You should play the heroes that you want to play, not what someone else tells you to play

Thats perfectly fine and logical.

Please have equal understanding and respect to other poeple beside yourself.

This is not a single player game and theres gamemode specifically made for each type of person. Please stay where you belong.

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I agree, you should be able to play whoever you want… in quick play.
The moment you pop into competitive you are obligating yourself to play for your team’s benefit not your own amusement.

in a game based around countering you cant play what you want, but then again a hero for everyone is the way the game is advertised

I don’t listen to anyone trying to order me around. I know when it personally feels like when I should switch, and I do. I have a small hero pool. I don’t know why people assume everyone can magically play whatever counter is needed.

And that’s just what I find fun. There’s maybe 6 heros I really like to play in this game

So playing zarya into double sniper is fine even though it’s a stupid idea?

This is the most selfish thing I think I’ve ever seen written on these forums.

I have every right to express my opinion concerning your hero selection as long as it’s done in a respectable manner.

You have no right to censor others because you want to disregard the rest of your team.

The entire point of the game is to play as a team, regardless of whether you make a 6-stack or solo queue.

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Ever heard about playing a game, lol? Not just video game, literally any game. Why do you think young Jimmy didn’t go horse riding but instead played football even though they’re both sports? Because one was more fun.

I’ll tell you my priority, winning with a hero that’s fun to me.

that I somewhat agree with, I don’t hate one-tricks, but it is better if you can respond to not doing well. HOWEVER, it’s definitely not your call when a hero isn’t working.

again, agree with

or you can be a nice player and play what you’re good at instead of trying to be overly nice and end up plaiyng something you’ve literally never tried before

What? No, no seriously, what are you trying to say?

Remember, you’re still the one queueing up for something you know will give you random people, and if you all solo queue, you have no control over who’s in your games. Then don’t complain about a pick you don’t like


And the game went from teamwatch to solowatch…

except in specific cases.

say someone is a widow or tracer and are constantly dying w/o killing anyone. they are basically ult feeding and would be more effective on someone else.

Yes, you should be able to play who you want, BUT this IS a team game and refusing to change just becasue u dont want to is harming your team which is not a good thing.

if u wanna YOLO and ignore teamwork you are in wrong game and CoD is that way -->

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I can see why the devs are making OW2.

There’s a difference between being countered, and being so heavily countered that you’re literally doing nothing for your team, in either providing kills or utility. This is a classic example. Zen is absolute useless outside of the highest ranks. I’m sorry, but if you’re playing him into what is essentially an entire dive team in competitive, and you’re over level 100, you’re getting reported. The person should know better. If you’re playing in support or tank, you should be learning to play both main and off tank/ healers. If your team can see that you’re getting dived and wiped out at the start of every single team fight, asked to change, and refuse? Then yeah, I think it’s 110% ok to report them.

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Gameplay sabotage is a NOT, and I quote:
Simply making a mistake, playing poorly, or an unwillingness to switch heroes.

Reporting them anyways is false reporting and can get you banned


Everyone wants a main tank, no one wants a Sigma :frowning:

I used to play anything what someone told me to play, and i was mostly playing Reaper, Mai, Bastion,… And I got from silver to low gold. I thought it was great, but I was having no fun at all, like 0.
Then I started playing hero I adore so much… I can say she is about 80% part of reason I play Overwatch…that’s Widowmaker.
And… Well I was having fun, I was rly good sometimes, sometimes i was not, but hey, it happens.
With fun came comments like this: “U brainded retarded noob, switch that fu**ing usseles whre, u ain’t doing sht.”
Everyone have bad games but this flame… Holy…
I was muting voice chat, teamchat and even match chat, flames were coming from all sources.
I can’t describe how much fun i’m having with her, so much so I play her even when I know im going to lose. I just dont care, it was fun playing ( thats the main purpose of video game after all).
Now I’m just below gold, little more and I’m there. Generaly I feel I’m improving, especially at Widowmaker, which is probably all I care about.
And yes, I don’t switch widow if I don’t want to do that, even if I get flamed, and lose the game. I agree that no one should choose hero YOU are playing, it’s a video game after all, just have fun.


yeah lets just throw because the devs method of balance is overbuffing a bunch of heroes and leaving the rest unplayable, making it an uphill battle if you dont go meta because the meta heroes have an incredible huge gap on advantage

atleast before the meta heroes had some sort of difficulty, now they are literally just hanzo reaper mei df
why not nerf them really fast just like they did with sym?
or is there some sort of bias there, since mei is the “”"“favorite waifu”""" of some in here?

Know two heroes well in every role. Pick one and if you’re being countered pick the other. Just as a tip, might not want to make both of those Torb and Sym, because if they’re countering one, there’s a good chance they’re going to counter the other as well.

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Considering that description has been there since the game was first released, I honestly don’t care. It doesn’t take balancing, or the changes to the game into account, that have left certain characters as absolute trash tier (or generally unusable by 80-90% of the player base). I’d wager that most people would agree that not switching characters when they’re doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be a reportable offence (in comp).
Why should 5 people all lose hard earned SR just because a single person has chosen to be stubborn, and essentially lose the game for them. I find it ridiculous that anyone would defend that choice. Again, I’m only talking comp here. Quick play, pick whatever you want. Play and lose with zenyatta to your hearts content in quick play.

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Why go out of your way? Perhaps they’re testing the limits of their hero by purposely playing it into counters. You don’t gitgud with rock swapping off it every time you see paper.

But then you get reported for throwing.

Anyone can 1-trick any hero to Top 500.

Don’t swap if you don’t wanna.