I just looked up through the thread and didn’t see anything that would imply you have a significant amount of PVP game design experience.
You mean to say support get targeted the most and they hate it? Omg big surprise if you work on the game overwatch. Isnt it crazy how no one wants to play the hero role whose death assures the other teams victory at any given time? Youd have to be a genius to see how no one would enjoy running from death all game with little to stop it and no one to help. Good call with the 5v5 instead of nerfing barriers lets just make one less tank to peel for supports and have no one want to play them cause unless you pick moira you are target practice.
Honestly though, maybe blizzard is providing jobs for those with mental handicaps and giving back to the community. I cant see any intelligent design in ow2 directed towards supports what-so-ever…
That’s over-simplistic. Commercial design is a two-way street. You can design a game that no one else wants to play if you like, but using a million-dollar budget to do that tends to be a bad idea.
Well, tbh, Im a flex player, but I hate the support players in OW 2. Used to be dps, but supports managed to be worst, cause they just refuses to heal most of t he time. Doesnt matter if its qp or comp, if you or your friend isnt on support queu, theres no heals the whole match.
I usually report them a lot nowadays
Unfortunately correct, OW1 enforced (at least on a QP level) the mentality that supports=healers as a class. This is why a lot of content creators (or at least the ones I watch anyway) have to repeatedly tell people on stream or during videos that support isn’t only healing.
5v5 as a format has freed me from that idea though. So now instead of trying to pay attention to my team and keep everyone topped up as much as possible I’m very selective of who I heal and when and honestly it feels great. If I wanted to focus heavily on healing I’d either play Mercy or Brig.
But there’s a reason why Zen was my main support in OW1 and now in OW2 I flip between Bap and Kiriko. I like being able to do more. I like having more responsibility and capabilities.
T traps be wildin’
yeah so basically you play like a selfless girl. im more hedonistic.
I don’t know why you’re making this personal, when I’m only telling you what does and doesn’t work at higher ranks.
im not sure why you think i made it personal, im just saying i dont play like a chick >_>
Congrats on admitting you’re abusing the report function.
I know you’re lying because you’re talking about ‘not getting healed’ instead of ‘the support had more DPS than healing.’ More likely you’re just not getting healed because you ran off on your own or you’re dying so fast that nothing could save you, let alone a support.
This is why I don’t leave the house
You say the coast is clear
But you won’t catch me out
Oh, why? This is why
You literally said “you play like a chick”, directed as if that applied to me.
It’s also complete nonsense; that’s how Mercys play at higher ranks in general. Bringing up gender is just dumb.
i didn’t do that, no offense to you at all. my bad.
I don’t even use the I need healing command on genji. (Unless I’m behind them on 1hp) The line just makes me cringe. I’ll just jump into line of sight
They can handle it im sure. According to the forums, moira does a couple million damage per game. Im pretty sure the support can handle the winston.
Tell more about that lol. Want some hug, muffing?
We can press tab now, so…yeah! I don’t need to feed to see how much healing numbers he has. If they’re healing everyone else but me, than should be showing on the number LMAO
The problem that the OP describes is very common, and makes playing this game as a support almost unbearable.
Proposed fix: What if they added another class. Something that is sort of like a tank, but a little less tanky and more brawly, with the maneuverability to reach the healers in the backline and help them out when they’re under attack, and then return to the frontline as needed to assist the main tank?
Of course, this would necessitate a 6th player on the team, but I think that would probably be worth having someone to fill this vital role, so that team fights don’t always turn into a chaotic free-for-all where healers have to fend for themselves and dps never gets the heals they need.
Maybe in Overwatch 3…
Sounds like bronze 5 issue
Won’t mind being like that, as long as it works.
If that playerbase demographic existed. But it doesn’t.