You pushed an update and *still* left the Hanzo buff in?

Yeah thankfully I’m not in the reverse engineering field. I’d probably have removed my hair by now. One command at a time.

Also I beat Shenzhen I/O, after a few days and some migraines.

Yeah I have trouble believing that stat. Honestly you can’t really trust anything that Bungie says. You’d have to deliberately program an editor to be that bad if it takes 8 hours. Keep in mind that all of D2s graphics are easily renderable by a PS4, so we’re not dealing with movie-grade CGI here. 8 hours goes beyond inefficient to the point where one of their programmers would have to put in useless wait commands to deliberately make it slower… either that or it must entail trying to brute force decrypt data without an encryption key.

Sombra nerf and all the bugs that came with it. This kind of development, where they completely disregard the playerbase is rampant throughout all of Blizzard’s development cycles and games.

They already fixed it.

Tell Tracer mains that Brigitte is getting a 20% cooldown reduction on her shield bash and watch them lose their minds. Scatter is hated because of its unpredictability, (I was on the point on Hanamura and the Hanzo in the side room next to the large gate scattered and killed me, despite not being within line of sight or anywhere near that room) and it’s ability to one-shot tanks, like Zarya and Orisa. Those occurance’s are happening 20% faster. It doesn’t matter if Hanzo is meta or not, if Symmetra’s turrets got a buff and could do 20% more damage 20% more slow, people would be annoyed. Because that wouldn’t be fun to play against. Dying because your enemy got lucky with a bounce of a scatter arrow isn’t exactly fun. That’s why Sym’s getting changed despite having one of the best defence win rates in the game.

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inb4 100% hanzo pickrate in owl

But…it was a temporary bug, on the eve of a major character rework. So if your situation was ACTUALLY realistic, Briggite would be getting a temporary 20% cooldown and then the shield bash completely removed in favor of something more balanced within a matter of weeks. Tracer mains would be absolutely ecstatic over this.

So no, I don’t think your comparison proved your point. At all.

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Blizzard is one of the most incompetent dvs out there toady, and I play their games sins 1998

So incompetent that they’ve made you a paying customer since the late-nineties.

I’m sure they are crying over their piles of money.

And what is your evidence to support this. Changing a single number in a game code has a lot more impact than you might think. Coding for games is a delicate thing, if one number/letter is changed then an entire character could become distorted. That’s because not only do they have to focus on the CD time, they also have to make sure that it ties to the ability, and activates correctly.

They made a little mistake, big woop, you could do something else, play retribution/uprising, or even play another game until his rework comes.

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Well… you know what they say… the older you get the smarter you get :slight_smile:

they said they might just leave it there

Already reverted it.

Yea just checked. It is reverted. If it was any other ability I’ve had to issue with it been 8 sec temporarily. But on of THE MOST annoying abilities in the game?? NO NO NO NO NO HELL NO!

I mean yall could probably just ask them directly instead of being passive aggressive lol

Looking forward to the Hanzo rework.

…will be like having a new hero to play.

Except it isn’t because the number you’re thinking of was probably never touched. They need to investigate why the problem is occurring and that would simply mean wasting time to fix something that will soon be removed. Time that would be better spent doing other things.

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A person of taste I see! Well all the best!

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Please stop. Code isn’t some fragile thing, which only people with surgeon-like precision can navigate (unless we are talking wayback-when legacy code). Instead of assuming that Blizzards code is this eldritch architecture, to complex for our simpleton minds to comprehend, the more reasonable explanation is someone fiddled with the CD-time, trying something out for the upcoming Hanzo changes which accidentally made it into production.

Think Horses, not Zebras.