Brig can acctuly still work
Exactly, her lack of actual resources mean she won’t be able to heal players after the actual fight when they come to her for heals, because there is no way for her to regen resources and her orb is now fairly unwieldy.
In owl level, it might not be the issue since people know how to stack for heals. In ladder however, despite how much you want to heal, the ball that rolls towards you on critical health won’t even get half of his HP back and the best call would be to just not heal him at all so you have resources for next fight, as it won’t be guaranteed you’d be able to regen any when the fight begins if they have a shield. But not topping off the ball asap plus get your own ulti is also a lose-lose scenario and it has nothing to do with not having enough skills to gain resources properly, it’s just lack of.
What kind of balance designer thought not giving her passive resource gain a boost and cutting her HOT heal was a good idea? It just makes Moira have tons and tons of downtime where she’s incapable of actually healing when the fight is over, regardless of your skill and you cannot force your team to ever coordinate to stack for heals and by not healing, she cannot gain her ulti charge and her secondary healer (more or less offhealer) needs to top everyone off. It’s the brigitte syndrome all over again where you get to stare at dying teammates with no repair pack and no inspire, except with even more lacking resources.
But other main healers don’t got this issue, the worst issue Ana, Mercy and Bap face when topping off players after the fight is literally just Ana and Bap needing to maybe reload and use their cooldowns lol. Moira’s main healer duty got a huge shaft in this nerf. Main healer cannot afford to be “not able to heal their team”.
Double shield refers to Orisa Sigama
You expect me to believe he’s seeing Winston Reinheart combo every game?
I hadn’t even considered that, seeing as they don’t advertise which patch they are running.
GM players may be able to use moira but random quickplay player or lower ladder player or even arcade player? I don’t foresee it happening, people won’t coordinate and Moira shouldn’t need to be in voice comms just to be able to heal like every single other main healer can.