You know those people who say matchmaking is rigged?

Or that I was playing when they changed it so know that, I also know you can only duo in GM

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More reasonably, they’ve reached their maximum utility output while playing into their counters.

Then you aren’t counter swapping enough or you’ve peaked in performance and need to evaluate your gameplay.

I’ve boosted multiple accounts from Bronze/silver/gold to Diamond multiple times. Games not rigged. People’s mentality is.

Read through this article first and follow WyomingMysts reference to Kaawambas post.


yup i didnt boost any accounts but i played comp when i was new, stopped playing for like a year because i didnt like it, went back to comp after like 500 qp hours, then climbed from gold to mid master. the game thought i was gold but i climbed out of it easily. my qp experience got me better (not even joking lol, its an underrated place to practice, because you get worst case scenario, you gotta get used to unorganized teams)


I climbed from diamond to GM Extremely quickly at end of season, so got placed back in diamond to then go back to GM fairly fast, if I can literally do it twice anyone can climb


I’ve climb from Bronze to Platinum in one season, does that count? :smirk:


yup exactly. i think i actually could of gone higher than mid masters but i stopped while i was still climbing because i had this super toxic game and it put me off comp entirely lol.

also was this console or PC? you’ve never really clarified if ur a pc or console player.

That is because your account hasn’t been hard stuck. You gain much more sr with account that have never played before. This is the whole reason why ppl smurf.

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just stop making excuses. its possible to climb, accept that its your problem, focus on your own gameplay, and you will climb.

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Having an old account makes it harder, but not impossible, usually it becomes an issue of your placements send you back a lot but that’s about it


but my main account is silver border and i climbed fine.

Same…. I started off in bronze, got hard stuck in gold (5 seasons), got hard stuck platinum (5 seasons). Once I hit Diamond, I honestly stopped playing competitive except for doing my seasonal placements.

After 6 months of scrims I went back to comp and hit Masters in like 55 games (including wins/losses).

Good…. Stay away from this practice. I’ve done it but I honestly don’t agree with it.


Oh no, I’m with you!!

Quick play has an MMR and if you grind Quick play (I’m definitely a quick playe try-hard) you start to only get matched against higher Elo players.

If you’re already Diamond it makes it easier. My QP game’s pretty much only consistent of high platinum, Diamond and masters players, UNLESS it’s outside of normal hours (like 2 am or something).

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That was on console, I’ve never really gotten into ranked on pc but I scrim around GM so I’m sure if I put the time into ranked I could

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That is how the game works and ppl are exploiting that. You are the one making excuses.

you’re literally saying that the matchmaking is the reason you aren’t climbing, and im the one making excuses?


Nobody has exposed it, if you want to go and put together a spreadsheet showing how the enemy team gets better players when you win etc you can do that and present it, just saying nah I can’t climb game bad isn’t exposing anything

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Of course its rigged, that’s how the matchmaking system works?

You start winning, your SR goes up and the system puts you in teams of better players. When the other players are better, your personal impact is lessened - you cant “carry” anymore. That means there’s a higher chance of you losing.

When you start losing, your SR goes down and your chance of carrying goes up, so you get a win streak.

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i’d often get put into games with like 4.2k ashe mercy duos and id have to fight them off. it was a fun challenge, and often i actually did it! i feel like this helped me climb so much, especially since i didnt have a coordinated team behind me, i was all on my own.

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Incorrect…. My old main account that I started out in bronze on is a gold bordered account.

I hit Diamond on an alt account that I got, when I was gold, to practice different heroes.

Once you hit Diamond once, your mental tenacity is more capable of enduring the things that normally set you off.

Mental matters.

I once climbed a gold bordered account from 13xx to 2371 in exactly 20 games.

If you truly don’t belong in a rank, PBSR will push you out faster.

I can average 50 SR per game on old accounts in low Elo.



Lol…. I get rolled in a lot of my QP games because I’m definitely “just” a 3.4-3.6 player.

Playing at 3.6 is me playing out of my mind…. My room has to be a certain temperature, I have to be hydrated, can’t be hungry….

Requires all my focus because that’s definitely my limit. I could push higher but I have no desire to commit that kind of time to be GM. I’m happy at Masters.

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From experience I can say this is untrue

My Support was 2600 in Season 24 and I was 3700 the next
My DPS was always 2500 and then I was 3050

My Tank winrate was usually around 55% or up so makes sense why I climbed