You owe DPS and Tanks heals at all costs but

…they don’t owe you a darn thing!!

Thus, there’s nothing wrong with them running away and leaving you with a 1 v 2, or ignoring a diving Winston.

I’d like to think I’m being sarcastic but this is about spot on. DPS and Tanks appear to live by the mantra “You work for me so I can play. If I die because I over extend, its because you suck. If you die because you can’t 1 v 2 or 1v 3, its because you suck! If I die because I can’t 1 v 1, again its because you suck!”

I’m sure theres some of you Tanks and DPS who dont live by this, but its only like 1,000 of you out of literally 35 Million.

This is why supports hate you.


This is why the game would probably be a lot less toxic to Supports if Tank/DPS had some out-of-combat regen.

Also probably get rid of Support’s out-of-combat regen, and a lot of their selfheals. And replace it with healshares (I.e. Healing a teammate gives Supports health). So that Supports heal teammates for selfish reasons, not just objectives/altruistic reasons. (Which also makes it easier to give Supports more dueling capability without them YOLOing into the enemy backline constantly)


This would make Baptiste an insanely strong duelist. This change would basically allow Baptiste to deal M1 damage, heal AND self-heal from M2, and also self-heal with E. As long as he positioned to always have at least one teammate somewhere in M2 range, Bap could basically kill every single squishy on the enemy team.

Everybody kills in a Class Based Shooter.

And Overwatch is a variant on Class Based Shooters.

Also they can scale the selfheal as needed.


Support trade crazy damage based abilities for kits that can impact the game in other ways while keeping people alive. What happens when the only downside of support aka less damage doesn’t exist while they keep game changing abilities/ults?


Nothing much, in Role Queue. You can’t have more than 2 Supports per team.

But they might need some rough adjustment modifier in Open Queue.

They basically aren’t going to get Supports anywhere near as popular as DPS in Role Queue, unless they are Overpowered in Open Queue.


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Any healers that can both attack and heal at the same time would be objectively better than ones who only do either-or, because they would be able to play more aggressively.

Any amount of self-heal would be a net improvement over none to an aggressive DPS-Support. The only way you could avoid that is by reducing the self-healing numbers to a degree where they wouldn’t really provide much benefit in the first place.

I love that support change.

It plays more into the mindset of the typical gamer, selfish AF. :grinning:

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Or make it so the more damaging Supports don’t have selfheals, only healshares.

Where as the less damaging Supports have selfheals, and healshares.

Well also, if they wanna fix queue times, the “Type of Fun” Supports need is primarily “Fun” that appeals to DPS/Tank players.

So this would mean what for Brig?

She probably stays as-is since durability is kinda her thing.

I think they need to redefine the roles for a shooter.

It’s no coincidence that DPS is popular, and now FAT DPS is also popular… why not make DPS that can heal the 3rd option.

Just give the actual DPS a good role passive to make them a useful part of the team (anti heal would be my idea… but not 100%, just maybe 20%… to encourage focus fire and teamwork)

Tanks - tank
DPS - debuff
Supp - heal

And they ALL do good damage and can duel each other.

Interesting. So rather than the game being modeled around Rein, Tracer and Mercy…

It’d be modeled around Orisa, Sombra and Zenyatta.


Stop enabling the feeding tanks and dps by being a healbot.

Do some damage, provide speed buffs, suzu debuffs, etc. Tanks and dps complaining about not getting heals while running into bullets are bad, full-stop. Don’t listen to them their input isn’t helpful in the slightest.

Literally let them die, maybe they’ll learn how to avoid damage and get health packs.


NO! No no no. No. No no.

This is a TEAM BASED GAME. This isn’t Call of Duty. This isn’t Valorant. This is Overwatch. You work with your team, or die and lose. Simple as that.

If DPS and Tanks had out of combat regen, that would only ENFORCE the solo play of those players. And to hell with them. Get them out of my matches.

Also you have out of combat regen. Its called “HEALTH PACKS” if you don’t know how to manage your position to not get you killed cause you’re over extended, then you don’t need to be where you are.


Oh, and another mechanic if that’s not “selfish enough” they could make it so that Supports get less Ult charge from damage, and more Ult charge from healing.

“im a support who did my job, why am i not getting endless thank yous? i never thank the tank or dps, its always ME! why wont they come to ME for heals?”

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The devs keep trying to shove an MMORPG system down the throats of FPS players and wonder why it didn’t work.

You would think they would learn they have different mind sets among genres.

FPS players want to pew-pew.

I don’t mind Mercy and Rein being in the game though.