You pushed an update and *still* left the Hanzo buff in?

They said they were considering just leaving it in, and that’s apparently what they did. C’est la vie.

Weren’t you all begging Blizzard to “keep” the Sombra buffs when it accidentally made it to live early a few months ago?

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To answer your question Apex, bad software engineering.

Why am I not instantly top 500 with -2s off scatter? Questions questions.


It’s not like if that buff would make an huge difference though. He won’t be “meta” because of it

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That’s… a bit of a poor argument honestly. That is admission of lazyness if anything.

Because they’d have to go through a hassle pushing a patch through for console just to change the cooldown back to normal when they’re going to put the changes up soon anyway. A 2s cooldown decrease isn’t going to change anything really.

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because they want hanzo mains to get their last moment or montage with scatter…

But immediate nerf to Sombra is chill when she cant break 50% winrate.

The only time I ever had trouble with C++ was when I was learning it. Everything afterwords was just using it, and building templates. The system is fairly straightforward and dynamic to me.

Now Assembly, Assembly was basically machine code. Assembly was tough, but still doable. However I’d NEVER program anything big in that.

Good thing nobody uses that language anymore.
squints at Blizzard I hope.

Right but, and this is crazy but what if they actually fixed bugs and dropped hot fixes as and when they’re needed and not only once a frigging month.

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To me it just sounds like they are getting sloppy. Then again what’s new?

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Yeah, this is lazy and unprofessional. I’ve been disappointed for a while with the changes, but they keep letting the community down as of late. It’s almost gotten to the point to where I’m asking, ‘What’s next?’.

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so, I’m assuming nobody tested it because they fixed it.

If they did, kudos to them for fixing it in a timely manner.

i find it funny how people find it no big deal but were constantly complaining about it when it was 10 sec lmao

They may as well ‘accidentally’ remove the cool down timer for the Symm turrets and lessen the timer on the photon barrier because she is getting a rework soon. because of their logic.

You think they care? They’ve been tanking about the re work for over a year and have only been looking at it seriously for the past couple of months. Also they are so slow at fixing things these days it’ll probs be another year before it’s fixed or the re work comes through

I get that they are removing it but the reason they’re removing it is because it’s a crappy, infuriating skill.

And now it’s on an 8 second cooldown because of their mistake. They acknowledge this mistake, and are willingly and knowingly leaving it. That’s what irks me.

But when heroes got detrimental bugs like Sombra’s LoS or Mei getting pulled in Cryostasis…NOPE. Not even gonna work on it or acknowledge them.

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Nothing wrong with some inline assembly from time to time. It’s rare outside of embedded systems, but still powerful and … dare I say fun? I suggest looking into Shenzhen I/O if you haven’t and are interested in a nostalgia trip.

Also plenty of people uses Assembly, it’s not dead. Just not that used in game development, but it’s still active in other areas of software development, especially reverse engineering.