You paid for the game. Play what you wanna play

In Quick Play, sure. In Competitive, nah.


Competitive is the same

There wouldn’t be a Competitive mode in that case. In Competitive, you play to win, not just to have fun. If you don’t play enough Heroes that you can simultaneously have fun and help your team win, then you belong in Quick Play.


Being toxic to, and throwing games when you play with one tricks is just them playing the game how they want :slight_smile:

Nah. One tricking is a form of playing the game

Sure, it’s a form of having fun in Quick Play, when it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. In Competitive though, you’re selfishly hurting your team’s chances of winning in a mode where winning is the priority. One-trick players simply aren’t as valuable as flex players in a game that encourages and rewards adaption. You don’t have the right to be a bad teammate (in Competitive).



When people see me playing Doomfist instead of even when our team have 0 tanks I don’t even bother replying.

I always play whatever I want i didn’t sign a contract before buying the game.


Technically they do have such right. However that depends on what you mean by ruining a match. If by that you mean piss 5 team mates off by a pick they don’t like, they yes, a person has such right.

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added in Avoid as Teammate


Throwing is not equal to picking what one likes to play. Even if you disagree with a persons hero choice he is free to play what he feels like. The only time it is disruptive is the fact that said person is not trying to win! By this i mean he is feeding, jumping from the map, not going to payload to contest etc.

A herochoice alone is never a reason to report or insult someone. But as long as there are people blaming others for not ranking up indead of looking at the picture of the enemy team struggeling with the same issues, you will always find people who will report a Hanzo main even if he is going 30-2 and your team still loses because you are bad


I bought my life, can I be a serial killer?

I mean why would I be like society wants me to be…

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I don’t care what people say I’ll always be a 1 trick, and they can’t report me because I ALWAYS try to win

I mean I wouldn’t be Diamond if I didn’t.
Also to those saying that 1 tricking is more ineffective than flexing tell me exactly why most 1 tricks i run into at my level are better than the flex players at my level.

And just why they are lower than they should be(and no it’s not because they get countered)

I’ve had many games that have proved 1 tricks are hated more than they should be.

“I paid to be part of this baseball league. So what if I run the bases backwards and hold the bat upside down. I spent money, so my fun is more important than your fun.”


I think to an extent play what you want. Some people are only comfortable with 1 or 2 heroes and that’s who they are good at. If someone on your team is getting countered its also on your other teammates to help out and prevent that from happening. Its a 6v6 not a 1v6.

I’m a symmetra, mercy, main. When I play symm and a pharah is countering me I look to my soldier, mccree or to help me out on my team and counter her back so I can do my job. Symmetra is not equipped to take on a pharah by herself but I’m not alone in this match. I have others who can help and that’s what should happen.

I have encountered moments where switching off symm was the better option but its how you address it with your random teammate.

Ordering them or swearing at them and counting it as an instant loss is stupid. The match hasn’t even started and you don’t even give them the chance to try. And with you being negative about it it brings the team into an awkward feeling and the team morale is down.

You have to give people a chance to see what they can do. If they are 1 tricking then they probably have played that character to a degree where they know what to do in any given situation.

I am taking from my own experience here. I have encountered 1 tricks and people playing characters that should have switched. We had an Orisa that was running into enemy fights when 3 teammates were down and getting killed. He was feeding the enemy team ults but it was our genjis fault apparently smh. And I have met a torbjorn 1 trick that did his job and helped us win the match.

My point is yes people can play what they want and if you have someone playing a character you don’t agree with then just give them a chance and talk to them.

If they choose not to switch there is still 5 of you that can work together to make it a win. It is way better to lose a match knowing you tried till the end then choosing to throw because this person is playing symm and even though they are trying to win I don’t agree so I’m gonna throw.


This is one of those issues that only happens online being the player base isn’t given control over their own games as one has in real life.
You can’t roll into a random gym, say you paid for your membership the same as everyone else and start chucking 1/2 court shots every time you touch the basketball in a pick up hoop game. I mean technically you can but the other players will stop the game and throw you out of it.

this is part of the reason smaller sized teams can have such problems online.


But this is a game we’re talking about and we can do what ever we want

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People should be able to play what they want. They paid for the game after all. But they do not get to be upset with the team for not playing around their choice. Acceptance is a two-way street.


There’s no “I” in team, if you’re going to be selfish then expect backlash…there’s no way around it.

Before you respond, consider this…Is it logical to play Genji when the enemy team has a Sym, Zarya, Mei and Winston? Well I guess it depends on how hard you’re getting countered, which will probably be more than less with that set up.

Why do people complain a game to “life”? I mean if you buy lego you can build what you like and do not have to build what is on the cover… (talking about stupid comparisons i hope you get the point)

A game is different since it provides a ruleset and borders. If the game allows you to lock a 6th DPS while your team has 5 it says that it is okay and part of the game! If the ruleset says you are not allowed to throw and grief other than it is a different thing:

  • If you jump of the map, feed, troll, block, etc. you deserve to get reported and excluded from competitive matchmaking
  • If you pick a hero you are just doing what the developer allows for. Every hero has to be able to carry his weight even if countered. If a hero is not viable it should not be availible to pick (developer side of things). This is not throwing the game!

Even if you pick a genji into a symetra, trob, winston comp and you really try to win it is not a reason to ban the person. Yes i would also prefere to see another hero but this person did pay and is not purposly playing bad, but just with a suboptimal hero.
If you can not deal with this get 5 people to play with and the problem is solved


No rules against it no one can stop you and if people don’t like it who cares. If they don’t like it having full control over he outcome of thier games hey they can go play Starcraft it’s not like they have any idea how proficient you are on any given hero anyway. It’s probably best to ignore them but at this point I have a hard time not just trolling them in voice chat.

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