You paid for the game. Play what you wanna play

What if you’re a one trick savant that has a vastly higher winrate than anyone else on the team? Wouldn’t playing to win in that case mean working around the carry?

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Well, what if said one trick savant meets another one trick savant of the same trick on the same team?

Then one of them plays something else while tilted out of their mind, and probably spends the match scrutinizing the other one’s plays. What about my question?

What does being flexible have to do with playing to win? I mean, playing too many heroes has probably been a problem to me. I’ve recently shot up in rank because I’ve been focusing on 2 heroes, Soldier and Torb. Coming season 10 I will no longer fill support, because I find those to be my worst games despite putting tens of hours into the role last season. And tanks? I don’t see the point in playing it when my team isn’t both communicative and in a good mood. With my best heroes I am hardly flexible yet I’ve made it the farthest that way. Think the whole hero switching and knowing each role thing is overrated. Do what’s best, which is in most situations, just your best hero.

Because the problem with playing around one guy is a massive gamble. If you look at the pro-scene, sure, for a long enough time, teams have been hunting for the best (usually Korean) Tracer and Genji mains more often than not, but even those guys who’ve mastered the hell out of their mains have come to terms that maybe you should switch to the situation the enemy team is giving.

The flaw of working around one player is that its honestly much easier to break that structure when the mechanical skill and game wisdom are realistically miniscule and its literally a question of who’s mental fortitude is more resistant to tilt and who’s style is better. Why work around one player when you can work around TWO?

So, if you’re a one trick savant and you meet a one trick savant and both of you are on the same team, if you think you’re so good, why not atleast have another trick in your back pocket?

You’re moving the goal posts. My question was about the fact that you feel like its your duty to judge the worth of your teammates and put in reports if they don’t play the optimal game you want. I then gave you a scenario where that judge, jury and executioner shtick requires a big more leg work than just arbitrarily deciding it.

Unless you have some kind of godlike gamesense where you can monitor the enemy AND your team you’re putting far too much of your time into policing and blaming the guys on your side or you’re misusing the report system as a comforter.

Unless they are directly. DIRECTLY sabotaging the game, not by playing suboptimally or being stupid but teleporting you off the map, walling you in spawn etc. your teammates performance is none of your business. You’re not going to make them any better in the space of a 10 min match and you’re certainly not going to be giving your A game yourself if you’re devoting your time to some angry impromptu coaching session. Just avoid as teammate and walk away.

Trying ones best to win is the whole fun of competitive. If you don’t care about that, why playing competitive over quickplay in the first place? just to ruin other peoples days?


As someone who’s been in way too many games where one-tricks (most, if not all of them, involving DPS one-tricks) who think too highly of themselves, my problem with this is that games that could’ve been won or atleast hard fought if players actually put in the effort to learn some other heroes (you don’t have to be the best, just decent) because everyone has to accept that you’re not always gonna get what you want. They end up unintentionally sabotaging the game by forcing their role but on a different character because they refuse to learn another role entirely… sometimes they end up DIRECTLY sabotaging it out of spite.

I don’t care about the skill level of my teammates as long as they try to play a balanced comp or atleast we have two supports and one tank that actually has 500 HP at the very least… but no… way too many games with 4-5 DPS. Hell, its tempting to join the bandwagon, but I’m not gonna go down to that level.

If anything, you’re almost changing the topic. I merely answered your question and it seems that it went over your head or you’re expecting an answer that YOU want.

To the original question, yes. If you are the team judge how far do you dig into the possibility of getting a win from a team or do you shoot from the hip? Do you look at a guy who picked torb on attack and decide he’s throwing because you have a thesis on one tricks and bad comps overall or do you look into his stats in hero select and go “oh right, this guy isn’t fooling around, whatever he does keeps working” and play around him?

From your walls of not answering the question I’m guessing you won’t and put in false reports which are reserved for willfully inactive players and trolls. You won’t accept the guy who always picks hanzo but almost never loses with hanzo because you think over all that is bad for the game. It is bad for the game but good for your match. But you throw out a false report as punishment rather than going for plan B.

My point is that you don’t get to report people for playing something you don’t want or playing in a way you don’t want. That’s a really low thing to do.

So, what you’re telling me, someone who’s ended up having to become a support main because I prefer a decent structure (like, atleast ONE 500 HP tank and would even take a Roadhog on the team, and maybe one more guy to play support along with me, since even asking for 2-2-2 is already too much to ask for), you assumed wrong to think I judge based on picks. I judge based on structure. If one or two people pick Torb and/or Sym, I don’t care… but that’s just me. But if I see 4-5 DPS, that’s what I am tired of seeing.

Clearly, you are taking me out of context because you aren’t reading with logic.

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That’s one of the problems with Comp mode. Blizz was not good at telling people basics before they start playing game. On one side they keep talking about one trickers and promise solve the issue, on other side we have people like topic starter who don’t even understand the value and goal of comp where first thing you should care about is the composition. If you don’t have it you severely damage the team. And composition almost always beats skills of playing specific hero (taking that both teams are equal). Not sure if he/she is a troll or just dumb. I suppose the former.

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Blizz actually misses great opportunity of making huge $. What if DPS picks are going to be auctioned every time? So higher bidder would get the pick but also have to pay real $ for it? :stuck_out_tongue:
P.S. And to the dumb-dumber who paid for the game. I paid for 4 accounts and 2 of them were at full price. So I have all rights to pick your hero in every game I see you. Thank you!

Bout a month or 2 ago I would have came in here spitting salt at you like everyone else, but clearly this is how blizzard designed their game to be played because they refuse to do anything about anything.

So, might as well play for yourself and enjoy the game.

We could use more than two slots to use to avoid players like him…

i disagree with this entitlement when you buy an online team based game that means certain things are expected of you and if you dont have any intentions of fullfilling them dont buy dont play because you will get crap for it and unfortunately youre asking for it play what you want but if that isn’t helping you need to switch but many who buy this game dont understand that and THAT is the huge problem with this game’s playerbase

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no, but you usually can communicate and find a way you won’t get forced to play the things you don’t like, or piss off the rest of your team.

it’s not just one or the other (unless you’re a symm/bastion/torb one trick)

Oh sure play whatever you want! In Quick Play.

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In quickplay this is a big yes. In comp it is a hard no. Quickplay is meant for fun and learning new heroes. Comp is where you play to win and work together as a team towards a common goal. Wanna run attack Torb in QP? Go for it, have some fun and we can have a laugh nano-boosting the ulting Torb. Wanna do it in comp? Buddy you will get reported till the end of the earth if you don’t switch and work with the team, which is deserved.

Not switching is not reportable. Stop false reporting.

Stop throwing the game by playing attack Torb and not switching. The game is about switching and working as a team to outplay the other. If you do not switch off a hero that is not needed or helping then you are the problem. And this applies to any hero, if you are playing Pharah against double hitscan and a zen then switch off. Play attack Torb if you want, but if it doesn’t work and you persist on playing a useless hero then you are ruining the game for your team.