You have got to be kidding me with the new Experimental Card

Moira was always the worst support because she exclusively healed and nothing else.

Supports are not and should not be healbots.

Ok, first, I’m masters.

Second, it was unclear if you meant that people in my rank do group up when in yours they don’t or viceversa, same going for bubbling, etc.

Third, you’re misunderstanding me. I’m literally telling to not land on them. By landing “over them” I mean at a higher altitude than theirs: in a roof, far above them, on high ground, similar things.

So yes, I understand people quickly react at you when you ult straight on top of them. Which is why I’ve been trying to tell you since my first post that you should not ult on them. Hopefully I’ve made myself clear now.

i’ve tried rollout ults SO MANY TIMES it doesn’t work again the only thing keeping from them being useful is his abilities not being so loud and so obvious.

They will, much to the delight of Genji players and the dismay of everyone else.

I believe that blade damage should’ve been reduced further, to 90-100


Hog also got a buff. Wrecking Ball got some good changes as well as a nerf.

Moira also got one (albeit tiny).

I don’t disagree that this patch ain’t it, but you also neglected the other changes and focused on the DPS, and tried to push a “DPS get everything they want” narrative.


my main question is you know op is trolling right?

then his ult would be hot garbage outside of nanoblade and decent during which
edit : actually not it would just be easy to outheal

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Oh really? I didn’t know.

Well, if the whole point of changes is to “shift power away from blade and into his base kit” like people have been sling for… :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see him being a problem to be honest, they are lowering his survivability a tad to compensate for more damage, and him not having any burst damage outside of Helix, plus as the developers said

“though with the recent reductions to his damage falloff at long range, it’s reasonable to increase his damage output once again”

and it will also makes his ultimate better than just use it to spray down a Mercy or Lucio.

His survivability is not going to change with 5 HP/s, come on now.

His DPS against bigger hitboxes is what I’m worried about.

It seems like a big change to him in my eyes, it reduces the gain from the field by 25 hp, so you won’t gain full health from it anymore, and his DPS isn’t changing all too much either besides his ultimate, a full clip does 600 at 20 per shot, 570 at 19, assuming you hit all of your shots, so it’s enough to take down Orisa’s shield without Helix.

It’s over 170 DPS before crits and since the recoil change anyone with a modicum of FPS experience can turn that into a laser beam.

And that would be fine if the game were in a good spot TTK-wise but it isn’t, so it’s just another straw in the already broken camel’s back.

We already checked the breakpoints. It doens’t change much

Huh? McCree, Ashe, Doomfist, Hanzo, Junk, Echo, Pharah, Tracer, Torb, Sombra,, Monkey, Zarya??? How are none of these threats to Genji?

She’s still a fine hero into him, and in her niche.

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This is why I dont check forums.
Roadhog was one of, if not the worst tank by a long margin, and tracer is absolute meta, so this buff is completely needed.
Both genji and doomfist have been absolutely trash, like garbage, literally, and this won’t even help them that much. Nano isn’t genji’s ability and even if it was, it doesn’t one shot brig anymore, so why don’t you ult, stun, boop him and shut yo mouff up?
Doomfist is nowhere even close to unkillable, a VERY popular and strong dps called McRightClick can just stun him and he’s dead but, you’re a ps4 player, so i don’t think you’ll have a team that has a brain anyways (including you)
Moira is literally the support with the most healing output in the game, which means she is a support, and both ball and roadhog are absolute tanks. Also if you think offtanks aren’t tanks then why is zarya on that 3 man list that doesn’t make sense?
Also yeah, blizzard doesn’t balance the game out of the average player, because if the game is balanced for the actual skilled player, it’s balanced and period. If they balanced it for dumbasses like you then pharah, junkrat, echo and pretty much 90% of the whole roster wouldn’t exist, and/or everyone would have 300 hp, deal 300 dps and heal 300 hps. The game isn’t as broken as you think it is, and one damage is not gonna break it, grow up, get better, there’s a reason grandmasters are grandmasters and not stuck on plat like you are. People like you are the reason i stopped playing this game, you probably go on FFA, play moira, get 19 kills and call everyone in the lobby trash.


don’t forget moira, the “dps character”

4.4k peak combined here. Just wanted to share some of my thoughts on this as I’ve put a lot of time into every hero (minus brig and orisa, but still over 80 hours each so I’ve got a fair understanding of their kits and playstyles), but I’ll mainly be talking about your points on Doom here.

First off; on DF/genji in Arcade modes. Arcade is meant as a fun, and especially in Total Mayhem’s case, more chaotic form of Overwatch. Or at the very least a different form of the game. If you truly have an issue with Doom’s in TM, play Zarya. One of the strongest heroes in that game mode, and also mostly negates doom’s pressure on a target because of her bubble cool down times vs doom’s cool downs. Or play Brig, shield bash/flail is in the same boat, and you can rotate the two to smack him away, and then stun him even if he immediately reengages. Run McCree, another often pick, to run in tandem with Zar or Brig, and you’ve got stuns and bubbles for days to totally mitigate his value in TM.

As for Doom in Comp. I was a gold/plat warrior for a long time, so I’m not coming from a place of only having experienced masters/gm OW. Doom is a spammable character in low ranks, yes, and no one will disagree with you on that, and that’s why he can even get value in low ranks. However, this is coupled with the fact that gold doom’s don’t really have the map awareness or the cool down management to get in, get out effectively, and either take away a lot of their teams resources to save them, or just die after maybe getting a pick. Thus meaning IF the doom can get a pick, it’s 5v5 more often than not, and it’s still an even game.

For Diamond and up, doom’s have to actually put more time into learning a map than nearly any other hero. Learning diag punch spots, kill spots, 125 slam spots, whether to engage with punch or seismic depending on where they are on the map, and WHO they are diving in relation to their position on the map. Good MS landing spots, whether that’s to set up immediately for a seismic in, or a spot to reset, get a health pack/call for heals, and then re-engage.

Sometimes even with all of that knowledge, if a same-rank McCree or Brig has your number, it’s tough to get value on your own, and you’ll often have to rely on teammates and their resources for you to get value. Which then makes you an expensive character to play. Having to take your Zar’s friendly bubble whenever you engage is a big resource loss, especially defensively because then she can’t use it to protect a support or protect their Rein so he can hold a position longer while asserting pressure while waiting for his shield to recharge.

Having to use your cooldowns, plus 1-3 of your teammate cooldowns just to potentially get a pick or two without immediately being sent back to spawn is costly, but is worthwhile if your DF picks a target that’s a good trade off for that, like their main heals, or even just knocking one of their tanks away from the team and having them isolated in a bad position means for an easy collapse-on-and-kill for your team.

This was sort of messily and very quickly written while I’m on break at work, so if anything is poorly written, I apologize, but feel free to respond/ask questions and I’ll get back to them when I’m out.

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sky isnt falling yet, lets see what happens down the road and on the ladders. hitscan has had their time to shine now maybe some other dps will get theirs

maybe i should learn to play genji a little, been putting that off for some time now. get into a ninja groove

i mean, symmetra has been struggling since release, but other than sym, pretty much nobody i think

agreed, overwatch is pretty balanced rn compared to before, and while there are obviously characters that are stronger than others and op same goes to the underpowered characters, it’s still pretty balanced overall, and kinda fun to play after a break. I can’t see myself playing it consistently though, since it kinda gets boring after a few days, but it’s still pretty fun sometimes.

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