You should play the heroes that you want to play, not what someone else tells you to play

Since Blizzard supports banning people for reports on their picks, I think it’s safe to assume that your position is not shared by Blizzard… sad to say.

If it’s QP, whatever, OTOH, in Comp, you should be mindful of selections. If a Pharmercy is wrecking your team and you are running Reaper… switch.


Honestly, I usually switch off a hero if I’m not doing so hot, but I get games where someone makes a point of berating me for my hero choice, sometimes after I swapped, so I make a point of switching back and telling them I actually don’t feel like switching after all.

I mean sheesh, at least my life isn’t so bad I feel the need to berate someone for their hero choice/skill because I’m about to lose points in a video game.

It’s not about points. It’s about time.

If someone feels like they have be given a mountain to climb from the start due to an uncooperative teammate, it feels like a waste of time

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This is how it should be. Even your casual gamer knows this… and if they don’t know, then they’ll know sooner or later.

Far more often than not, things spiral out of control when that one person gets on the mic who thinks they know things.

If NO blame is passed, who wants to be that guy or girl who is constantly getting picked off while your team is pushing OBJ? It is pretty normal to expect a hero swap, or at least a change of positioning. That is everyone’s responsibility, and if everyone looks out for each other, then you will have far better odds of winning, or at least a positive attitude and acceptance at defeat.

If I think I am the best player on my team, and the other players want to stay on their heros, by heck I’ll make sure I am working with them as tight as possible. It might not be the fastest push, but if nobody is dead, then we aren’t losing yet. That is what I enjoy the most.

I see some tracers wipe an entire team flawlessly. I like working with the one random tracer on my team who is nowhere near that good, but I am keeping her alive or in situations where she can operate at their level.

You can ask someone to switch without being a donkey about it.

Or you know, call them a bad player, tell them why they’re bad, and demand they switch, that usually gets the other person to switch and creates no toxicity whatsoever.

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Now you see, a person with common sense would’ve been able to tell that this is not the type of situation I’m talking about. There is a difference between having a genuinely bad game and trying their best and staying on a hero out of purely stubborn reasons. The latter case is the one I will report.
Plus that is a ridiculous amount of deaths compared to kills. That is not someone having a bad day/game. That is someone throwing the game on a hero they don’t know well enough. No one with enough hours to be comfortable does this terribly on said hero.

that report wont do anything

You: Hammond
Enemy: Orisa, RoadHog, Mei, McCree, Ana, Brigitte

You: wHy ShOuLd I sWiTcH???


Depends really.

If I have a tank e.g Winston and he is playing into Reaper, I will explain that Reaper is a counter to Winston and he should try a different tank if possible, same if I have a D.VA running into a Zarya or a Hammond running into a mei.

Maybe in Competitive or the occasional Competitive modes in the Arcade players should be a little more flexible (not particularly mandatory but I won’t judge you if you stay as your initial pick), but in Quick Play, casual Arcade modes, and especially in Customs or Vs. AI, players should just play whoever they want.

Overwatch never had any hard counters for the simple fact that the game is not played 1v1.

Bastion would Melt any Wnston before losing even half health to his tickle gun. But a Winston that short jump upon Bastion and bodyblock his shots, even if he die, his team can focus Bastion down and the bubble might prevent Bastion teammates from healing it. And usually Bastion comps revolves around Bastion. If you take Bastion off, you win. Sacrificing a tank to kill Bastion is worthy it in this case.

Pharah bullying Reinhardt only works until Pharah is forced to get down to contest the point and then be in melee range. Doomfist being harassed by Torb turret don’t see much of a problem if he gets an Harmony Orb to help.

Anyone that claim Overwatch have hard counters never played any game with an actual hard counter.

Oh yeah, i.e. isolated by a wall and frozen to death against 6 is not hard countered 1v1, agree.

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It really is not. There are ways to deal with this.

If you see a Mei in the enemy team, don’t push relentlessly in front of your team. Make sure they are moving with you so Mei can’t split you from your team that easily, and if she miss, you have time to step back from the top of the wall and regroup on your side of the wall.

If your group is composed of mobile heroes, they can climb or jump or fly over the wall and Rein is sturdy enough to survive one or two seconds of full team focus fire while your team moves around to help you.

Rein 1v1 on Mei, probably Mei win because she can heal and Rein can’t. She have a range attack and Rein’s is on a cooldown and heavy telegraphed. But the moment you put 5 extra players in each side, they can help and complement each other. Maybe Orisa can pull off the rest of your team while Mei isolates Rein. Maybe Reaper and Hog can break the wall faster than moving around it and provide a escape gap for you.

Teamwork nullifies any “hard counter” this game could have had.

Sorry, I only do things for fun and self-interest when I’m not being paid to do that stuff.


been saying this for years and telling people they need to learn to adapt and stop hating on hero picks and play their hero’s differently according to what your team picks but :man_shrugging:.

Yeah, not so easy to ‘just adapt’ anymore when hilariously oppressive heroes can effortlessly shut down your DPS that won’t swap, and you’re at a rank where countering outside of mirroring is far more limited, and you’re role locked on top of that, and those counters that you can swap to may not be a smart choice for that situation.

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Not swapping.

Go to hell if you don’t like it.

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Kind of selfish don’t you think? I mean this is a team game… consideration for your pick relative to others is part of being a good player, if you’re interested in being one…


I’m sorry, but if you’re being stubborn and not trying to help your team win, you’re being a crappy teammate. This is a team game built around counters and swapping.

I don’t condone screaming about hero picks before the match has even started, but if we get out there and can’t approach / take or keep space because we have 2 feeding offtanks, don’t have enough healing because of Mercy + Zen, or are getting wrecked by the Pharah and are stuck with a Reaper and Junkrat as DPS, then you should have the courtesy to swap.

I will defenitely report someone whose not being a team player.


This, actually is only true on the very high ranks. Until Master you actually can handly ANY “hard counters”.

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