You overbuffed Tracer

Had a game with the enemy tracer spawn camping our healers and they died every time they left the spawn…

You mean, Tracer doing what she was able to do before the buff?
Also I hope you mean healer without the ‘s’, because i’d question how good your healers were to get 1v2’d…

Also where was your team? So many questionable things about this, I wonder if its just someone recklessly making claims here… :thinking:


for me. i get triggered too much when playing tank.

i run in and my team is waiting at the choke, i dive but no one backs me up. thats just me. my salty is way higher as tank. i’m pretty chill as DPS and semi salty as healer.

every meta has been determined by the tanks with few exceptions. it is the most impactful role. but that doesn’t make it the most fun.


Because they’re bad. It’s as simple as that.

We’re two hours into the patch and people are already declaring she’s OP lol


I mean you can spawn camp on a whole host of heroes…
I’m not saying Tracer needed the buff, I think she was perfectly balanced before, but spawn camping is just not the best example when literally any dps can do that.

If only there was a hero made to keep Tracer in her place. De ja vu.


Yeah people just automatically know how to play the meta when it shifts?

It sounds like you’re basing your opinion off of a single game that you had today, don’t you think that’s not nearly enough data to support your argument? I think so.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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Seems legit. A Tracer, as most DPS should be able to do that.
Why you guys didn’t helped your Healers?


I think she’s in a good spot now.

lol? any DPS?

she can do dmg to you, jump into a health pack, and come back, then do more dmg, and recall and heal to full.

how many heros out there can jump in and out healing and doing dmg?


Let’s not forget how Tracer has basically no recoil and when she’s firing into a tank she lands all the clips easy. How much ult change does she get off that?

Once you’re on target just hold down the button


Tracer has to be in the tank’s face to do that. Why is no one helping the tank get her off?

She definitely does not. Especially with this buff. She gets a great amount of ult charge from them too.


Almost no one in Overwatch has recoil.

I don’t engage tanks from 13m away. There’s no incentive to doing this, so falloff is rarely relevant to my fights with tanks (or anyone else for that matter). Maybe the buff will benefit less aggressive Tracer players though.

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Yes she does.

Play a game with her right now and report back with your results.

They never learn with Tracer. Like Doom, a little change goes a long way, expect this to last about 2-3 months with her until a nerf. Until then we have to suffer punks in OWL gear all thinking they are pro taking Tracer… sickening.


D.Va doesn’t like to share? :smirk:

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Good bye. No one will miss the boosted moiras :joy:


What exactly did the dev not learn by leaving Tracer in the dumpster for 1.5 straight years? What lessons were supposed to have been derived from this inaction?

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Sounds like your team’s fault for not helping your supports get back :slight_smile:

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