You paid for the game. Play what you wanna play

“fun” Like I stated before stick to all other game modes. People who come into competitive messing around and just playing to have fun and not to win, you are definitely in the wrong mode.

Competitive was made “for the more serious” crowd and thats coming from Blizzard themselves. So coming into competitive thinking its QP? Yea just don’t.

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As long as there are no TOS/rule violations (which Blizzard themselves wrote), there is no issue here.

Overwatch is a fun and casual game, which includes “competitive mode” (there is nothing competitive about it). People who get frustrated because they take it too seriously only have themselves to blame.

Relax, play whichever hero you like, have fun. That’s what Overwatch is about. There is nothing special about competitive mode, it’s still part of the same fun/random/casual game.


easily incorrect. you go into QP or arcade to do what you want or mess around “just because”. There is a reason the other mode is called competitive. It is supposed to be about the competition, the teamwork, the strategy, getting better, climbing the ranks. Not “how to deal with the troll attack sym or the one trick hanzo who can’t hit a body shot on roadhog”. there is a reason these are such memes because you drag a team down just by being on it. your cooperativeness is extremely limited to “I’m playing for the win too, just so long as everyone makes their choices centered around me and puts in extra work so I’M allowed to do whatever I want”.

you don’t get to use the excuse of “this person paid for the game he can do whatever” because everyone else has done just the same. yet here you are ruining there games for them. players like this are easily the number one cause of why comp is such a crapshow coinflip that even yt channels that used to kiss the ground blizzard walked on to by now have several iterations on how screwed up competitive is.


Competitive is about having fun (it’s still Overwatch), and it’s completely up to the player how they have fun.
Just as long as they don’t violate any ingame rules - if they are, then please report them.

Overwatch itself is a coinflip, most of this game’s design was based on coinflips. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s all part of making a fun/random casual game. It’s why Overwatch sold 30 million copies.

“Serious players” have ruined the game for themselves. They take the game too seriously and get frustrated over what others do. How silly. That is not what Overwatch is about.


And who are you to say what anything is about? Are you secretly one of the devs? no, in reality you’re just one troll among many who can’t (or do and don’t care) see that someone just running around screwing about on doomfist or which ever else throwaway pick they’ve decided on ruins the game for all involved, whether they’re casual or not. will we win? will we lose? will we have a close game? etc etc it doesn’t matter because it’s all been decided for you. 99 times out of 100 the player will get nothing done there will be nothing but a string of lost teamfights until the end where you lose. ya, sure sounds like fun.

And no, it is not a coin flip by being based on it, no game is. all things equal, the more skilled team wins. but that is the thing, that is almost never the case in this game due to in very large part by the attitude you preach where you focus only on what you want, and never anything about what you could do to help your team or help the match. we need to get rid of some tanks and I’m in the dps slot? nah, I don’t like reaper. pharah carrying the other team? nah I don’t feel like playing soldier, I’m gonna go junkrat, gg though. Like I said, actively hindering your own team solely for your own enjoyment. you doing whatever you want directly makes the experience worse for other players who have also paid for this game. I’ll never understand this terrible logic.


I respect that player enough to not worry about what they’re doing on Doomfist. How they play the game is up to them. It adds to the casual fun and chaos that Overwatch is fundamentally about. Nothing wrong with it.

Perhaps those serious players are the ones who are selfish because they keep expecting all their teammates to take Overwatch seriously? A change of perspective.


Amen, just don’t argue with this person anymore. He can’t get it through his thick skull.

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“Hey guys my name is Xuvial and I’m here to have fun and destroy your experience, if you need me to fill as a tank or support in order to win in this competitive game mode then don’t count on me”

“huh, whats that? why do I play competitive then? I don’t really have the answer to that. I just troll this game mode trying to piss off the other players but I treat it like quick play more than anything”

“huh whats that? why don’t I play quick play then? good question, I don’t really know. I pretty much try to take advantage of others to heal and peal for me so that ME and only ME gets the better experience.”

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You sound deeply frustrated and angry with Overwatch’s fundamental design. Why play a game you’re clearly not enjoying? What’s the point of placing all your enjoyment in the hands of other players, how’s that working out for you?

Overwatch has been this way since day 1. Literally day 1. And it baffles me how people still haven’t come to terms with it.


I paid for the game too, that means I can utilize the report feature

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That’s fine for Quick Play and Arcade, but in Competitive you need to work as part of a team.

You cannot be selfish when it comes to teamwork. You need to adapt and go what the team needs, not what you want.

There’s 5 other people counting on you to do your utmost best to help the team win otherwise their SR will drop along with yours.

So do the right thing, have respect for your teammates, ensure you’re communicating and choose what hero the team needs.


Absolutely play what you want. People who care most about comps are ones who dont deserve their rating and need perfect comps, fulll meta, 24/7 pocketing and peeling to only have chance to do anything, while still being wrecked half of the time by solo hanzos and attack torbs without any support.


Remember vote kicking? Ahhhh memories.

Once the ability to avoid players is added, you’ll see how quickly these people change their tune when they have 10min+ queue times and only get paired with other people that “paid for the game.”

Borderline Gold… :thinking:

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if something that isnt against the rules is ruining the game for you, u bought the wrong game

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Except it won’t since we enjoy the game enough to where we would be willing to sit for 10’s of mintues just for 1 game.
Because we actually enjoy the game and just play to have fun not bend to the will of the oh-so mighty meta slave dictators that can’t see past thier own DPS instalock that they say they’ll “switch off” of if they aren’t doing well, and who are to lazy to learn to adapt when a hero they hate gets buffed so they call for nerfs despite the hero being in a perfectly fine place yet try and say other heros are balanced(despite those heros actually being OP) simply because those heros are the “mighty” meta heros who have it easy so why would they evvveerrr get nerfed!

This whole topic again…
I paid for the game therefore I can do whatever is fundamentally wrong. It’s like a basketball team where you buy the gear and get a place as a result but you only use your feet to shoot. Sure you loose more than you win but you’re enjoying and thats what basketball is about right?
And maybe playing the same hero isn’t always fun? Maybe Doomfist is your best hero but dying to Pharah over and over can’t be fun can it?
Flexing is just a strategy and maybe not even the best strategy all the time. But it is inherently better than one-tricking as everyone knows the weakness of a one-trick; counter pick them and they loose. This is only compounded by maining off-meta as the reason they’re off-meta is easy counters exist.
A one-trick can do work, I’m not denying it, but a flex player can do 3/4 of that work no matter what. Is that 1/4 extra really worth being a dead weight in certain scenarios?


Then you wasted your money and bought the wrong game.
There’s plenty of single player games out there to choose from.

There are modes for that. Competitive mode, even though the game literally tells you if its your first time going in to it that its made to play to win (that means you have to be flexible), is just not really fit for that.

And the fact that you got upvoted makes me further lose faith in this community.

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Play what you want, but don’t expect to climb. You must choose one of the two.

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