You owe DPS and Tanks heals at all costs but

They already do. Its been like that for ages.

Are Paladins and Gundam not team based games that are extremely similar to Overwatch?

Because all characters have out-of-combat regen in those games.

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hi im a forum poster who plays a random kids game, why wont the entire 5 person team work like a well oiiled combat unit?

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9/10 the tanks and DPS never come to the aid of the healers, so no, you get no thank yous.


The majority of support are dps that can heal and people who heal bot in ow2 aren’t playing correctly.

  • Bap - 2 burst squishies if your bursts land in the head.
  • Ana - 3 shot squishies and if you’re following up teammate chip generally 2 shots
  • Zen - Main job is to damage and focus fire
  • Moira - Deal damage to fuel your heals
  • Kiriko - Really good 140 burst dmg on headshot
  • Lucio - Can close in on people out of position/weak to finish them off and his hs damage is alright
  • Brig - Swing swing swing swing
  • Mercy - Basically only support that will spend 95% of the game pocketing
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When you figure out how to do that, please let us all know.

They’re also Chinese knockoffs that are just about dead in the water. AND are generally unfun to play.

i dunno man, mercys pistol can wipe a lot of squishies. i can kill bastion, widowmaker, and even hanzo many times.

That’s the 5% where you might as well just pull out pistol and finish people off or catch a widow with valk

You can do it to 3 people a week.

Well the specific “type of fun” they need for Supports is things that are “Fun” for DPS Tanks.

Because the only way you solve queue times, is primarily by converting DPS/Tank players into Support players.

And the “Type of Game” isn’t going to matter if it gets strangled to death by bad queue times, bad matchmaker and bleeding off more and more Support players.

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Which is kind of the problem.

Mercy is the support who is most underperforming right now, especially at extremely low ranks. And probably because she’s the one who has the least pew-pew.

Doesn’t seem to have changed much.

no i mean whenever im not healing i can go on a rampage with mercy. most mercy just heal only and sit idle inbetween, im always firing inbetween and got respectable dps numbers, but still dont let anyone die. squishies cannot regen so you should be using your pistol on mercy as well.

The issue is in the current game peeling isnt rewarding, there was a game in gibraltor we were holding the third defense hard by holding the enemy in spawn, i was on genji fresh of a 4 k and constantly me and winston were getting picks on the enemy team, i saw from the corner of my eye their genji going into our backline, immediately i dashed to save our zen, i got their genji to 1 but zen was dead, our winston had to retreat without me in a few secs we lost the point despite me getting their moira afterward cause i caused our winston to retreat and their orissa was pushing.

Here the ideal play was to sacrifice the zen and we could have gone after their backline and kept the pressure position.

Is it fair to the zen Nope but its what it is currently.

peeling doesnt help.

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Both those games have a better ideas of how to make a hero shooter.

They simply lack:

Art staff (quality)
Map design
Overall polish


Supports really need fight winning kits like anti nade, sleep, immort or they’re just not that viable to climb with at those ranks. Mercy has rez and that won’t matter much if the person you rez is terrible. They’re already reworking moira to have some utility which I’m happy to see.

I wish it would show your damage boosted in the scoreboard or at least somewhere. Damage boosting is powerful and most teams dont understand that.

Eh it really depends on the rank and what kind of team you’re facing off against. You’re usually better off damage boosting someone behind cover unless the enemy team actually can’t aim at all. I suppose if your own team can’t aim you could whip out the pistol, but at that point you’re better off switching to someone like Bap, Zen, or Kiriko

you got some hard victim mentality friend

The problem with comparing damage boosting to damage is that if you’re the one dealing damage yourself, you have complete control. If you’re damage boosting teammates, but they can’t kill anything, then the boost is good for stats inflation and nothing else.

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