I answered the question.
they just dont want to deal with the crappy teamwork.
I answered the question.
they just dont want to deal with the crappy teamwork.
Are you referring to people who are currently in the DPS/Tank roles, or existing Support players?
oh my god. DUDE YES. SUPPORT IS FUN. People WANT to play it, but the lack of teamwork drives people away. How many damn times do i have to say yes, holy hell.
Which people.
Existing Support players, or existing DPS/Tank players.
This is how I always tackle it. EVERYONE has a job to do… SO DO IT!
I don’t think Valk should reset the cooldown, that would basically give her two rezzes back to back when played right. That’s a little too strong imo. However, I agree with the rest. Making rez instant in Valk is one way to bring it from an F tier ult to at least a C tier.
One idea I’ve heard that I really like is making her ult do more of an AOE heal like Lucio without needing her staff so she can focus on using her pistol. Or they could simply boost her healing numbers during Valk because right now they’re pretty garbage.
A lot of dps and tanks i’ve played with play a lot of support but complain about the teamwork. Stop asking. I’m not going to say ‘no’ cause its not true.
She’s pretty weak right now, and she’s got to stack up her Utility against heroes like Ana/Bap, that both have huge heals, good/great damage, and very strong utility.
So if they want to stop playing DPS/Tank and play Support instead, why do we have a queue times problem?
I feel like you’re denying reality here, because it’s inconvenient for your argument.
A lot of dps and tanks i’ve played with play a lot of support but complain about the teamwork.
Can I make it bolder for you?
So what if the teamwork isn’t ever going to change. That they basically have the playerbase they have, and what new players they are likely to get will be coming primarily from FPS games like Valorant/Apex/TeamFortress2.
Since it sure sounds like a “No” to me, if you don’t assume we can just brainwash the vast majority of the playerbase, to change what they like to do in a shooter game.
This is why I’m currently missing Mei usually hang around my Ana or Zen but they can’t fix bugs quickly
Then those solo-mentality players can leave. Bye. Leave behind the people that want to attempt to work together.
It wasn’t this bad till OW2 went free to play and brought in your average player.
It was bad in OW1, but not THIS bad.
Then those solo-mentality players can leave. Bye. Leave behind the people that want to attempt to work together.
It wasn’t this bad till OW2 went free to play and brought in your average player.
It was bad in OW1, but not THIS bad.
Or, wild concept. They design the game around the playerbase they have, or are likely to get.
And let the rest of the people who are in the extreme minority, either adapt, or quit.
I think the devs would greatly prefer having 5% of their players be unhappy, rather than making 80% of their players unhappy.
Especially if that 5% would also cause them to lose anywhere between 20-50% of their current&potential playerbase, due to bad queue times, and a lopsided weak matchmaker.
No dude. Thats not how game design works. You make the game you want to make and the players play it. Or they don’t.
To hell with game devs that build their game around what the community thinks. The community is 99% idiots.
I’m done here. We are off topic.
No dude. Thats not how game design works.
Where do you get your concept of game design where “Design the Game around a playerbase you will never have” makes sense?
Go to collage for game design and programming and help release a couple games, then come back.
This is a TEAM BASED GAME. This isn’t Call of Duty. This isn’t Valorant. This is Overwatch. You work with your team, or die and lose. Simple as that.
if only all the players in the game understood and knew this .one can wish this will be a reality one day
Go to collage for game design and programming and help release a couple games, then come back.
I’ve guessed most the major design features this game has had in the last 2 years, as well as the near specifics of balance changes for Roadhog and Mei.
I also got about 40 changes into a game called PlanetSide, including how all the 40 or so base/warpgate links are structured, with emails back and forth with their executive producer. I also wrote an installer that the devs later copied that pulled in +30,000 downloads in a community led marketing campaign.
And previous to that I wrote a server modification for TRIBES called Shifter_v1G, that had about 40 servers running it, and ran in tournaments for 2 years with about 30 team.
What you got?
I already told you if you’d read, but considering how many times you asked me one question because you didn’t get the answer you wanted, you’re just part of the 99%