not did we have the predetermined number of each role that I think is best.

The only thing people cared about was what ladies and gentlemen?

Did I win, or did I lose. That was it.

I won? Top tier match. 11/10 would win again.
I lost? I don’t care how competitive and intense the match was, how well balanced and diverse the meta was, I lost and therefore this was a bad match!

2-2-2 isn’t going to fix your experience. It’s just going to limit it. You’re still going to lose and you’re still going to find something to blame that isn’t you.

Go play against AI. You’re exhausting.


This is so low effort so I will retort with little effiort myself.

222 crowd cares about balancing game, structure and having a role q so everyone will be playing what they want to play.

The only people who go on about how it will affect wins are fear mongerers like you who think it’s some sort of legitimate point.

Blizz obviously agree with the arguments, it wasn’t because people spammed it and demanded it. They do what they think is best, as evidenced by throwing the game into chaos for a year by releasing brig instead of nerfing tracer and holding out on making genjis deflect make sense for 2 years.

Dang, wrote way more than I meant to. Stupid forumer in me just can’t write a small post, ugh.


This is the most blatant lie told on this forum. Nobody gives a damn about any of those things. They claim to want those things because they think those things mean they’ll win more. That’s all anybody wants. To win. And they won’t.


Speak for yourself.


Yes exactly, what you’re doing is projecting frostbite; you must only care about how much you’ll win.


This literally isnt the case.
People want to have less dumb games.
games with 5 dps
games with 4 support mains
games with 4 maintank players.

It doesnt give you more wins, it lets you enjoy your time playing the game more. I dont even understand your argument here.


Wdym I care about those things. Especially being able to play what I want. I constantly get games with 4 supp mains. With 2-2-2 it’ll actually balance the matchmaking.


The game is perfectly capable of being balanced without forced 2/2/2. This is simply a means of giving up because a hero like Brigitte ended up breaking the mold too much.

People ‘playing what they want’ is exactly why 2/2/2 will make things worse. Someone is going to queue - as any role, mind - and simply play whatever hero they want regardless of how it synergizes with the team. 2/2/2 does not fix that issue.

Per your point about ‘structure’, forced 2/2/2 is a shift from one extreme (complete freedom - what we have now) to the other (one, singular composition to rule them all - what forced 2/2/2 is). You create an imbalance in the opposite direction.

What I have proposed is compromise: Role limits. Minimum 1/1/1, max 3/3/2 per team. Removes extreme compositions (quad tank/DPS only) while still allowing flexibility. Best of both worlds. Sadly, the forced 2/2/2 crowd have failed to consider this option.


People like you dont understand the game property still having stupid ideas like:

  • 5 DPS can provide you 75% win-rate
  • Quickplay is a troll mode to leave every 3 seconds and play semi afk
  • Competitive is just to farm my gold weapons points having fun on bronze

People want 2/2/2 cuz is the more consistent team-comp and that provide a more close 50% win rate compared with 5 dps trash that provide 20% win ratio or other horrid team-comps dont even reach 10% winrate


Except the point of 222 isn’t to win more games, because the enemy team has the same amount of bad team comps as you do.


Yeah, that’s kind of my whole point… Thanks.


What? How is that your point?
Your point is that you think the idea of 222 is because people want to win more, it isn’t, it’s because

  1. People want to play what they want
  2. No 5 rein mains in 1 team
  3. Role sr
    etc just read any 222 thread.

That wont make it worse, people already do that without 2-2-2.


You are the kind of idiots we dislike having in our teams. Selfish DPS players ruin our exp onetricking mei or other trash lol


How about we don’t retort to personal attacks and instead have a civilized argument?


i will never have to solo tank with one healer again so its a win. everyone understands that there will also be 2 tanks and 2 healers on the other team.

no one that wants 2-2-2 is going to make dps moira’s and other garbage go away. all these anti 2-2-2 threads always involve some made up bovine excrement that no one who wants 2-2-2 says or thinks.


so triple tank can still happen and thus tank balance will still have to be terrible to prevent it. because it happened before, before brig existed, and its why we have terrible tank balance. awful idea honestly.


222 crowd wants to stop queueuing into low tier (bronze, silver, gold) games with no tanks, no support, no cohesion, and no aim.

2-2-2 will succeed in making all roles present on a team, but it will do NOTHING to immediately improve competence of players on any role or add any element of structure to the gameplay other than forced roles.


Because they think they’ll win more if they have those things. They won’t win more.

Yeah, again, my whole point.


Trolls will troll only now instead of queueing for dps they will choose support or tank. Dps queue times will be thru the roof. So unless they force you to do placements in all 3 roles many games will be ruined.